Raise your hand who doesn't love chocolate! And if you find your beloved, crunchy and creamy Ferrero Rocher at a discounted price, how not to buy it in bulk? The problem is, you cannot then repackage it and sell it for profit.
The second article deals with a complicated case concerning the protection of a non-registered trademark in China, while the third one discusses the practice of Pei Huo, a marketing strategy used to select consumers and to request potential consumers to show loyalty before being enabled to buy iconic products.
You can read how China now requires signing Good Faith Commitment when applying for Well-Known Trademark protection in trademark disputes, after many companies have tried to obtain the recognition of well-known trademark by filling with fake evidence.
Let's then take you to learn about the main legislation of personal information protection in China: started with the establishment of principles and directions applicable to network security (with the Cybersecurity Law in 2017), it's now proceeding with the principles established by the Data Security Law (DSL) and will then be completed with the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) recently set to come into effect on 1st November this year.
We added one more article to finish as we started, with a touch of sweetness: the truth about the Magnum incident and the explanation of the legal grounds for the production of ice cream in China.
Enjoy the end of summer and keep reading!
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