
DeHeng Law Offices


DeHeng Law Offices is one of the leading law firms providing comprehensive legal services. It was founded in 1993 as China Law Office and was renamed in 1995 as DeHeng Law Offices, reflecting the firm's evolution from an institution of the Ministry of Justice to rapid emergence as an independent, private law firm with 37 domestic and foreign branches and over 2,500 legal service professionals.
China Government, Public Sector



2018年7月26日,ICSID仲裁庭对Georg Gavrilovic and Gavrilovic d.o.o. v. Republic of Croatia (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/39)作出裁决。案件历时5年8个月的时间,仲裁庭对争端的诸多方面作出裁断。其中一个最为主要的争议方面,即为Georg Gavrilovic和Gavrilovic d.o.o.两原告是否进行了BIT(Croatia- Austria 1997)和ICSID公约所保护的"投资"。裁决中,仲裁庭对被告方(克罗地亚)援引的"Salini Test"进行了否定,支持了原告方的投资主张。此案一出,国际投资争端中的投资认定问题再次引起广泛关注。


投资可以是一个经济的概念、国内的概念,但是在国际投资实践中、在投资者与东道国之间发生争端后诉诸投资者--东道国争端解决机制(主要是投资仲裁)语境下,"投资"是一个特定的国际法概念,有特定的定义,以及相应的内涵和外延。更为重要的是,"投资"的认定是关乎东道国、投资者母国、投资者切身利益,因此也是国际组织、投资争端仲裁庭(仲裁员)、律师需要谨慎应对的一个问题。"投资"的范围,影响到东道国承担国际义务的范围,"涵盖投资" 1范围越广,东道国承担的对于投资者、投资者母国的国际义务越广。投资者进行的经济活动是否属于"涵盖投资",直接意味着其权益是否获得相关国际投资法的保障,其利益遭遇损害时投资者是否可以诉诸相关争端解决机制进行维权。投资争端仲裁庭(仲裁员),更是在争端解决程序中直接基于"投资"认定结论做出是否具备管辖权的裁定。因此,国际投资争端中,投资者的所谓投资行为是否属于相关投资法的"涵盖投资",是一个重要的、首当其冲的问题。


这里涉及一个更加上位的范畴,国际投资法的渊源。举例来说明,2017年6月21日立案的德国企业Hela Schwarz GmbH 在ICSID诉中国案2,后续的案件处理的主要法律依据是什么?




由此看来,东道国涉外投资法(national law)、双边投资协定(BIT,或者是贸易协定中的投资条款)、条约公约等,成为了投资者与东道国间国际投资争端中涉及的国际投资法的主要渊源。下一节,我们将从这几个法律渊源的文本中去挖掘国际投资的概念和定义。

也有观点认为,与国际投资争端直接相关的主要法律渊源有四类,除了双边(多边)投资协定、东道国法律、国际公法之外,还有相关方达成合意的规则或合约条款。 3






Article 9 Settlement of Disputes between Investors and one Contracting Party


(2) If the dispute cannot be settled within six months of the date when it has been raised by one of the parties in dispute, it shall, at the request of the investor of theother Contracting State, be submitted for arbitration.

(3) The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration under the Convention of 18 March 1965 on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States(ICSID), unless the parties in dispute agree on an ad-hoc arbitraltribunal to be established under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on the International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) or other arbitration rules.





在ICSID仲裁中,什么构成投资主要在两个法律渊源下进行考量:(1)、投资协定;(2)、《华盛顿公约》第25条。 4(同理,在非ICSID仲裁中,针对适用实体法逐一核对。)



Article 25

(1) The jurisdiction of the Centreshall extend to any legal dispute arising directly out of aninvestment, between a Contracting State (or any constituent subdivision or agency of a Contracting State designated to the Centreby that State) and a national of another Contracting State, which the parties to the dispute consent in writing to submit to the Centre.When the parties have given their consent, no party may withdraw itsconsent unilaterally.


第25条位于《华盛顿公约》第二章管辖首条。第25条将ICSID管辖的范围仅限于直接产生于投资的法律争端(legaldispute arising directly out of aninvestment),但公约对投资(investment)这个核心概念并没有给出定义。 5

在对投资(investment)无任何阐述下,公约赋予当事人充分的自由裁量,公约将何谓投资这个问题,留给了当事人商定合意,以及仲裁庭的最终辨析认定。 6当事人的商定合意,既可以是投资协定的形式,也可以是特许协议的形式。






the term"investment"means every kind of asset invested directly or indirectly by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party, and in particular, though not exclusively,includes:

(a) movable and immovable property and other property rights such as mortgages and pledges;

(b) shares,debentures,stockand any other kind of interest in companies;

(c) claims to money or to any other performance having an economic value associated with an investment;

(d) intellectual property rights, inparticular copyrights, patents and industrial designs, trade-marks,trade-names, technical processes, trade and business secrets,know-how and good-will;

(e)business concessions conferred by law or under contract permitted by law, including concessions to search for, cultivate, extract or exploit natural resources; any change in the form in which assets are invested does not affect their character as investments.

