12 December 2020

NSW Government Bulletin - In the media, Practice and courts, Cases and Legislation

Holding Redlich


Holding Redlich, a national commercial law firm with offices in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, and Cairns, delivers tailored solutions with expert legal thinking and industry knowledge, prioritizing client partnerships.
The bulletin links to a recent article & media releases, reports, cases and laws of interest to NSW government lawyers.
Australia Government, Public Sector

Foreign Relations Bill set to increase federal government oversight of state and territory arrangements

Last week, Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020 (Bill) passed both houses, bringing state and territory government arrangements with foreign territories within the domain of federal government oversight.

The Bill is intended to ensure consistency between state and territory arrangements and the broader national interest by allowing the federal government to veto arrangements that are inconsistent with Australia's foreign policy or that may adversely affect relations with a foreign country. The Bill means that the federal government will be able to ensure that state and territory entities cannot negotiate, enter, vary or continue to give effect to such arrangements.

There are two tiers of regulation under the Bill, with arrangements between "core" Australian entities and "core foreign entities" (Core Foreign Arrangements) subject to greater scrutiny and federal oversight than those between a "core" and a "non-core" entity (Non-Core Foreign Arrangements).

Core Australian entities include states and territories and their governments, agencies and departments, while core foreign entities include foreign countries and their respective governments, agencies and departments. Non-core Australian entities include local governments, public universities and other entities prescribed by the regulations. Non-core foreign entities include states, local councils and provinces of a foreign country and their governments, departments and agencies, as well as authorities of certain public entities, foreign universities without institutional autonomy and other entities prescribed by the regulations (yet to be released).

The Foreign Minister must be notified of all foreign arrangements, whether Core Foreign Arrangements or Non-Core Foreign Arrangements. However, Core Foreign Arrangements will require ministerial approval to be given within 30 days before the Australian entity is authorised to enter into the arrangement. An arrangement must be approved if the Minister is satisfied it would not adversely affect Australia's foreign relations or be inconsistent with Australia's foreign policy. On the other hand, Non-Core Foreign Arrangements do not require  ministerial approval prior to entry into the arrangement, but the Minister has the power to declare the arrangement invalid in circumstances where it would adversely affect foreign relations or foreign policy.

Under the Bill, the Minister is not required to provide reasons for determining that an arrangement would adversely affect foreign relations or interfere with foreign policy, on the basis that the provision of reasons itself may have an undesirable effect on foreign relations or policy. This will limit an entity's capacity to seek review of ministerial determinations, although an entity may be prevented from seeking judicial review altogether if the federal government's Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020 ultimately passes both houses.

Importantly, arrangements which pre-date commencement of the Bill will not be exempt from federal government oversight. Part 4 of the Bill empowers the Minister to declare that an arrangement already in operation is invalid and that the relevant Australian entity cannot continue to give effect to the arrangement.

State and territory entities will be required to give notice to the Minister of any pre-existing foreign arrangements. Arrangements which are not identified to the Minister will be automatically deemed invalid and unenforceable.

The Bill also introduces a public-facing register of arrangements between state and territory entities and foreign entities, in an attempt to improve visibility and transparency of such arrangements.


When announcing the legislation, the Prime Minister stated that the Bill aimed to ensure all levels of government in Australia acted in unison. The federal government has consistently maintained the rationale that as Australia is facing a tense and fluctuating geopolitical landscape, it cannot allow the lower governmental levels to create confusion or undermine the Commonwealth. Critics of the Bill are arguing, however, that the Bill appears to be aimed at a small number of agreements signed by state governments and universities which mostly involve China.

Implications for NSW

It is clear that the Bill, through its power of veto, will affect the bargaining power of state and local governments and tertiary institutions, by increasing the assessment of counterparty risk attaching to them. Universities, who may be the most affected, have expressed concern that the Bill will deter international partnerships, which are the backbone of university research, knowledge and job creation.  Universities in NSW have expressed their concern with the Bill's overreach, as an imposition on their institutional autonomy, in particular affecting their ability to innovate.

