China Monthly Antitrust & Data Protection Update - July 2021 | 中国反垄断与数据保护法律资讯 - 2021年7月

Recently, at the book launch ceremony of the editorial board of Twelve Years of Chinese Antitrust: Retrospect and Prospects, Zhang Qiong, the former head of the Expert Advisory Group of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of the State Council ...
China Antitrust/Competition Law

第一部分:反垄断 ANTITRUST



近日,在《中国反垄断十二年:回顾与展望》编委会新书发布仪式上,国务院反垄断委员会专家咨询组首任组长、原国务院法制办副主任张穹在仪式上介绍了《反垄断法》征求意见稿的八大主要修改,包括:一是认定互联网领域经营者具有市场支配地位,增加考虑网络效应、规模经济、锁定效应、掌握和处理相关数据的能力等因素。二是将强化竞争政策基础地位和公平竞争审查制度的相关内容写入征求意见稿,突出体现了完善社会主义市场经济体制、推动高质量发展的内在要求。三是关于提高反垄断法律体系的权威性,反垄断法律和执法、司法必须具有权威性、公信力。四是关于坚决打破行政垄断,增强调查和处罚力度。五是关于禁止组织、帮助达成垄断协议。六是关于主动调查涉嫌垄断的经营者集中。七是对反垄断执法机构的调查行为,必要时公安机关应当依法予以协助,以增强执法力度。八是关于大幅度提高罚款标准,特别是对垄断协议、违法集中等,都大幅提高了罚款标准。 1

Zhang Qiong Introduces Eight Major Draft Revisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law

Recently, at the book launch ceremony of the editorial board of Twelve Years of Chinese Antitrust: Retrospect and Prospects, Zhang Qiong, the former head of the Expert Advisory Group of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of the State Council and the former Deputy Director of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council introduced eight major draft revisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law, including (1) adding the determination of market dominance of operators in the Internet field, including factors such as network effect, economies of scale, lock-in effect, and the ability to collect and process relevant data; (2) adding the strengthening of the fundamental position of competition policy and the fair competition review system, highlighting the inherent requirement of improving the socialist market economy system and promoting high-quality development; (3) improving the authority of the anti-monopoly legal system, enhancing the authority and credibility of anti-monopoly laws and related law enforcement and judiciary system; (4) breaking administrative monopoly and enhancing investigation and punishment; (5) prohibiting the organizing and aiding of reaching monopoly agreements; (6) proactively investigating suspected monopolistic concentration of undertakings; (7) assistance of public security organs in the anti-monopoly enforcement; and(8)significantly increasing the standard of fines, especially for monopoly agreements and illegal concentrations.1


6月11日,国务院办公厅公开发布《国务院2021年度立法工作计划》,拟提请人大常委会审议反垄断法修正草案。 2

State Council's 2021 Legislative Plan: Draft Amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law to Be Submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for Consideration

On 11 June, the General Office of the State Council publicly released the State Council's 2021 Legislative Work Plan, which is to be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for consideration of the draft amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law.2


5月31日至6月1日,海南省六届人大常委会第二十八次会议在海口召开。由海南省市场监督管理局负责起草的《海南自由贸易港公平竞争条例(草案)》("《条例草案》")提请常委会会议进行初次审议。提请初次审议的《条例草案》共分为七章、三十六条,分为总则、公平竞争政策、公平竞争审查、影响公平竞争的行为、对影响公平竞争行为的调查、法律责任以及附则。 3

Draft Hainan Free Trade Port Fair Competition Regulation Submitted for Preliminary Review

From 31 May to 1 June, the twenty-eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth Session of Hainan Provincial People's Congress was held in Haikou. The Hainan Free Trade Port Fair Competition Regulation drafted by Hainan Administration for Market Regulation ("Draft Regulation") was submitted to the Standing Committee meeting for initial consideration. The Draft Regulation submitted for initial consideration encompasses seven chapters and thirty-six articles, including general provisions, fair competition policy, fair competition review, conduct affecting fair competition, investigation of conduct affecting fair competition, legal liability and miscellaneous.3

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