NSW government bulletin – in the media; in practice and courts; published articles, papers and reports; cases & legislation

Holding Redlich


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Links to media releases, in practice & courts, publications, cases & legislation relating to the NSW government.
Australia Government, Public Sector

In the media

Review underway into Sydney's toll road impact on cost of living
The NSW government review will look at claims that the city's toll road system is costly and confusing. It will examine pricing inconsistencies, the cost of living impacts, and fairness and equity for road users (26 April 2022).  More...

NSW teachers vote to strike next Wednesday over pay and conditions
The NSW Teachers Federation has announced its members will strike next Wednesday, May 4 over pay and conditions. They have also authorised members to walk off school grounds if a NSW government MP enters them, and have put an immediate ban on the implementation of new policies (26 April 2022).  More...

A new era for farm forestry
The NSW Government is introducing new Farm Forestry Codes of Practice that will ensure long-term sustainability for the industry and provide robust environmental protections across the NSW private forestry estate (26 April 2022).  More...

NSW government criticised for 'dismissive' response to inquiry into kangaroo population
Just two of the 23 recommendations handed to the New South Wales government after an inquiry into kangaroo population levels and culling practices have been accepted in full (22 April 2022).  More...

Red tape cut to mobilise interstate tradies
Working in NSW is about to become easier for interstate tradespeople, with the Government rolling out the welcome mat to ease construction industry labour shortages (22 April 2022).  More...

More than half a million hectares of land cleared in NSW
The latest NSW State of Environment report launched this year notes there needs to be significant action if NSW is to achieve its emissions reduction targets in sectors including agriculture, energy and land clearing (22 April 2022).  More...

Update on COVID settings
The NSW Government today announced close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case will not be required to isolate, provided they comply with NSW Health guidelines (20 April 2022).  More...

NSW government funds housing modules for communities affected by floods in Northern Rivers
The NSW government will send up to 2,000 modular homes to communities across the Tweed, Byron, Ballina, Richmond Valley and Lismore local government areas (17 April 2022).  More...

Flammable cladding still on NSW buildings
Most of the buildings in NSW with combustible cladding have been identified but removal of the banned building materials has been inefficient and inconsistent according to Margaret Crawford, NSW Auditor-General (14 April 2022).  More...

Practice and courts


AAT Bulletin Issue No. 8/2022 19 April 2022
The AAT Bulletin is a fortnightly publication containing information about recently published decisions and appeals against decisions in the AAT's General, Freedom of Information, National Disability Insurance Scheme, Security, Small Business Taxation, Taxation & Commercial and Veterans' Appeals Divisions. Read more here.


Supreme Court of NSW Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of NSW Court of Appeal Decisions Reserved as at 22 April 2022. Read more here.

Published - articles, papers and reports

Darkinjung plans for 600 homes on exhibition
A proposal to build up to 600 homes and help Aboriginal people take greater control of their land on the Central Coast, is now on exhibition for community feedback. Read more here.

Housing 2041: NSW Housing Strategy
Housing 2041 represents a 20-year vision for housing in NSW. It embodies the government's goals and ambitions to deliver better housing outcomes by 2041 - housing in the right locations, housing that suits diverse needs and housing that feels like home. Read more here.

Council establishes internal Ombudsman
A NSW council has established an Internal Ombudsman to investigate complaints against staff, contractors, consultants and volunteers in response to the recommendations from the independent Governance, Human Resources and Statutory Reporting Review of Wingecarribee Shire Council released last year. Read more here.

Luddenham Village Interim Strategy
The Interim Strategy identifies how the planning framework for Luddenham Village has changed as a result of the finalisation of the Planning Package, and identifies the work needed to finalise the Luddenham Village Plan. Read more here.


Lichi v Industrial Relations Secretary on behalf of Department of Communities and Justice  (No. 2) [2022] NSWIRComm 1030
NFAIR DISMISSAL - respondent unreasonably failed to agree to a settlement of the claim - costs awarded.

Woods v Murray River Council [2022] NSWDC 120
TORT - personal injury - work injury damages claim by council worker against his employer.

Griffin and others v Health Secretary; Thorncraft and others v Secretary of the Department of Education  [2022] NSWIRComm 1027
UNFAIR DISMISSALS - threshold issues - Public Health Orders - Employer Determinations - unvaccinated workers prohibited from working in public health and public education sectors - impracticability of reinstatement or re-employment orders.