An alternative view arises that by virtue of the notification and review process, a mechanism is created whereby state and local governments and tertiary institutions can consult with the Commonwealth on international engagement. However, given the nature of the powers in the Bill, the upward consultation is limited to the choice of counterparty presented in the arrangements notified or capable of review under the Bill. Future signalling on these issues may well influence counterparty outcomes and encourage state and local governments and tertiary institutions to enter into arrangements which represent inferior outcomes for their constituents.

In the media

Law Council raises grave concerns about lack of safeguards in new ASIO powers
The Law Council of Australia is deeply concerned that the compulsory questioning powers of ASIO are set to be significantly expanded, without crucial safeguards and out of line with other nations in the Five Eyes alliance. Law Council of Australia President, said she was especially troubled by the proposal to remove any form of judicial involvement from the process of issuing these extraordinary warrants (04 December 2020).  More...

Government response to the Comprehensive Review into Intelligence Legislation (Richardson Review)
The Morrison Government released the unclassified version of the Comprehensive Review of the Legal Framework of the National Intelligence Community (Richardson Review), along with the Government's response to the review (04 December 2020).  More...

National Emergency Declaration Bill
The Australian Government will be better able to respond to major emergencies through a new legislated framework for declaring national emergencies (03 December 2020).  More...

Enhancing domestic violence protections for Family Court users
The Morrison Government welcomes the launch of a $13.5 million pilot program which will enhance protections for families entering the family law system who are at risk of domestic violence (03 December 2020).  More...

Let's not rush important Bills through Parliament
The Law Council of Australia is calling on the government to give key stakeholders and the Parliament time to scrutinize the Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020. A close inspection of the stated operational case, the criteria, thresholds and process for the issuance of warrants, and the arrangements for independent oversight and review is needed (03 December 2020).  More...

New rules to detect, trace and block scam calls
The ACMA has registered new rules that require telcos to detect, trace and block scam calls. The Reducing Scam Calls Code, developed by the telco industry, was a direct recommendation of the ACMA's Combating Scams Action Plan (02 December 2020).  More...

New campaign urges Australians to protect themselves against cybercrime
Australians are being urged to strengthen their cyber defences and be alert to online threats through a new national cyber security campaign. Australia's Cyber Security Strategy 2020  represents our nation's largest ever investment in cyber security and expands the cyber security capabilities and assistance provided through the Australian Signals Directorate and the ACSC (02 December 2020).  More...
For information on how to protect yourself and your business from cyber threats, report a cyber incident, learn how to become an ACSC partner, and find the latest help and advice click here.

The legal profession has taken a hit over Lawyer X. Can mandatory reporting fix it?
The Lawyer X royal commission found Nicola Gobbo breached the fundamental rules at the heart of the legal profession. While lawyers largely support the idea of mandatory reporting of misconduct, some believe police should be subjected to the same rules (01 December 2020).  More...

APSC serves up the State of the Service
The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has released the findings from its latest and 23rd State of the Service survey revealing the APS has adapted to significant change and barriers arising over the past 12 months (30 November 2020).  More...

Family Court merger 'undesirable' for families, former Family Court Chief Justices say
The government's bill to abolish the specialist, stand-alone Family Court would have devastating impacts on families and result in a significant loss of structural, systemic specialisation, a coalition of stakeholders including the first and second Chief Justices of the Family Court has warned (29 November 2020).  More...

Gambling advertising monitoring program
During these first 12 months, the ACMA did not identify any major issues with the operation of the broadcasting code restrictions. However, because of some inconsistencies in providers notifying scheduled start times, and issues with record-keeping obligations, the ACMA decided to keep monitoring how the Online Content Service Provider Rules (the Online Rules) operated for another year (27 November 2020).  More...

Independent National Security Legislation Monitor appointed
Attorney-General Christian Porter announced the substantive appointment of Mr Grant Donaldson SC as Australia's fourth Independent National Security Legislation Monitor (INSLM) (27 November 2020).  More...

AHRC: New tools for fairer AI
A ground-breaking new technical paper demonstrates how businesses can identify algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence (AI), and proposes steps they can take to address this problem. With companies increasingly using AI for decision making in everything from pricing to recruitment, addressing the problem of algorithmic bias explores how these decision-making systems can result in unfairness (24 November 2020).  More...

