On 27 February 2024, the Supreme People's Court held a press conference to announce the official launch of the People's Court Case Database ("Case Database"). The website for accessing the Case Database is https://rmfyalk.court.gov.cn. Alternatively, users can click on the "People's Court Case Database" icon on the homepage of the official website of the Supreme People's Court.
The Case Database serves as a repository of authoritative cases that have undergone review by the Supreme People's Court and have been deemed to have reference and exemplary value for similar cases. It includes both guiding cases and reference cases.
To ensure consistent and informed judgements, the Supreme People's Court requires judges to utilize the Case Database when handling cases. By referring to similar cases within the database, judges can make well-informed decisions. This practice is crucial in promoting standardized judicial rules and standards, mitigating inconsistent judgments in similar cases, and ensuring the accurate and uniform application of the law.
The initial batch of the Case Database comprises a total of 3,711 cases. Among these, 42 cases pertain to labour disputes, including 8 guiding cases and 34 reference cases. These cases cover a range of topics, such as the payment of medical subsidies, the validity of an agreement on probation period for a second time, and the determination of competitive relationships.
Key Action Points
Employers can utilize the People's Court Case Database to research and understand relevant guiding cases and reference cases. This will help employers gain a better understanding of legal applications and judgement standards, providing valuable insights for legal risk assessment and decision-making.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.