Tom v Commissioner of Fair Trading [2022] NSWCATAD 130
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - REVIEW OF DECISION BY EXTERNAL DECISION-MAKER - decision to cancel contractor licence and disqualify a licence holder pursuant to section 62 of the Home Building Act 1989 (NSW).
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - INTERLOCUTORY ORDER - interim decision - factors relevant to exercise of the power to make the interim decision under section 60 of the Administrative Decisions Review Act 1997 (NSW) - interlocutory decision to take effect retrospectively.

EPQ v Children's Guardian [2022] NSWCATAD 129
ADMISTRATIVE LAW - refusal of a working with children check clearance - disqualified person seeking an enabling order - 2001 disqualifying offence aggravated with an act of indecency - s 61M(1) of the Crimes Act 1900 NSW.

EIG v North Sydney Council  [2022] NSWCATAD 127
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - administrative review - personal information - health information - disclosure of health information - contravention of Health Privacy Principle 4 and Health Privacy Principle 11 - appropriate relief.

Diaz v Secretary, Ministry of Health in respect of Pathology No. 3 [2022] NSWIRComm 1028
EMPLOYMENT AND INDUSTRIAL LAW - Industrial Relations Commission - Procedure and powers - motion to set aside summons to produce - relevant principles.

Eminem Kids Academy Pty Ltd v Secretary, Department of Education [2022] NSWCATAD 126
REVIEW OF DECISION BY EXTERNAL DECISION-MAKER - decision to cancel provider approval by the regulatory authority under section 33 of the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW).
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - stay of the decision under appeal - factors relevant to exercise of the power to stay decision under section 43 of the Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (NSW).

Environment Protection Authority v University of Sydney [2022] NSWLEC 41
SENTENCING - offence under Radiation Control Act of failing to ensure regulated material not in possession of person with appropriate license - accidental disposal of PET scanner with radiation source - late plea of guilty.
SENTENCING - offence under Radiation Control Regulation of disposing of regulated material without consent of Environment Protection Authority - accidental disposal of PET scanner with radiation source at tip - late plea of guilty.

SafeWork NSW v Edstein Creative Pty Ltd [2022] NSWDC 117
CRIMINAL LAW - prosecution - work health and safety - duty of persons undertaking business - risk of death or serious injury.
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - whether proceedings brought outside limitation period - whether particulars of offence are adequate.

Environment Protection Authority v Cleanaway Equipment Services Pty Ltd [2022] NSWLEC 40
SENTENCING - plea of guilty to charge of water pollution resulting from spill of industrial solvent into stormwater system and Molonglo River due to valve failure - no aggravating factors - actual environmental harm caused - medium level of objective seriousness - mitigating factors - early guilty plea - contrition.
SENTENCING - plea of guilty to charge of water pollution from spill of industrial solvent into stormwater and Molonglo River - second spill occurred after attempted clean-up of original spill - no aggravating factors - actual environmental harm caused - medium level of objective seriousness - mitigating factors - early guilty plea - contrition.
SENTENCING - plea of guilty to charge of failing to immediately notify water pollution incident - notification of EPA within four hours of becoming aware that spill of industrial solvent had entered stormwater system - low level of objective seriousness - no aggravating factors - early plea of guilty.

CFJ v Children's Guardian (No 3) [2022] NSWCATAD 124

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - Application for review under s 27 of Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 - risk assessment by respondent due to notification of concern from the NSW Ombudsman - whether the applicant poses a risk to the safety of children - the correct and preferable decision.

O'Grady v Sutherland Shire Council (No 2)  [2022] NSWCATAD 125
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - Government Information (Public Access) - Grounds for refusing access - Balancing competing public interest factors for and against disclosure.

Fraser v Commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW [2022] NSWIRComm 1026
APPEAL - public sector disciplinary appeal - demotion from Deputy Manager, ComSafe Training Services, Operational Support Level 3 to Senior Firefighter - settlement reached - Deed of Release - demotion altered to Assistant Equipment Management Officer role, Operational Support Level 2 - appellant initially placed in Technical Officer role, Operational Support Level 2 - whether the Deed constitutes a bar to the appellant pursuing his disciplinary appeal - whether respondent had repudiated the Deed - appellant did not accept the repudiation through his conduct.