OAIC issues first 6-month COVIDSafe privacy report
Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk released the first 6-month report on the privacy protections in the COVIDSafe app (23 November 2020).  More...


New justice fund gives voice to legal chatbot
A Sydney community legal centre (CLC) is harnessing artificial intelligence to help disadvantaged clients under the NSW Government's Access to Justice Innovation Fund, Attorney General Mark Speakman announced (30 November 2020).  More...

New bill to address unfair child abuse payouts
Many survivors of institutional child abuse would be able to pursue fairer compensation under proposed new laws even if they have already received a civil settlement (29 November 2020).  More...

MERIT program marks 20 year milestone
One of NSW's most effective programs to reduce re-offending reached a significant milestone this month, marking two decades since it was first introduced to the Local Court (27 November 2020).  More...

$12 million boost to domestic violence services
Nearly 100 frontline domestic violence services will receive a funding boost this week to support more victim-survivors, as a campaign to eradicate violence against women kicks off around the globe (25 November 2020).  More...

ICAC recommends changes to government water management in NSW after years of focus on irrigation industry interests
The NSW ICAC has made 15 recommendations to the NSW Government to improve the management of the state's water resources (27 November 2020).  More...

In practice and courts

Adoption of Law Council of Australia's Trilogy of Mediation Guidelines
The Bar Council has resolved to adopt the Law Council of Australia's Trilogy of Mediation Guidelines - the Guidelines for Parties in Mediations, Guidelines for Lawyers in Mediations and Ethical Guidelines for Mediators. The Guidelines for Parties in Mediations, Guidelines for Lawyers in Mediations and Ethical Guidelines for Mediators are a useful resource for ADR Barrister practitioners and their clients. The Guidelines can be accessed here (04 December 2020).

AAT Bulletin
The AAT Bulletin is a weekly publication containing a list of recent AAT decisions and information relating to appeals against AAT decisions, including immigration and citizenship. Find Issue No. 29/2020, 30 November 2020 here.

The Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia - Lighthouse Project update
The Family Law Amendment (Risk Screening Protections) Bill 2020 legislation provides an important framework and enables the Courts to progress the very important new family-violence and risk screening initiative, the Lighthouse Project. For enquiries please email the Courts. Find more information about the project here (updated 03 December 2020).

Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) consultation: The Digital Identity Legislation Consultation Paper 
The paper outlines key issues surrounding the development of the legislation and poses specific questions about its design, scope and content. The closing date for submissions is 18 December and readers interested in making a submission can access the Digital Identity Consultation Page here.

Commonwealth Integrity Commission: Consultation draft
The Australian Government has released an exposure draft of legislation to establish the new Commonwealth Integrity Commission (CIC) and make other consequences legislative amendments. A fact sheet about the key features of the CIC has also been released. The consultation page includes links to the draft legislation and further information about other issues under consideration. Closing date is 12 February 2021.

Attorney General Reminder: Privacy Act Review Issues Paper
Public submissions on the Issues Paper would be accepted until 29 November 2020. The Attorney-General's  Privacy Act Review Issues Paper, including information on how to have a say, can be accessed here.

Consultation on proposed new conduct rule
The Law Council of Australia has released a consultation paper proposing that a new rule 11A be added to the Australian Solicitors' Conduct Rules. The proposed rule clarifies how existing ethical principles relating to conflicts of interest may be applied when providing short-term legal assistance services. The consultation closes on 7 December 2020.  More...

LCA Submissions
04 December 2020 - Law Council
Agribusiness industry consultation and the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth)
02 December 2020 - Legal Practice
Requiring Deductible Gift Recipients (DGRs) to Register as Charities
02 December 2020 - Law Council
Information sharing between the family law and criminal justice and child protection systems
02 December 2020 - Law Council
Death and Taxes Review - Consultation with the Legal Profession
27 November 2020 - Law Council
Exposure Draft Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020

OAIC consultation: Requirements to collect personal information for contact tracing purposes
The OAIC and state and territory privacy regulators have produced the following draft guidelines to support a nationally consistent approach to requirements for businesses and venues to collect contact information. The closing date for comments is 4 December 2020.  More...

