On November 9th, Tencent News published an article on Huawei recently suing car maker Stellantis, U.S. e-commerce company Amazon, router maker Netgear and Internet router provider AVM in a German court for infringement of its patent rights.
Huawei has filed lawsuits against Stellantis in Mannheim and Munich, Germany, accusing Stellantis of infringement by using its patents for car navigation or software update functions, according to German media outlet Wirtschaftswoche. The report noted that Stellantis produced 6 million cars a year and that the dispute could involve up to hundreds of millions of euros in compensation.
Separately, Huawei filed a lawsuit against Netgear in Germany's Düsseldorf District Court, accusing the company of infringing on two Wi-Fi patents for its routers. Meanwhile Huawei has also accused Amazon of infringing its four WLAN patents used on the Echo speaker and Kindle in the district courts of Munich, Düsseldorf and Mannheim, Germany.
Furthermore, Huawei accused AVM of infringing two of its WLAN patents in the German District Court of Munich, and filed a lawsuit. AVM is reviewing the lawsuit examination.
Huawei stressed that the company is in constructive negotiations with most companies, such as the German automaker, and looks forward to reaching amicable agreements.
More information can be found here (in Chinese)
Originally published by Tencent News, November 9th, 2022
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