Legislative Update Report No. 2022-10 Le Bulletin D'actualités Législatives

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


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Canada Strategy

Legislation for the period 05/12 to 05/25

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In This Issue

Federal Government / Gouvernement fédéral Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse
Alberta / Alberta Nunavut / Nunavut
British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique Ontario / Ontario
Manitoba / Manitoba Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard
New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick Quebec / Québec
Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan
Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest Yukon / Yukon

Federal Government / Gouvernement fédéral

Bills / Projets de loi

House of Commons / Chambre des communes

Referenced on first reading only
C-20 An Act establishing the Public Complaints and Review Commission and amending certain Acts and statutory instruments
C-234 An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act

Senate / Sénat

Referenced on first reading only
S-8 An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, to make consequential amendments to other Acts and to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations
S-215 An Act respecting measures in relation to the financial stability of post-secondary institutions
S-245 An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (granting citizenship to certain Canadians)

Regulations / Règlements

Canada Gazette, Part II, May 25, 2022:

Species at Risk Act

SI/2022-26 Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act
SI/2022-27 Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Pursuant to Subsection 23(1) of the Act

Financial Administration Act

SI/2022-28 Moise Lafond Remission Order
SI/2022-29 Alan Walker Remission Order

Special Economic Measures Act

SOR/2022-95 Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations
SOR/2022-98 Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations

Pest Control Products Act

SOR/2022-99 Regulations Amending the Pest Control Products Regulations (Ultraviolet Radiation-emitting Devices and Ozone-generating Devices)

Proposed Regulations / Projets de règlement

Canada Gazette, Part I, May 14, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Order Amending Schedule 3 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
  • Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2022

Aeronautics Act
Secure Air Travel Act

  • Regulations Amending the Secure Air Travel Regulations and the Designated Provisions Regulations

Canada Gazette, Part I, May 21, 2022:

Criminal Code

  • Regulations Amending the Regulations for the Monitoring of Medical Assistance in Dying

Orders in Council / Décrets

Canada Gazette, Part I, May 14, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Order Approving the Interim Order Modifying the Operation of the Heavy-duty Vehicle and Engine Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations (Trailer Standards)

Notices / Avis

Canada Gazette, Part I, May 14, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Interim Order Modifying the Operation of the Heavy-duty Vehicle and Engine Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations (Trailer Standards)
  • Publication of final decision after screening assessment of a substance - 1-propene, 2-methyl-, sulfurized (sulfurized isobutylene), CAS RN 68511-50-2 - specified on the Domestic Substances List (subsection 77(6) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)
  • Publication of results of investigations and recommendations for a substance - silanamine, 1,1,1-trimethyl-N- (trimethylsilyl)-, hydrolysis products with silica (TMSS), CAS RN 68909-20-6 - specified on the Domestic Substances List (paragraphs 68(b) and (c) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

Dept. ofTransport

  • Notice to interested parties - Electronic shipping document study for dangerous goods shipments

Aeronautics Act

  • Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID-19, No. 61

Canada Gazette, Part I, May 21, 2022:

Radiocommunication Act

  • Notice No. SMSE-008-22 - Decision on Updates to the Licensing and Fee Framework for Earth Stations and Space Stations in Canada

Aeronautics Act

  • Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID-19, No. 62

Commissions / Commissions

Canada Gazette, Part I, May 14, 2022:

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Appeal - Notice No. HA-2022-002
  • Determination - Construction services

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Administrative decisions
  • Decisions
  • Part 1 applications

Canada Gazette, Part I, May 21, 2022:

Income Tax Act

  • Revocation of registration of a charity (Erratum)

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act

  • Call for Bids No. NL22-CFB01 (Eastern Newfoundland)
  • Call for Bids No. NL22-CFB02 (South Eastern Newfoundland)

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Appeals - Notice No. HA-2022-003
  • Order - Flat hot-rolled carbon and alloy steel sheet and strip

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Decisions

Alberta / Alberta

Regulations / Règlements

Alberta Gazette, Part II, May 14, 2022:

Health Information Act

Alta Reg 60/2022 Health Information (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation

Proclamations / Proclamations

Alberta Queen's Printer

Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2021, SA 2021, c 10

  • Section 7, which amends the Pharmacy and Drug Act, in force June 01, 2022 (OIC 149/2022)

Business Corporations Amendment Act, 2021, SA 2021, c 18

  • Act in force May 31, 2022 (OIC 152/2022)

British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique

Regulations / Règlements

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, May 17, 2022:

Workers Compensation Act

BC Reg 116/2022 Amends BC Reg 296/97 - Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, May 24, 2022:

Court Rules Act

BC Reg 120/2022 Repeals BC Reg 297/2001 - Court of Appeal Rules
Enacts Court of Appeal Rules
BC Reg 121/2022 Amends BC Reg 120/2020 - Provincial Court Family Rules

Family Law Act

BC Reg 121/2022 Amends BC Reg 347/2012 - Family Law Act Regulation

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act

BC Reg 117/2022 Amends BC Reg 495/92 - Petroleum and Natural Gas Royalty and Freehold Production Tax Regulation

Small Business Venture Capital Act

BC Reg 124/2022 Amends BC Reg 390/98 - Small Business Venture Capital Regulation

Proclamations / Proclamations

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, May 24, 2022:

Court of Appeal Act, SBC 2021, c 6

  • Act in force July 18, 2022 (BC Reg 120/2022)

Manitoba / Manitoba

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
40 The Hospitality Sector Customer Registry Act and Amendments to The Child and Family Services Act and The Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Act
208 The Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act

Regulations / Règlements

Manitoba Laws - Unconsolidated Regulations

The Regulated Health Professions Act

Man Reg 60/2022 College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Manitoba General Regulation
Man Reg 61/2022 Practice of Registered Psychiatric Nursing Regulation
Man Reg 62/2022 Regulated Health Professions General Regulation, amendment
Man Reg 63/2022 Practice of Registered Nursing Regulation, amendment
Man Reg 64/2022 College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba General Regulation, amendment

Proclamations / Proclamations

Manitoba Laws

The Regulated Health Professions Act, SM 2009, c 15

  • Schedule 2, which repeals The Registered Psychiatric Nurses Act (SM 1999, c 38), in force June 1, 2022 (OIC 209/2022)
  • Clause 252(2)(c) in force June 1, 2022 (OIC 209/2022)

New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
114 Child and Youth Well-Being Act

Regulations / Règlements

Office of the Attorney General - Acts and Regulations

Occupational Health and Safety Act

NB Reg 2022-27 NB Reg 91-191, amendment

Notices / Avis

New Brunswick Royal Gazette, May 18, 2022:

Financial and Consumer Services Commission

Unclaimed Property Act

  • With the provincial government's proclamation of the Unclaimed Property Act on January 1st, New Brunswick businesses will soon be able to return unclaimed monetary property they've been carrying on their books to its rightful owners.

Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
54 An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act, 2000
55 An Act to Amend the Life Insurance Act
56 An Act to Amend the Condominium Act, 2009
57 An Act to Amend the Income Tax Savings Plans Act and the Pension Plans Designation of Beneficiaries Act
58 An Act to Amend the Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000
61 An Act to Amend the Forestry Act
62 An Act to Amend the Child and Youth Advocate Act
63 An Act to Amend the Revenue Administration Act No. 5

Regulations / Règlements

Office of the Legislative Counsel - Annual Regulations

Pharmacy Act, 2012

NLR 31/22 Authorization to Prescribe Regulations (Amendment)

Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest

  • No entries for this issue

Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Ècosse

Regulations / Règlements

Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part II, May 20, 2022:

Petroleum Products Pricing Act

NS Reg 81/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 82/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 83/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 84/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 85/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 88/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices

Environment Act

NS Reg 86/2022 Pugwash Protected Water Area Designation
NS Reg 87/2022 Pugwash Protected Water Area Regulations
NS Reg 92/2022 Activities Designation Regulations - amendment
NS Reg 93/2022 Activities Designation Regulations - amendment

Pension Benefits Act

NS Reg 89/2022 Pension Benefits Regulations - amendment

Revenue Act

NS Reg 90/2022 Revenue Act Regulations - amendment

Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act

NS Reg 94/2022 Embalmers and Funeral Directors Regulations - amendment

Collection and Debt Management Agencies Act

NS Reg 96/2022 Collection and Debt Management Agencies Regulations - amendment

Business Electronic Filing Act

NS Reg 97/2022 Business Registry Regulations - amendment

Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part II, May 20, 2022:

An Act to Amend Chapter 77 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Collection and Debt Management Agencies Act, SNS 2021, c 27

  • Act in force May 10, 2022 (NS Reg 95/2022)

Nunavut / Nunavut

  • No entries for this issue

Ontario / Ontario

  • No entries for this issue

Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Regulations / Règlements

Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part II, May 21, 2022:

Drug Cost Assistance Act

EC2022-382 Drug Cost Assistance Program Regulations, amendment

Quebec / Québec

Projets de loi

Référencés à la première lecture seulement
33 Loi modifiant la Loi sur les impôts, la Loi sur la taxe de vente du Québec et d'autres dispositions


Referenced on first reading only
33 An Act amending the Taxation Act, the Act respecting the Québec sales tax and other provisions


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 18 mai 2022:

Loi sur le bâtiment

Décret 737-2022 Règlement modifiantle Code de construction

Code des professions

Décret 767-2022 Règlement sur l'exercice des activités décrites aux articles 39.7 et 39.8 du Code des professions

Loi sur la qualité de l'environnement

Décret 770-2022 Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la compensation pour les services municipaux fournis en vue d'assurer la récupération et la valorisation de matières résiduelles


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, May 18, 2022:

Building Act

OC 737-2022 Regulation to amend the Construction Code

Professional Code

OC 767-2022 Regulation respecting the performance of the activities described in sections 39.7 and 39.8 of the Professional Code

Environment Quality Act

OC 770-2022 Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting compensation for municipal services provided to recover and reclaim residual materials

Projets de Règlement

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 25 mai 2022:

Loi sur les maîtres électriciens
Loi sur le bâtiment

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des maîtres électriciens
  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie

Draft Regulations

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, May 25, 2022:

Master Electricians Act
Building Act

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting continuing education requirements for master electricians
  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting continuing education requirements for master pipe-mechanics

Ordres Ministériels

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 18 mai 2022:

Loi sur les produits alimentaires

AM 2022 Projet pilote relatif à la préparation d'un aliment cuit ayant comme ingrédient du lait cru de chèvre, de brebis ou de bufflonne - Arrêté du ministre de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation

Ministerial Orders

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, May 18, 2022:

Food Products Act

MO 2022 Pilot project concerning the preparation of cooked food having raw goat, sheep or buffalo milk as an ingredient - Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
86 An Act to amend The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997 respecting the consumption of beverage alcohol in designated outdoor public places

Regulations / Règlements

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part II, May 13, 2022:

The Securities Act, 1988

Sask Reg 33/2022 The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 33-109 and NI 31-103) Amendment Regulations, 2022
Sask Reg 34/2022 The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 94-101) Amendment Regulations, 2022

Notices / Avis

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part I, May 13, 2022:

Rules of Court
Court of Queen's Bench

  • Chambers sittings for Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan for the period July 4, 2022 to September 2, 2022

Yukon / Yukon

Regulations / Règlements

Yukon Gazette, Part II, May 15, 2022:

Placer Mining Act
Quartz Mining Act

YOIC 2022/66 Order Prohibiting Entry on Certain Lands in Yukon (the Kaska asserted traditional territory outside the Ross River Area), amendment
YOIC 2022/67 Prohibition of Entry on Certain Lands (Ross River Area) Order, amendment

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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