ACMA consultation: Draft Broadcasting Services (Australian Content and Children's Television) Standards 2020
The consultation focuses on practical implementation and drafting issues relating to the program standards, and closes on 7 December. Feedback will then be considered, with the new standards planned to begin on 1 January 2021 (19 November 2020).  More...

ACMA: Proposed service standards for superfast fixed broadband services - consultation 33/2020
We are proposing new rules for carriage service providers (CSPs) to improve the experience of consumers using superfast fixed broadband services. Consultation closes 09 December 2020.  More...

ACMA position paper: Misinformation and news quality on digital platforms in Australia
A position paper to guide code development, includes a model code framework for consideration, including objectives and outcomes to be achieved for the benefit of Australian users of digital platforms. The ACMA anticipates to have in place a single, industry-wide code by December 2020. The position paper has been published here.

ACMA reminder, NBN consumer experience rules
ACMA has enhanced NBN consumer experience rules to protect Australians during the final phase of the NBN migration. The enhancements have been made to the following rules: Service Continuity StandardService Migration DeterminationConsumer Information Standard, and Complaints Handling Standard. The enhancements to the Service Continuity Standard and Service Migration Determination will start on 14 December 2020, while most enhancements to the Complaints Handling Standard and Consumer Information Standard will start on 1 April 2021.  More...

Current consultations

Finance and Public Administration References Committee
New: The current capability of the Australian Public Service (APS)

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee
New: Judges' Pensions Amendment (Pension Not Payable for Misconduct) Bill 2020

Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee
Nationhood, national identity and democracy. On 31 August 2020 the committee's reporting date was extended to 8 December 2020.

Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee consultations
Intelligence and Security Legislation Amendment (Implementing Independent Intelligence Review) Bill 2020. On 6 October 2020 the Senate extended the committee's reporting date to 9 December 2020.

LSC: Regulation of litigation funding schemes
The Legal Services Council has amended the Legal Profession Uniform General Rules 2015 with effect from 22 August 2020 so the prohibitions in s 258(1) and (3) of the Legal Profession Uniform Law do not apply in relation to litigation funding schemes now regulated as managed investment schemes. The new rule will operate for 12 months to allow for consultation. Find the Legal Services Council website here.

Australian Bushfires Disaster Emergency Declaration - understanding your privacy obligations
The Attorney-General has made the Privacy (Australian Bushfires Disaster) Emergency Declaration (No. 1) 2020 (the emergency declaration) under Part VIA of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). The emergency declaration was made in response to bushfires in Australia resulting in death, injury and property damage occurring from August 2019 into 2020. The emergency declaration expires on 20 January 2021.


New online hearings lists for the Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division and Occupational Division of NCAT
From Monday 30 November 2020, new searchable online hearing lists for NCAT's Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division and Occupational Division will be available from the NCAT website. Further information is available here.

COVID-19: Information for attending court - Friday 4 December
The New South Wales Bar Association's consolidated guide to COVID-19-related court arrangements has again been updated in terms of recent developments.

Extension of strata and community lands COVID-19 regulations
Regulations were published on 12 November 2020 which extend the COVID-19 measures as previously provided for strata and community lands to 13 May 2021. The measures include alternative means of holding meetings and execution of documents by an owners corporation or community association. See Community Land Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation (No 2) 2020 and Strata Schemes Management Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation (No 2) 2020.

DCJ NSW: Review of the Advocate for Children and Young People Act
The review will determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate for securing these objectives. The discussion paper is available here. Submissions close on 12 March 2021.  More...

DCJ NSW: Exposure Draft Bill for public consultation: Crimes Legislation (Offences Against Pregnant Women) Bill
The Government is seeking community views on proposals that aim to acknowledge the loss of victims and appropriately punish offenders. The Exposure Draft Bill, which was developed in response to expert advice and stakeholder feedback, is available on the Have Your Say website. Submissions close on 29 January 2021.  More...

Legal Aid NSW DX account decommissioned effective from 30 November 2020
Legal Aid NSW has advised that it is changing its mail service provider from the DX to Australia Post. This change will be effective from 30 November 2020. To ensure no documents are lost Legal Aid NSW encourages members to communicate with them via email using Legal Aid NSW office mailing addresses which are available on the Legal Aid NSW website here.