Parker v Warrumbungle Shire Council [2022] NSWPIC 160
WORKERS COMPENSATION - Application for declaration that applicant was not required to attend earning capacity assessment pursuant to section 44A of the Workers Compensation Act 1987, where liability for the claim has been disputed; Held  - there is no dispute before the Commission; and it has no jurisdiction to make the declaration sought; consideration of Chatto v Transfield Services (Australia) Pty Ltd; Widdup v Hamilton; University of New South Wales v Lee; De Vries v Bega Valley Shire Council; the order sought is declined and the Application is dismissed. 

Environment Protection Authority v Afram [2022] NSWLEC 38
SENTENCING - pleas of guilty to three offences of supply of misleading information in a material respect about waste in the course of dealing with waste - defendant already sentenced for overlapping fraud offence under Crimes Act - potential for significant environmental harm as asbestos waste delivered to rural property - early plea of guilty - limited other mitigating circumstances.
SENTENCING - plea of guilty to land pollution offence - deposition of asbestos and other waste on rural property unbeknownst to land holder who expected clean fill to be supplied - actual harm to the environment caused - potential for significant environmental harm - early guilty plea - limited other mitigating circumstances.

Bonner v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2022] NSWSC 441
TAXES AND DUTIES - payroll tax - liability - employment agency contracts - agency contracts with clients to provide services of models - whether agency's contracts with models are "employment agency contracts" - did models work "in and for the conduct of the business" of the agency's clients - fact-sensitive inquiry - UNSW Global Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2016] NSWSC 1852; 104 ATR 577 discussed.
STATUTORY INTERPRETATION - principles - whether literal meaning produced absurd results - reading down employment agency contract provisions by implied limitations - importing concepts from repealed provisions - purposive construction - use of extrinsic materials to divine purpose - Payroll Tax Act 2007 (NSW), Pt 3 Div 8.
STATUTORY INTERPRETATION - extrinsic materials - legislative history - Pay-roll Tax Act 1971 (NSW).

Godolphin Australia Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2022] NSWSC 430
TAXES AND DUTIES - Land tax - Assessments - Exemption for land used for primary production - Where plaintiff used land for the maintenance of horses both for the purpose of training those horses for racing and for the purpose of selling those horses or their bodily produce, namely their semen - Distinction between dominant use of land and dominant purpose of land.

NSW Education Standards Authority v Thomas  [2022] NSWCATAP 110
APPEAL - administrative review - meaning of 'misconduct' in s 24(1)(e) of the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 (NSW) - whether the Tribunal misconstrued the meaning of 'misconduct' - whether the Tribunal erred in determining that conduct alleged to be in breach of NSW Department of Education Code of Conduct could not constitute 'misconduct' - whether the Tribunal erred by determining that non-compliance with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers approved under s 19(1) of the Education Standards Authority Act 2013 (NSW) could not constitute misconduct - whether the Tribunal erred in its discretion to find in the alternative that the respondent's suspension was disproportionate and not sufficiently serious to warrant such suspension.

Commissioner for Fair Trading, NSW Department of Customer Service v Kalkan [2022] NSWCATAP 112
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - whether in reviewing administratively reviewable decision under Administrative Decisions Review Act 1997 (NSW) Tribunal is to apply version of enabling legislation in effect at time of Tribunal's decision.



Regulations and other miscellaneous instruments

Legal Profession Uniform Law Australian Solicitors' Conduct Amendment (No 2) Rules 2022 LW 22 April 2022

Environmental Planning Instruments

Ballina Local Environmental Plan 2012 (Map Amendment No 4) LW 22 April 2022

Bankstown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 14) LW 22 April 2022

Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (Amendment No 29) LW 22 April 2022

Clarence Valley Local Environmental Plan 2011 (Amendment No 50) LW 22 April 2022

Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (Amendment No 65) LW 22 April 2022

Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (Amendment No 74) LW 22 April 2022

The Hills Local Environmental Plan Further Amendment (North Kellyville Precinct) 2022 LW 22 April 2022

Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 (Amendment No 21) LW 22 April 2022

Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014 (Map Amendment No 1) LW 22 April 2022

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