24 September 2021

Inside Track: Local Government - In the media, Practice and courts, Cases and Legislation

Holding Redlich


Holding Redlich, a national commercial law firm with offices in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, and Cairns, delivers tailored solutions with expert legal thinking and industry knowledge, prioritizing client partnerships.
Links to recent media releases, reports, cases and legislation relating to local government in Australia.
Australia Government, Public Sector

In the media


Reimagining the Australian city
A panel of urban planning experts will explore how COVID-19 is shifting the parameters on how Australia's future cities should look and examine whether it's time to revisit some ideas from the past (09 September 2021).  More...

Sustainability at centre of Infrastructure Australia 2021 plan
The 2021 Australian Infrastructure Plan highlights a number of priorities for the nation's multi-billion infrastructure spend, including supporting growth in regional centres, digitisation and sustainability. Lasting reform would require higher levels collaboration between the federal government and its state, territory and local counterparts (06 September 2021).  More...

'Rate caps impeding LG's ability to fund local infrastructure'
A federal agency has called for a conversation on developer contributions, saying financially constrained councils are using them to raise revenue. In a new study published this week, the National Housing and Finance Investment Corporations said developer contributions now account for 8-11 percent of total home construction costs in NSW, Victoria, and Queensland (03 September 2021).  More...

Database trial to inform council carbon cutting initiatives
Councils will be able to use a database to find information about the emissions reduction potential, effectiveness and cost of city projects around the world. The six-month pilot will centre on the Cities Activity Database, which contains data on 13,000 climate activities taken by more than 800 cities around the world (01 September 2021).  More...


Municipal monitor to guide Strathbogie Shire Council
A municipal monitor has been appointed to the Strathbogie Shire Council to help guide good governance.  Janet Dore as monitor for Strathbogie Shire Council will work closely with the council to improve governance practices and help councillors understand their roles and responsibilities under the Local Government Act (08 September 2021).  More...

Councils across Melbourne assess the future of outdoor dining areas
The Victorian government funded Melbourne's outdoor dining scene as something to last for "many summers to come". But as councils start to look at the cost, what will happen to the popular initiative? (08 September 2021).  More...

Monitor to guide South Gippsland's new council
Acting Minister for Local Government Mary-Anne Thomas announced a municipal monitor will be appointed to the Council following the election in late October, to support good governance and democracy during the Council's first year (07 September 2021).  More...

Educating Victorians on new four bin recycling services
The Victorian Government is helping councils educate their communities ahead of the transition to a four bin recycling service, as part of the state's goal to divert 80 per cent waste from landfill by 2030 (06 September 2021).  More...

Loans for councils to improve services, infrastructure
Acting Minister for Local Government Mary-Anne Thomas announced the new Local Council Lending Framework, giving councils access to lower interest rates financed through the Treasury Corporation of Victoria, to support the development of key infrastructure and other projects, to make local communities even better places to live (06 September 2021).  More...


$70 million Palaszczuk Government funding boost for regional water projects
The next phase of Palaszczuk Government's hugely successful Building Our Regions program has taken a step forward with details of the $70 million for regional water infrastructure projects revealed. The funding provides vital support to councils who need financial help to get critical works completed.  More...

Stock routes investment funds upgrades
A million-dollar investment will upgrade Queensland's vital 72,000 km stock route network ahead of proposed changes to its management. The councils who received funding are Balonne, Banana, Central Highlands, Goondiwindi, McKinlay, Maranoa, Murweh, Western Downs and Winton (30 September 2021).  More...

In Practice and Courts


Plan Melbourne  land use framework
Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 recognises that more detailed planning is needed for Metropolitan Melbourne to manage growth across the city. It identifies the need for six plans to be developed, providing detailed guidance at a regional level and setting a 30-year vision for each area. The Department of Environment, Water and Planning Melbourne's Future Planning Framework which is now available for review and feedback by 24 October 2021.

Local Government Inspectorate: Local government integrity matters
Our winter integrity matters newsletter looks at conflict of interest, personal interest and campaign donations declarations, and unreasonable or vexatious complaints (August 2021).  More...


Building our regions round 6
Guidelines for Round 6 are being provided to regional councils so they could assess potential projects to submit for funding when applications open in the coming weeks. Councils can apply for up to $2 million in funding to support a range of eligible construction and works projects over three years. More information about Building Our Regions is available here (07 September 2021).

Applications for the Lord Mayor's Better Suburbs Grants 2021
The program comprises two categories: Community Support Category (funding up to $10,000.) and Community Facility Category. For the Community Support Category you can apply for grant. For the Community Facility Category (funding ranging from $10,000 to $200,000). Applications open on 30 August 2021.  More...

Expressions of interest for Sunshine Coast Council's landholder environment grants
Only private rural landholders can apply, and the project must occur on privately owned rural land within the Sunshine Coast Local Government area. Applying is a three-stage process: 1. Submit an Expression of Interest before 30 August 2021. 2. Site visit from a council Conservation Partnerships Officer to assess the project and provide any additional guidance. 3. Apply online before 11 October 2021 Please read the Landholder Environment Grant Guidelines at

Public consultation: Queensland's renewable energy zones (QREZs)
Public consultation would be followed by a technical paper later in the year, for feedback from industry and other energy stakeholders on the framework for QREZ design and access. The online survey is open until 30 September 2021.  More...

Consultation on the Stock Routes Network discussion paper
Consultation on the discussion paper opens 16 July 2021 and will run for eight weeks. To get involved and provide your feedback on the discussion paper, visit For more information on the Queensland stock route network visit

Works for Queensland projects across the region
The Works for Queensland program supports regional councils to undertake job-creating maintenance and minor infrastructure projects such as parks and playgrounds, community and sports facilities, swimming pools and water play areas, renewable energy initiatives, footpaths, roads and water infrastructure. A further $200 million committed for 2024-27. For more information visit Works for Queensland.


160 Leicester Pty Ltd v Melbourne City Council  [2021] VSCA 250
CRIMINAL LAW - sentence - applications for leave to appeal against sentence - company and its directors found guilty of contempt of VCAT - contempts constituted by wilful and deliberately defiant breach of VCAT orders - company fined $150,000 - directors ordered to be imprisoned for 1 month - contemnors ordered to pay costs fixed at $250,000 - whether Tribunal erred in assessing gravity of contemnors' conduct - manifest excess - whether punishment manifestly excessive - new evidence - evidence of compliance with orders after sentencing - new evidence not throwing light on matters which underpinned Tribunal's orders - proposed grounds of appeal not reasonably arguable - applications for leave to appeal refused. 1 On 15 October 2016, the building at 154-160 Leicester Street, Carlton, known as the Corkman Hotel, was demolished. As no planning permit had been obtained for its demolition, the demolition was unlawful.

Chester v Greater Geelong CC  [2021] VCAT 966
Section 183(1) of the Local Government Act 1989; differential rates, Residential Land, Farm Land; Greater Geelong Council Rates Council Policy, 30 June 2020
Review of land classification (Local Government Act 1989, s 183)
Residential Land differential rate applied for 2020-2021 rating period - affirmed.



No 107 Land Amendment Regulations 2021 31/08/2021
No 109 Land (Regulated Watercourse Land) Regulations 2021 31/08/2021
No 110 Conservation, Forests and Lands (Infringement Notice) Amendment (Flora and Fauna Guarantee) Regulations 2021 31/08/2021

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