HFG Newsletter – GossIP December 2022

Can you believe it's the end of 2022? Another year passed and we have many cases for this December issue, related to IP in China and Asia.
China Intellectual Property

 Can you believe it's the end of 2022? Another year passed and we have many cases for this December issue, related to IP in China and Asia.

We analyze the "Blue Sky" project in the year 2019 was originally aimed at regulating illegal and unlawful practices in the patent agency industry, then tell you a story about a Family Wonton Noodles trademark battle in Singapore.

Back to the China Trademark law, we know that in China you can't register as trademark names of any administrative division at or above Country level or the name of any foreign place known by the public. However, there are exceptions. The recent case of the "米兰" (Mi-Lan) trademark  is a good example.

Speaking about Singapore, the recent decision issued by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore confirmed that while slogans are often used in advertisements, however it is not simple to create an exclusive right on them. Slogans are lacking the basic requirement of distinctiveness as an  indication of trade origin that is required for trademark registration. Read what happened to "Party like Gatsby"!

We also have a copyright case: the infringement of the reproduction of the storyline and composition layout of three volumes of picture books written by Maurice Willems (Pen Name Mo Willems).

LV stands for a relative called "Lopez-Vito': As weird as it could sound, this is one of the arguments that a Manila-based business owner used to win an opposition moved by Louis Vuitton.

Recently, the Beijing High People's Court ruled an invalidation case which confirmed the invalidation against the trademark "Tommycrown" based on its similarity with Tommy Hilfiger.

The last article deals with Advertisement law: Celebrities and influencers in China will have to pay attention to "the Guidelines on Further Regulating Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising" issued by 7 State authorities which became effective recently.

At the end of this year, we wish you a very warm, white, wonderful vacation and a New Year full of sparkling joy.

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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