16 April 2020

Coronavirus – CEE Legislation Trackers And Legal Updates | Legal Insights

Schoenherr Attorneys at Law


We are a full-service law firm with a footprint in Central and Eastern Europe providing local and international companies stellar advice. As the go-to legal advisor for complex commercial matters in the region, Schoenherr aims to use its proximity to industry leaders, in developing practical solutions for future challenges. We keep a close eye on trends and developments, which enables us to provide high quality legal advice that is straight to the point.
The coronavirus situation continues to be challenging, and new questions arise every day. In these times it's good to know that you are not alone.
European Union Coronavirus (COVID-19)

CEE Legislation Trackers now online!

The coronavirus situation continues to be challenging, and new questions arise every day. In these times it's good to know that you are not alone. We are putting together important information about the legal situation, aiming to create some stability for you in knowing what legal changes are happening. Therefore, our info corner is updated daily.

For an even better overview we have implemented cee legislation trackers for various countries. They are updated on a regular basis and give an overview of the most important developments that could be relevant to your situation.

Have a look here:

See the CEE Legislation Trackers

Ongoing Legal Updates

CEE updates

COVID19 Overview on moratoria

Get an overview of moratoria measures in CEE countries  here.

New rules in CEE countries regarding exports of medical equipment and medicinal products (updated!)

Get an overview of new rules in CEE countries regarding exports of medical equipment and medicinal products  here.

The impact of COVID-19 on submissions, deadlines and meetings with competition authorities in CEE  (updated!)

Get an overview of the impact of the coronavirus on submissions, deadlines and meetings with competition authorities in CEE here.

Country-specific updates


Covid-19: Welche Unterstützungsleistungen der öffentlichen Hand kann ich beantragen?

Die durch die Covid-19 Pandemie verursachten wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen betreffen eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen. Die Politik hat bereits mehrere Maßnahmen zur Erhaltung der Zahlungsfähigkeit und Überbrückung von Liquiditätsengpässen für die heimische Wirtschaft verlautbart. Hier weiterlesen.

Das COVID-19-GesG – Aktuelles zu Online-Versammlungen im Gesellschaftsrecht

Am 20. März 2020 hat der Nationalrat ein zweites COVID-19-Gesetzespaket verabschiedet. Mit dieser Novelle wurde auch das gesellschaftsrechtliche COVID-19-Gesetz mitbeschlossen. Nach diesem Gesetz können Versammlungen von Gesellschaftern und Organmitgliedern einer Kapitalgesellschaft, einer Personengesellschaft, einer Genossenschaft, einer Privatstiftung oder eines Vereins, eines Versicherungsvereins auf Gegenseitigkeit oder eines kleinen Versicherungsvereins auch ohne physische Anwesenheit der Teilnehmer durchgeführt werden. Hier weiterlesen

Fragen und Antworten samt Praxisbeispielen zu den COVID-19 Sonderverfahrensvorschriften für Verwaltungsbehörden, VwG, VwGH und VfGH

Die in diesem Artikel gestellten Fragen samt Antworten und den beschriebenen Praxisbeispielen sollen eine erste Orientierungshilfe bieten, um die Auswirkungen der Sondervorschriften des COVID-19-VwVerfG auf den eigenen Fristenlauf abschätzen zu können. Hier weiterlesen.

Cyberattacks in the coronavirus crisis: A guide to decreasing risk

It's hard to believe, but some cybercriminals are trying to take advantage of the coronavirus crisis. They seek to exploit IT weaknesses and use our fears and insecurities to obtain passwords, infiltrate company networks or launch cyberattacks. We have therefore put together a short overview of measures to decrease cybercrime risks in the current extraordinary situation. Read on here.

We help Start-Ups!

In an attempt to help Start-Ups during the current corona situation obtaining the much needed financial liquidity support from their shareholders or other investors, we have put together a short and simple forward equity agreement, the "Simple Equity Investment Contract (SEIC"). See more here.

Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Krise auf verfahrensrechtliche Fristen in gerichtlichen Verfahren

Das 2. COVID-19-Gesetz, das nach der Kundmachung im Bundesgesetzblatt (BGBl 16/I/2020) mit Beginn des 22.03.2020 in Kraft getreten ist, enthält auch ein Bundesgesetz betreffend Begleitmaßnahmen zu COVID-19 in der Justiz. Hier weiterlesen.

Auswirkungen der Schließungen von Betriebsstätten auf Mietverträge (updated!)

Am 15.03.2020 hat das Parlament das Bundesgesetz betreffend vorläufige Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung der Verbreitung von COVID-19 (COVID-19-Maßnahmengesetz – BGBl I 12/2020) verabschiedet. Hier weiterlesen.

Coronavirus – How does it affect civil proceedings in Austria?

The coronavirus does not stop at court. That is why it creates uncertainty among litigants and even the public on whether and how to exercise subjective rights and enforce legal claims. This article shall guide you through the current legal situation. Read on here.

Coronavirus – Auswirkungen auf die Insolvenzantragspflicht?

Das Coronavirus stellt Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen unterschiedlicher Art. Der eingeschränkte Betrieb, Stornierungen und das Ausbleiben von Kunden können auch bei sonst gesunden Unternehmen zu Liquiditätsproblemen führen und im Extremfall die Pflicht auslösen, einen Insolvenzantrag zu stellen. Hier weiterlesen

Coronavirus: Impacts on employment in Austria

See a summary of potential coronavirus measures that employers can take here.


Even in a state of emergency human rights must be respected!

The prosecutor's office is investigating doctors from St. Mina Hospital in Plovdiv, a hospital designated by the Bulgarian Crisis Headquarters to receive patients with suspected COVID-19. Read on here.

Are employers immune to the state of emergency? An overview of some key labour law and data protection matters

Since 13 March 2020, everyone in Bulgaria has, on a number of levels, felt the effects of the state of emergency declared by the National Assembly. A number of orders from the Minister of Health have introduced and continue to introduce a number of anti-epidemic measures and restrictions. Read on here.


Obstacles to work on the part of the employer in connection with the coronavirus

Many employers currently find themselves in a precarious position, faced with deciding how to deal with the obstacles to work arising from the coronavirus crisis, irrespective of whether these obstacles are the result of government measures (total or partial restrictions on operations) or due to real operational reasons (difficulties in the supply of materials for production, drop in sales).  Read more here.


Temporary measures to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and Zagreb earthquake in civil, insolvency and criminal procedure law

On 14 March 2020, the Croatian Ministry of Justice issued recommendations to prevent the transmission of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and control the pandemic ("Measures"). The Measures are applicable until 1 April 2020.  Read on  here.


Coronavirus: Impacts on employment in Poland

The new legislation enacted in response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis ("Crisis Act"), allows employers to order any employee employed to perform his/her work determined in the employment contract remotely. Read on  here.


State aid available to Romanian companies in the COVID-19 pandemic

Both the European Commission ("EC") and the Romanian Government make available public support for national companies that may face liquidity issues, suffer direct damages as a result of state measures aimed at slowing down the spread of the COVID-19 or simply struggle with economic difficulties during and after the pandemic. Read on here.

Coronavirus: Impacts on employment in Romania

What actions may the employer implement unilaterally? Read on here.


Government anti-coronavirus support schemes for businesses

On 25 March 2020, the Government of Slovenia announced a EUR 2bln rescue package intended to mitigate the adverse and diverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The package primarily seeks to maintain jobs by providing pay check support and tax relief to employers and introducing additional mechanisms to reduce the liquidity shock on businesses. Read on here.

Visit the Coronavirus Info Corner

Frequently Asked Questions Answered 

For frequently asked questions, we have created a dedicated area to find answers. Browse through the Q&As (in German)  which we constantly update! 

Visit the Coronavirus FAQ Section

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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