Movement In The Concession Contracts For Airports In Colombia

Gomez Pinzon & Asociados


Gomez Pinzon & Asociados
Colombia Wealth Management
It has been informed that the Netherlands multinational Schipholl Management decided to sell its equity participation of 38% in Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa, Sacsa a company that won the 1996 public bid to operate the Cartagena airport "Rafael Nunez".

Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (Aeropuertos Espanoles y Navegacion Aerea) Aena, which has been operating the Barranquilla Airport for over a year, would assume the operative management of the airport Rafael Nunez, upon the acquisition of the 38% equity participation of Schipholl Management in Sacsa.

The Civil Aeronautic Authority and the National Planing Department are reviewing the current concession contracts for these airports in order to introduce some modifications, specially regarding the financial structure, for the improvement and assurance of the compliance of the purposes set forth in the privatization programs.

The next airports that will be privatized are "Alfonso Bonilla" that serves Cali, the "Jose María Cordoba" that serves Medellin and "El Dorado", in Santafe de Bogota.

Prepared by Alejandro Linares from Gomez Pinzon & Asociados, Bogota, Colombia.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide but specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Carrera 9 No. 73-24 Pisos 1,2,3 y 5
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

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