12 September 2022

Legislative Update Report No. 2022-17 Le Bulletin d'actualités législatives

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


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Legislation for the period 08/25 to 09/07...
Canada Government, Public Sector

Legislation for the period 08/25 to 09/07

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Federal Government / Gouvernement fédéral

Regulations / Règlements

Canada Gazette, Part II, August 31, 2022:

Export and Import Permits Act


Order Amending the Automatic Firearms Country Control List


Order Amending the Automatic Firearms Country Control List


Canadian Environmental Protections Act, 1999


Order 2022-87-08-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List


Controlled Drugs and Substances Act


Order Amending Schedule V to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Novel Fentanyl Precursors)


Special Economic Measures Act


Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations


Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations


Notices / Avis

Canada Gazette, Part I, August 27, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Ministerial Condition No. 21194
  • Order 2022-87-08-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List
  • Publication of final decision after screening assessment of silver and its compounds, including those specified on the Domestic Substances List (paragraphes 68(b) and (c) or subsection 77(6) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

Radiocommunication Act

  • Notice No. SMSE-011-22 — Notice of Application Received from Ligado Networks (Canada) Inc. for Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority in the L-Band (1526-1536 MHz, 1627.5-1637.5 MHz and 1646.5-1656.5 MHz)

Aeronautics Act

  • Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID-19, No. 70

Canada Gazette, Part I, September 03, 2022:

Bank of Canada

  • Statement — Statement of financial position as at July 31, 2022

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Order 2022-87-07-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List
  • Guidance on waterborne pathogens in drinking water
  • Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality — Microbiological pathogens and biological hazards

Miscellaneous Notices / Avis divers

Canada Gazette, Part I, September 03, 2022:

  • GPC Financial Corporation — Reduction of stated capital

Commissions / Commissions

Canada Gazette, Part I, August 27, 2022:

Income Tax Act

  • Revocation of registration of charities

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Appeals — Notice No. HA-2022-013
  • Determination — Professional, administrative and management support services
  • Inquiries
    • Freight containers
    • Professional services
    • Valves

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Administrative decisions
  • Decisions
  • Notices of consultation
  • Orders

Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909

  • Public hearings on Lake Champlain-Richelieu River Flood Study Final Report

Canada Gazette, Part I, September 03, 2022:

Income Tax Act

  • Revocation of registration of a charity (Erratum)

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Appeal — Notice No. HA-2022-014

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Decisions
  • Part 1 applications

Supplements / Suppléments

Canada Gazette, Part I, August 27, 2022:

Copyright Board

  • SOCAN Tariff 8 – Receptions, Conventions, Assemblies and Fashion Shows (2018-2022)
  • SOCAN Tariff 11.B – Comedy Shows and Magic Shows (2023-2025)
  • SOCAN Tariff 20 – Karaoke bars and similar establishments (2018-2022)

Canada Gazette, Part I, September 03, 2022:

Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

  • Electoral districts — Proposal of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Ontario

Copyright Board

  • Non-Commercial Radio Reproduction Tariff (CMRRA: 2003-2010, CSI: 2011-2017)

Alberta / Alberta

Regulations / Règlements

Alberta Gazette, Part II, August 31, 2022:

Gas Utilities Act

Alta Reg 174/2022

Gas Utilities Regulation Amendment Regulation


Utility Commodity Rebate Act

Alta Reg 176/2022

Utility Commodity Rebate Amendment Regulation


British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique

Regulations / Règlements

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, August 30, 2022:

Oil and Gas Activities Act

BC Reg 181/2022

Enacts Security Management Regulation
Amends BC Regs
217/2017 — Emergency Management Regulation
146/2014 — Liquefied Natural Gas Facility Regulation
48/2021 — Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation


British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, September 6, 2022:

Financial Administration Act

BC Reg 182/2022

Amends BC Reg 162/2022 — Judicial Officers (Legal Proceedings) Indemnity Regulation