以上条约文本中的"every kind of asset"、"directly or indirectly"、"not exclusively,includes"等措辞,是资本输入国最大限度吸引外资、资本输出国最大限度保护对外投资的缔约意图在协调统一后的体现。



NAFTA Article 1139

investment means:

(a) an enterprise;

(b) an equity security of an enterprise;

(c) a debt security of an enterprise

(i) where the enterprise is anaffiliate of the investor, or

(ii) where the original maturity of the debt security is at least three years,

but does not include a debt security,regardless of original maturity, of a state enterprise;

(d) a loan to an enterprise

(i) where the enterprise is an affiliate of the investor, or

(ii) where the original maturity of the loan is at least three years,

but does not include a loan,regardless of original maturity, to a state enterprise;

(e) an interest in an enterprise that entitles the owner to share in income or profits of the enterprise;

(f) an interest in an enterprise that entitles the owner to share in the assets of that enterprise on dissolution, other than a debt security or a loan excluded from subparagraph (c) or (d);

(g) real estate or other property,tangible or intangible, acquired in the expectation or used for the purpose of economic benefit or other business purposes; and

(h) interests arising from the commitment of capital or other resources in the territory of a Party to economic activity in such territory, such as under

(i) contracts involving the presenceof an investor's property in the territory of the Party, includingturnkey or construction contracts, or concessions, or

(ii) contracts where remuneration depends substantially on the production, revenues or profits of an enterprise;

but investment does not mean,

(i) claims to money that arise solely from

(i) commercial contracts for the sale of goods or services by a national or enterprise in the territory of a Party to an enterprise in the territory of another Party, or

(ii) the extension of credit in connection with a commercial transaction,such as trade financing, other than a loan covered by subparagraph(d); or

(j) any other claims to money,

that do not involve the kinds of interests set out in subparagraphs (a) through (h).



美国BIT范本经历了1983年版、1984年版、1987年版、1991年版、1992年版、1994年版、2004版年,以及2012年版等,多次迭代发展。"投资特征(characteristicsof an investment)要求"和"注释修正"是2004年版本以及后期范本的突出特征。其后,美国也基于新版本范本签署了BIT。


2012 U.S. Model BIT Article1

"investment" means every asset that an investor owns or controls, directly orindirectly, that has the characteristics of an investment, including such characteristics as the commitment of capital or other resources, the expectation of gain or profit, or the assumption of risk. Forms that an investment may take include:

(a)  an enterprise;

(b)  shares, stock, and other forms of equity participation in an enterprise;

(c)  bonds, debentures, other debt instruments, and loans;

(d)  futures, options, and other derivatives;

(e)  turnkey, construction,management, production, concession, revenue-sharing, and other similar contracts;

(f)  intellectual property rights;

(g)  licenses, authorizations,permits, and similar rights conferred pursuant to domestic law;and

(h) other tangible or intangible,movable or immovable property, and related property rights, such asleases, mortgages, liens, and pledges.


1.Some forms of debt, such as bonds,debentures, and long-term notes, are more likely to have the characteristics of an investment, while other forms of debt, such asclaims to payment that are immediately due and result from the saleof goods or services, are less likely to have such characteristics.

2.Whether a particular type of license, authorization, permit, or similar instrument (including aconcession, to the extent that it has the nature of such aninstrument) has the characteristics of an investment depends on such factors as the nature and extent of the rights that the holder has under the law of the Party. Among the licenses, authorizations,permits, and similar instruments that do not have the characteristics of an investment are those that do not create any rights protected under domestic law. For greater certainty, the foregoing is without prejudice to whether any asset associated with the license,authorization, permit, or similar instrument has the characteristics of an investment.

3.The term "investment" does not include an order or judgment entered in a judicial or administrative action.




前文所述开放式、封闭式、综合式,是投资协定对投资进行定义的模式之分。在模式之下,还有其他较多的细节方面,亦同等重要。如,投资定义有基于财产(asset)的定义和基于企业(enterprise)的定义之分,将在权益内容、国内法的适用、控诉主体等方面形成较大差异。又如,"ownsor controls"的要求,到底是要拥有多少数量、或是达成何种控制?才成为成立投资与否的分水岭。再如,"(ownsor controls,)directlyor indirectly",其中允许的间接,是否给予了多层级投资结构(母公司、子公司、孙公司等直接)无限的规划空间等。


