Getting construction contracts right is critical to the success of any construction project. To get it right, you need to know which contract form is best for your project. You also need to understand the terms of your contract and what they mean.
In this webinar we review forms of construction contracts typically used in Canada and the key terms. We will also review, in detail, the changes made to the CCDC 2 (2020) standard form contract including the new prompt payment regime coming into effect in many Canadian jurisdictions.
North American construction professionals will benefit from this webinar as well as Asian and European participants. Canada, specifically Vancouver, is a Asia Pacific hub in North America with a large Asian presence in our construction and development business. European participants, specifically insurers for construction projects in Canada, will also benefit from a better understanding of the common Canadian construction contracts.
What You Need to Know:
- Types of Construction Contracts
- Key Issues
What's New:
- New CCDC 2 (2020) Fixed Price Contract
- CCDC 30 (2018) Integrated Project Delivery Contract
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.