Manitoba / Manitoba

Regulations / Règlements

Manitoba Laws - Unconsolidated Regulations

The Court of Appeal Act

Man Reg 117/2022

Court of Appeal Rules, amendment

Man Reg 118/2022

Court of Appeal Rules, amendment


New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick

Regulations / Règlements

Office of the Attorney General – Acts and Regulations

Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act

NB Reg 2022-52

NB Reg 84-256, amendment


Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act

NB Reg 2022-53

NB Reg 84-31, repeal


Cost of Credit Disclosure and Payday Loans Act

NB Reg 2022-54

NB Reg 2010-104, amendment


Direct Sellers Act

NB Reg 2022-55

NB Reg 84-151, amendment


Real Estate Agents Act

NB Reg 2022-57

NB Reg 85-24, amendment


Assessment Act

NB Reg 2022-61

NB Reg 84-6, amendment


Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

Proclamations / Proclamations

Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette, Part II, September 2, 2022:

Municipal Conduct Act, SNL 2021, c M-20.01

  • Act in force September 1, 2022 (NLR 58/22)

Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Regulations / Règlements

Northwest Territories Gazette, Part II, August 31, 2022:

Health and Social Services Professions Act

NWT Reg 052-2022

Psychology Profession Regulations


Proclamations / Proclamations

Northwest Territories Gazette, Part II, August 31, 2022:

Health and Social Services Professions Act, SNWT 2015, c 4

  • Sections 69 to 72 and section 74 in force August 15, 2022 (SI-011-2022)

An Act to Amend the Medical Profession Act, SNWT 2022, c 9

  • Act in force August 8, 2022 (SI-012-2022)

Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Ècosse

Regulations / Règlements

Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part II, August 26, 2022:

Petroleum Products Pricing Act

NS Reg 193/2022

Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices

NS Reg 194/2022

Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices

NS Reg 198/2022

Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices

NS Reg 199/2022

Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices


Summary Proceedings Act

NS Reg 195/2022

Summary Offence Tickets Regulations — amendment

NS Reg 196/2022

Summary Offence Tickets Regulations — amendment

NS Reg 197/2022

Summary Offence Tickets Regulations — amendment


Nunavut / Nunavut

Regulations / Règlements

Nunavut Gazette, Part II, August 31, 2022:

Summary Conviction Procedures Act

Nu Reg 026-2022

Summary Conviction Procedures Regulations, amendment


Ontario / Ontario

Regulations / Règlements

Business Corporations Act

O Reg 472/22

Extension of Temporary Suspension Period, amending O Reg 542/20


Condominium Act, 1998

O Reg 475/22

Extension of Temporary Suspension Period, amending O Reg 541/20


Co-Operative Corporations Act

O Reg 474/22

Extension of Temporary Suspension Period, amending O Reg 543/20


Corporations Act

O Reg 473/22

Extension of Temporary Suspension Period, amending O Reg 544/20


Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, 2010

O Reg 476/22

Extension of Temporary Suspension Period, amending O Reg 693/21


Proposed Regulations / Projets de règlement

Environmental Protection Act, RSO 1990

August 26, 2022
Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) program regulatory amendments for the 2023-2030 period — Comments by October 10, 2022

Royal Assents

August 31, 2022

  • Bill 7, More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 — Chapter No. 16

Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Notices / Avis

Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part I, September 3, 2022:

Legal Profession Act

  • Notice of Correction — Amendments to the Regulations

Quebec / Québec


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 31 août 2022:

Loi sur les maîtres électriciens
Loi sur le bâtiment

Décret 1538-2022

Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des maîtres électriciens


Loi sur les maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie
Loi sur le bâtiment

Décret 1539-2022

Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie


Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux

Décret 1574-2022

Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la certification des résidences privées pour aînés


Loi sur la Régie de l'énergie

Décret 1587-2022

Règlement modifiant le Règlement concernant la quantité de gaz naturel renouvelable devant être livrée par un distributeur



Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, August 31, 2022:

Master Electricians Act
Building Act

OC 1538-2022

Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting continuing education requirements for master electricians


Master Pipe-Mechanics Act
Building Act

OC 1539-2022

Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting continuing education requirements for master pipe-mechanics


Act respecting health services and social services

OC 1574-2022

Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the certification of private seniors' residences


Act respecting the Régie de l'énergie

OC 1587-2022

Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the quantity of renewable natural gas to be delivered by a distributor


Projets de Règlement

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 31 août 2022:

Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la contribution des usagers des établissements de santé et de services sociaux, le règlement sur la contribution des usagers pris en charge par les ressources de type familial ou par les ressources intermédiaires et le règlement sur l'évaluation des besoins d'une personne violentée qui demande un hébergement d'urgence

Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux pour les autochtones cris

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement d'application de la Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux pour les autochtones cris