Extension of the Retail and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19) measures
The Retail and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19) Regulation (No 2) 2020 commenced on 24 October 2020, and extended with some amendments, the prohibitions and requirements in relation to the exercise of certain rights of lessors during the COVID-19 pandemic period, until the end of 31 December 2020.

JUDCOM: Decisions reserved
The Court of Appeal maintains a list of matters before the Court for which judgment is reserved. The list is updated weekly. View the latest publication here.

JUDCOM: Decisions before the High Court
The Court of Appeal maintains a list of decisions of the New South Wales Court of Appeal or Court of Criminal Appeal appealed to the High Court. The list is updated regularly. View the latest publication here.

JUDCOMCivil Trials Bench Book
1 December 2020 - The sample orders and accompanying text of the Civil Trials Bench Book are produced as guidelines only. The following changes have been incorporated into this update:  Civil Trials Bench Book.

ICAC investigation reports
27 Nov 2020 - Read more about the investigation into complaints of corruption in the management of water in NSW and systemic non-compliance with the Water Management Act 2000 (Opeartion Avon) here.

IPC Annual Report 2019/20
30 November 2020 - The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) has published its Annual Report 2019/20 which was tabled in NSW Parliament on 30 November 2020.  More...

Extension of charge certification period - practice and procedure
In response to a request from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the chief magistrate, Judge Graeme Henson AM, has extended the charge certification period from six to eight weeks, commencing 16 November 2020 until the end of the 2020 Law Term.

Reminder: 2020 Professional Standards Scheme commences
The fourth New South Wales Bar Association Professional Standards Scheme will remain in effect until 30 June 2025. You can learn more about the scheme here.

Published - articles, papers, reports

Management of the Australian Public Service's Workforce Response to COVID-19
ANAO: 01 December 2020
The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the management of the Australian Public Service (APS) workforce in implementing the Australian Government's COVID-19 priorities.

2019-20 Major Projects Report
ANAO: 30 November 2020
Increased transparency and accountability on progress with major Defence equipment acquisitions has been a focus of parliamentary interest for some time. The objective of this report was to provide the Auditor-General's independent assurance over the status of the selected major projects.

NSW Criminal Courts Statistics 2020
NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research: 26 November 2020
The statistics presents information on the characteristics of defendants dealt with by NSW criminal courts. This includes information on the offences, case outcomes and sentences associated with those defendants.


Owen v Commissioner of Police [2020] NSWCATAD 296
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - government information - access application - information relating to the applicant and the management of the applicant's workplace injury - whether prejudice the supply of information - whether reveal a deliberation or consultation - whether prejudice the effective exercise of an agency's functions - personal information - whether public interest considerations against disclosure outweigh public interest considerations in favour of disclosure. 

Smith v Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages [2020] NSWCATAD 295
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - registration of birth - whether Registrar should correct the Applicant's date of birth as recorded in the Register - most reliable information.

Stalvies v Snowy Monaro Regional Council  [2020] NSWCATAD 292
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - government information - access application - whether disclosure could reasonably be expected to reveal personal information - whether disclosure could contravene an information protection principle - whether public interest considerations against disclosure outweigh public interest considerations in favour of disclosure. 

Ugur v Commissioner of Police [2020] NSWCATAD 293
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION - government information - whether further information held by the agency Public interest considerations against disclosure - informants - personal information.

Environment Protection Authority v Mouawad (No 2); Environment Protection Authority v Aussie Earthmovers Pty Ltd (No 3)  [2020] NSWLEC 166
PROSECUTION - sentencing individual defendant for two charges of knowingly supply false and misleading information about asbestos waste disposal - location of asbestos waste unknown - aggravating factors of financial gain, committed with no regard for public safety, planned criminal activity - high level of objective seriousness - subjective matters considered - totality principle considered where gaol time served for related fraud offences PROSECUTION - sentencing company defendant for two charges of knowingly supply false and misleading information about asbestos waste disposal - location of asbestos waste unknown - aggravating factors of financial gain, committed with no regard for public safety, planned criminal activity - no participation by defendant at any stage of proceedings - no subjective matters to consider - totality principle considered.

