Webinar: Corporate Immigration - A Reality Check In China Post-Covid

Frank Hong, a legal expert on doing business in China is to present reforms of China's visa and residency permit regime against the backdrop of market access, technology development, economic recovery and national security.
Worldwide Employment and HR

Corporate immigration had been a legal topic on the fringe as far as China was concerned. That changed as a result of the uncertainties in the wake of Beijing's Covid-19 related restrictions.

As China emerged from the Dynamic Zero-Covid policy, the world, greatly impacted by the war in the heart of Europe and the confrontational competition across the Pacific, is searching for ways to re-engage China.

Corporate immigration is not just about submitting visa forms or getting passports stamped.

Frank Hong, a legal expert on doing business in China is to present reforms of China's visa and residency permit regime against the backdrop of market access, technology development, economic recovery and national security.

Risk managers, HR directors, C-level executives of major corporations, legal practitioners and entrepreneurs will learn doctrinal points and gain broader perspectives from this highly engaging webinar.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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