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 7 septembre 2022:

Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux
Loi visant à augmenter l'offre de services de première ligne et à améliorer la gestion de cette offre

  • Règlement sur les services de santé et les services sociaux pouvant être dispensés et les activités pouvant se dérouler à distance

Draft Regulations

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, August 31, 2022:

Act respecting health services and social services

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the contribution by users of health and social services institutions, the regulation respecting the contribution of users taken in charge by family-type resources or by intermediate resources and the regulation respecting the assessment of the needs of a person requesting emergency lodging as a victim of violence

Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native Persons

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, September 7, 2022:

Act respecting health services and social services
Act to increase the supply of primary care services and to improve the management of that supply

  • Regulation respecting health services and social services that may be provided and activities that may be conducted from a distance

Ordres Ministériels

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 31 août 2022:

Loi sur la publicité légale des entreprise

AM 2022-001

Règlement modifiant le Règlement d'application de la Loi sur la publicité légale des entreprises — Arrêté numéro AM 2022-001 du ministre du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale


Loi sur le ministère du Tourisme
Loi sur l'hébergement touristique

AM 2022-04

Conditions et modalités d'obtention de l'agrément à l'égard des services d'information touristique — Arrêté numéro 2022-04 de la ministre du Tourisme


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 7 septembre 2022:

Loi sur le ministère de la Justice

AM 2022

La prolongation de mesures visant à assurer la bonne administration de la justice — Arrêté numéro 4841 du ministre de la Justice


Code de procédure civile

AM 2022

Les modèles des actes de procédure et autres documents établis par le ministre de la Justice en application de l'article 393 du Code de procédure civile — Arrêté numéro 4824 du ministre de la Justice


Ministerial Orders

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, August 31, 2022:

Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises

MO 2022-001

Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises — Order 2022-001 of the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity


Act respecting the Ministère du Tourisme
Tourist Accommodation Act

MO 2022-04

Terms for obtaining the accreditation with regard to tourist information services — Order 2022-04 of the Minister of Tourism


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, September 7, 2022:

Act respecting the Ministère de la Justice

MO 2022

Extension of measures for ensuring the proper administration of justice Order number 4841 of the Minister of Justice


Code of Civil Procedure

MO 2022

Model pleadings and other documents established by the Minister of Justice pursuant to article 393 of the Code of Civil Procedure Order 4824 of the Minister of Justice



Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 31 août 2022:

Loi modifiant diverses dispositions législatives principalement aux fins d'allègement du fardeau administratif, SQ 2021, c 35

  • Que soit fixée au 29 septembre 2022 la date d'entrée en vigueur du sous-paragraphe a du paragraphe 1° et des paragraphes 4° et 5° de l'article 79 de la Loi (Décret 1566-2022)


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, August 31, 2022:

Act to amend various legislative provisions mainly for the purpose of reducing red tape, SQ 2021, c 35

  • Subparagraph a of paragraph 1 and paragraphs 4 and 5 of section 79 in force September 29, 2022 (OC 1566-2022)


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 26 août 2022:

Loi sur l'aide juridique et sur la prestation de certains autres services juridiques

  • Entente modifiant d'une part l'Entente du 4 décembre 2020 entre le ministre de la Justice et le Barreau du Québec concernant le tarif des honoraires et les débours des avocats dans le cadre du régime d'aide juridique et concernant la procédure de règlement des différends et modifiant d'autre part l'Entente du 4 décembre 2020 entre le ministre de la Justice et le Barreau du Québec concernant le tarif des honoraires et les débours des avocats rendant des services en matières criminelle et pénale et concernant la procédure de règlement des différends

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 7 septembre 2022:

Code de procédure civile

  • Règlement de la Cour d'appel du Québec en matière civile


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, August 26, 2022:

Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services

  • Agreement to amend, first, the Agreement dated 4 December 2020 between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec respecting the tariff of fees and expenses of advocates under the legal aid plan and the dispute settlement procedure and, second, the Agreement dated 4 December 2020 between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec respecting the tariff of fees and expenses of advocates rendering services in criminal and penal matters and the dispute settlement procedure

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, September 7, 2022:

Code of Civil Procedure

  • Regulation of the Court of Appeal of Quebec in Civil Matters

Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan

  • No entries for this issue

Yukon / Yukon

  • No entries for this issue

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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