MacMahon v Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages [2020] NSWCATAD 290
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - registration of change of name - power to refuse STATUTORY INTERPRETATION - linguistic maxims - context.

SafeWork NSW v BOC Limited [2020] NSWCA 306
CRIME - work health and safety - application for judicial review of verdict of acquittal - JUDICIAL REVIEW - supervisory jurisdiction - acquittal - principle of double jeopardy - application for judicial review in supervisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court by prosecutor following acquittal - circumstances in which the Court's jurisdiction to review an acquittal is engaged JUDICIAL REVIEW - supervisory jurisdiction - discretion to refuse relief - opportunity to address trial judge or to seek stated case to the Court of Criminal Appeal prior to final orders - failure to apply to judge - subsequent attempt to invoke supervisory jurisdiction.

Marist Brothers St Joseph's College v Transport for NSW [2020] NSWCATAD 288
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - access to information - whether public interest considerations against disclosure out weight the public interest considerations in favour of disclosure - refusal of access - correct and preferable decision - risk of harm or of serious harassment or serious intimidation.




Services Australia Governance Amendment Act 2020
26/11/2020 - Act No. 104 of 2020 as made.

National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Strengthening Banning Orders) Act 2020
26/11/2020 - Act No. 103 of 2020 as made.

Family Law Amendment (Risk Screening Protections) Act 2020
25/11/2020 - Act No. 98 of 2020 as made.


Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020
HR Consideration of Senate message - House disagreed to Senate amendment 03 Dec 2020
Consequential on the Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020, the bill amends the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 to provide that decisions made under the Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 are not subject to judicial review; and Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 to authorise the disclosure of protected information.

Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020
Finally passed both Houses 03 Dec 2020
Introduced with the Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2020, the bill establishes a legislative scheme for Commonwealth engagement with arrangements between State or Territory governments and foreign governments, and their associated entities.

Electoral Amendment (Territory Representation) Bill 2020
Senate 03 December 2020 - The Electoral Amendment (Territory Representation) Bill 2020 amends the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to provide more equitable representation, through changes to the method for determining the number of House of Representatives members for the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.


Commonwealth Procurement Rules
02/11/2020 - The updated Commonwealth Procurement Rules reflect the Australian Government's commitment to sustainable procurement practices; emphasise the importance of paying suppliers on time, particularly small businesses; and includes a new Appendix A exemption that allows for the direct engagement of a Small and Medium Enterprise for procurements up to $200,000. This update also includes a number of minor amendments comprising: acknowledgment of the Australian Governments reporting obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018. 

Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Amendment (Law Enforcement Agencies) Regulations 2020
27/11/2020 -  This instrument amends the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Regulations 2017 to expand the jurisdiction of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity over four additional Commonwealth government agencies. 


Regulations and other miscellaneous instruments
Electoral Funding (Adjustable Amounts) (Administrative and New Party Policy Development Funding) Notice 2020 (2020-701) - published LW 4 December 2020
Surveillance Devices Amendment (Body-Worn Recording Devices) Regulation 2020 (2020-697) - published LW 30 November 2020
Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Acts-Amendment No 7) Order 2020 (2020-682) - published LW 27 November 2020
Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes-Venues NSW Staff Agency) Order 2020 (2020-683) - published LW 27 November 2020
Children (Detention Centres) Amendment (Disclosure of Information) Regulation 2020 (2020-685) - published LW 27 November 2020
Liquor Amendment (Liquor Licence Freeze) Regulation 2020 (2020-687) - published LW 27 November 2020

Proclamations commencing Acts
Better Regulation Legislation Amendment Act 2020 No 25 (2020-679) - published LW 27 November 2020
Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No 3) 2018 No 87 (2020-680) - published LW 27 November 2020

Bills assented to
Stronger Communities Legislation Amendment (Domestic Violence) Act 2020 No 36 - Assented to 25 November 2020
Drug Supply Prohibition Order Pilot Scheme Act 2020 No 39 - Assented to 25 November 2020

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