Webinar: Future Series: Risk Management In A Global World: Ensuring Compliance With Immigration Regulations As Covid-19 Travel Restrictions Ease

Buyer Beware: Immigration due diligence as mandatory part of M&A and other corporate changes: the impact of a mergers and acquisitions on foreign workers' right to work.
Worldwide Employment and HR

Pandemic-related restrictions on global mobility also made global and local businesses realize to what extent they rely on foreign talent and highly mobile talent, often performing services in multiple jurisdictions. While most COVID-19 related travel restrictions are a thing of the past, immigration related entry restrictions are here to stay. These restrictions and risks are as present as ever, and an informed in-house counsel or C-suite executive must stay attuned to the trends.

These trends may include increased government enforcement along with a certain nonchalance of global workers who are eager to travel after a long COVID-19 hiatus or have become firm believers into work from anywhere. Add a global frenzy of M&A activity of the past few years, where corporate changes have serious impact on immigration status of workers and on immigration compliance of corporations on the buyer and the seller side.

This webinar will discuss in detail the topics listed below:

  • Understanding the risks and the employer's duty of care to employees travelling internationally to Canada and the United States;
  • Asking the right questions: analysis of what is really involved in a business trip;
  • Popular exceptions and exemptions: carrying out work activities legally without a work permit;
  • The Art of Saying No: when you must advise your staff that travel is out of scope of a business visit and take action to obtain a work permit;
  • Work-cation in Canada or the United States: is WFH in Canada or the United States for a foreign entity authorized, and where to draw the line with your global nomad worker population;
  • Commonly used programs to obtain work permits for Canada and the United States;

Buyer Beware: Immigration due diligence as mandatory part of M&A and other corporate changes: the impact of a mergers and acquisitions on foreign workers' right to work.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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