我国目前对外缔结145个双边投资协定(BITs) 7,各协定中对投资的定义文本整体上较为一贯、稳定。我国双边投资协定文本,对投资采取较为宽泛的接纳态度,采取基于财产(asset)的定义,并进行非穷尽式的列举,不另行增加"投资特征"要求。 8


投资仲裁过程中,仲裁庭需要尽量考虑以往仲裁庭对相关事项的裁定意见。但是,这种考量并没有上升到判例法的高度,仲裁庭没有跟随先例仲裁庭决定的义务,更没有据此得出特定结论的责任。甚至除非争端方主张,仲裁庭也没有查阅、研习特定先例的义务。 9这是我们展开讨论"投资认定"仲裁实践前,需要澄清的一个问题。即便如此,先例依然意义重大。仲裁各方,包括仲裁庭在内,都时常选择援引案例来佐证自己的主张和说理。



其中,Patrick Mitchell v. Democratic Republic Congo, ICSID Case No. ARB/99/7(2006)、Joy Mining Machinery v. Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/11(2004)、MalaysiaHistorical Salvors Sdn,Bhd v. Malaysia, CISID Case No.ARB/05/10(2007)等案件,仲裁庭均裁定相关经济活动不属于涵盖投资。这些否定性案例在投资认定问题的分析上具有特别参考意义。


在JoyMining案件中,否定的结论很难简单从案涉协定的定义文本分析中得出,定义措辞简单列举如下:UK-EgyptBIT(1976), art.1(a)(ⅲ)("claims to money or to any performanceunder contract having a financialvalue")。仲裁庭分析后认为,案涉交易仅仅成立销售合同,销售合同是明显区别于BIT和ICSID要保护的投资的。仲裁庭在分析过程中采用了在投资仲裁实践中形成的Salini规则。



《华盛顿公约》制定过程中,关于涵盖投资的定义存在很多不同的看法、且彼此争议分歧较多,直至公约缔结生效,都没有就此问题达成一致意见,这或许是公约本身并未直接给出投资定义的原因之一。其后的仲裁实践,无疑是进一步推进和深化了相关问题的争论、辨析和反思。更有一些标杆性的案例,梳理和建立了所谓的判定投资的标准,如前面提到的Salini标准,就是在案件SaliniConstrutorri S.p.A & Italstrade S.p.A. v. Morocco,(ICSIDCase No.ARB/00/4)中确立的,且其后有很多追随案例。也有恰恰相反的标杆性案例,解构和否定所谓的判定投资的标准,如案件BiwaterGauff (Tanzania) Ltd. v. United Republic of Tanzania (ICSID Case No.ARB/05/22),就对Salini标准提出了质疑,指出其问题并拒绝采取这样的标准直接作出投资认定。




1 "涵盖投资",建议读者在实体法规定和争端裁决判定两个方面去理解,前者为国际投资法文本规定指向的经济行为(或资产、或权利等),后者为个案中基于对国际投资法的解读而做出的判定结论。虽然,理想化的情况是,静态的法的规定和动态法的应用是一致和协调的。本文第三节投资的概念及定义,主要论述实体法规定;第四节投资者东道国争端仲裁实践中的投资认定主要论述争端裁决判定的实践,以及衍生出来的规则或理论。

2 案件索引:HelaSchwarz GmbH v. People's Republic of China, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/19

3 See Christopher F. Dugan, Don Wallace, Jr., Noah D. Rubins, BorzuSabahi , Investor-State Arbitration,198 Madison Avenue, NewYork,New York10016,OxfordUniversity Press, 08 March 2012,P.20

4 See Campbell McLachlan, Laurence Shore, Matthew Weiniger,International Investment Arbitration Substantive Principles, 198Madison Avenue, New York,NewYork 10016,OxfordUniversity Press, 07 September 2017,P.217

5 但值得注意的是,这并不意味着《华盛顿公约》本身对投资认定问题是毫无边界的,这点在文内部分案例中有所体现。

6 See Campbell McLachlan, Laurence Shore, Matthew Weiniger,International Investment Arbitration Substantive Principles, 198Madison Avenue, New York,NewYork 10016,OxfordUniversity Press, 07 September 2017,P.218

7 数据采集自http://investmentpolicyhub.unctad.org

8 在是否要求"投资特征"上,中国2003年与德国双边投资协定是个例外,该BIT文本提出了三项"投资特征"要求,即"lastingeconomic relations","connectionwith an enterprise","effectiveinfluence in management"。

9 See Catherine A. Rogers, Roger P. Alford, The Future of InvestmentArbitration, 198 Madison Avenue, New York,NewYork 10016,OxfordUniversity Press, 2009,P.67

10 See Christopher F. Dugan, Don Wallace, Jr., Noah D. Rubins, BorzuSabahi , Investor-State Arbitration,198 Madison Avenue, NewYork,New York10016,OxfordUniversity Press, 08 March 2012,P.26

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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