What is Mediation and how does it work in family law?

Unified Lawyers


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Mediation helps resolve disputes where parties can discuss their issues with the assistance of a neutral third party.
Australia Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration

Family law matters can be incredibly stressful and emotionally taxing. When disputes arise, it's important to find effective ways to resolve them without escalating tensions further.

Mediation is one such method that offers a supportive environment for parties involved to reach an agreement. Our family law and divorce mediation lawyers at Unified Lawyers understand the importance of mediation in family law and are here to help guide you through the process.

Mediation helps resolve disputes by providing a structured, yet flexible, setting where all parties can openly discuss their issues with the assistance of a neutral third party. In this article, we will explore what mediation is, how it works, and why it can be a beneficial option for resolving family law disputes.

What is mediation in Australia?

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that is widely used in Australia to help parties resolve disputes outside of court. It involves the assistance of a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who facilitates discussions and negotiations between the disputing parties. This process is informal and flexible, aiming to reach a mutually acceptable agreement without the need for a court hearing.

In the context of family law, mediation is often referred to as family dispute resolution (FDR). Family dispute resolution practitioners, who are accredited professionals, guide parties through the mediation process. These practitioners ensure that the mediation sessions are conducted fairly and that both parties have an opportunity to participate effectively.

Mediation in family law can cover various issues, including divorce, child custody, property settlements, and other family-related disputes. The goal is to reach an agreement that considers the best interests of all involved, particularly the children.

What are the benefits of mediation when facing disputes?

Mediation offers numerous benefits for those facing family law disputes, including but not limited to:

  • Mediation is a less adversarial and more cooperative approach to resolving a dispute. The environment is more supportive, which can help to preserve relationships, which is extremely important when children are involved.
  • Mediation is typically more cost-effective and affordable than litigation. Legal costs can quickly add up in court cases, whereas mediation sessions usually involve a modest fee. Legal aid may also be available for those who qualify, further reducing mediation costs.
  • Mediation is a confidential process, unlike court hearings. Privacy means that parties can more comfortably discuss sensitive issues openly without fear of public exposure.
  • Parties tend to have more control and can find more flexible solutions to suit their circumstances. In mediation, the parties involved can negotiate and decide on solutions that best meet their needs, rather than having a judge impose a decision. This flexibility can lead to more satisfactory and sustainable agreements.
  • Mediation is usually timelier in resolving disputes. It can be scheduled relatively quickly compared to court dates, which can be months or even years away. A few mediation sessions can resolve disputes in a matter of weeks, allowing parties to move forward sooner.
  • The mediation process is designed to reduce stress and conflict which can have a positive impact on the emotional and psychological health of the parties involved.

Mediation offers parties a chance to resolve disputes amicably and efficiently. By focusing on collaboration rather than confrontation, mediation can lead to more harmonious outcomes and help maintain family relationships.

How does mediation work and its challenges?

Mediation is a collaborative process designed to help parties resolve disputes with the assistance of a neutral third party, known as a mediator. Unlike court proceedings, mediation is informal and flexible, allowing parties to discuss their issues openly and work towards a mutually agreeable solution. The mediator facilitates communication, ensures both parties are heard, and helps them identify and explore solutions to their dispute.

One of the key aspects of mediation is its focus on voluntary participation. Both parties must be willing to engage in the process and make a genuine effort to resolve their issues. This collaborative nature can lead to more satisfactory and sustainable agreements, as the parties have control over the outcome rather than having a decision imposed by a judge.

Challenges of mediation

Mediation can have its challenges, some of which include:

  • Power Imbalances: Significant power imbalances between the parties can make it difficult for the less powerful party to negotiate effectively.
  • Emotional and Psychological Stress: Family law disputes often involve high levels of emotional and psychological stress, which can impact the mediation process.
  • Complex Issues: Some disputes involve complex legal or financial matters that may require additional expertise beyond what mediation can provide.
  • Voluntary Participation: Mediation relies on both parties' willingness to cooperate. If one party does not attend mediation or engage, the process can be unsuccessful.

While mediation offers a supportive environment for resolving disputes, it requires the active and cooperative participation of both parties to be effective. With the guidance of an experienced family dispute resolution practitioner, these challenges can be navigated, leading to successful and amicable resolutions.

What is the role of the mediator?

The mediator plays a crucial role in the mediation process, acting as a neutral third party who facilitates discussions and helps parties reach an agreement. They must remain neutral and impartial, ensuring that both parties have a fair opportunity to present their views.

Mediators facilitate effective communication, encourage open discussion, and help clarify misunderstandings. They assist in identifying the key issues in dispute and promote problem-solving by encouraging parties to explore various options and solutions.

Mediators also ensure a safe and respectful environment, setting ground rules for behaviour and managing dynamics to prevent conflicts from escalating.

If an agreement is reached, mediators assist in drafting the settlement agreement, which can be formalised through consent orders.

What is the mediation process?

The mediation process generally follows these steps:

  • Initial Consultation
  • Preparation
  • Mediation Session
  • Negotiation
  • Agreement

The mediation process is a structured, yet flexible method designed to help parties resolve disputes amicably.

Typically beginning with an initial consultation, this is where the mediator explains the process and assesses whether mediation is suitable for the parties involved.

If mediation is appropriate, both parties will need to provide background information and documents so that the mediator understands the situation.

Once mediation sessions begin, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties. These sessions can take place with everyone in the same room or through shuttle mediation, where the mediator moves between separate rooms if direct interaction is too contentious. Mediation can also take place over electronic video communication if necessary. The mediator guides the conversation, ensuring that each party has the opportunity to voice their concerns and explore potential solutions.

The negotiation phase is central to the mediation process. The mediator encourages open discussion, helps clarify the disputed issues, and supports the parties in brainstorming and evaluating various options. This collaborative approach aims to reach an agreement that both parties find acceptable.

If the parties reach an agreement, the mediator assists in drafting a settlement agreement, which can be formalised via a consent order.

What is the most difficult part of the mediation process?

While mediation offers many benefits, certain aspects of the process can be particularly challenging. For example, often the most difficult part of the mediation process involves managing the emotional and psychological stress that parties bring to the table. Family law disputes are inherently emotional, and the high levels of stress can impact both parties' ability to communicate effectively and negotiate reasonably.

Other difficulties can be power imbalances, issues that are very complex in nature, and the willingness of the parties involved to actually go through the mediation process.

Despite these challenges, mediation remains a valuable tool for resolving family law disputes.

What cases will benefit from mediation in family law?

Mediation is particularly beneficial in family law cases where there is a disagreement, but the parties are still willing to discuss and negotiate. Below are some examples of relationships and scenarios where mediation can be highly effective:

Separated or Divorcing Couples

Couples who are separating or going through a divorce can benefit from mediation to resolve issues related to property settlements, spousal maintenance, and child support.


Parents who are no longer together but need to make decisions about their children's upbringing can use mediation to establish parenting arrangements and custody agreements. Mediation focuses on the best interests of the children and encourages cooperative parenting.

Family-Owned Businesses

Conflicts in family-owned businesses can be complex due to the intertwined personal and professional relationships. Mediation helps family members navigate these disputes while preserving their business operations and family bonds.

What is the success rate of mediation?

It's difficult to give exact statistics regarding a success rate of mediation, however, in our experience, we are more often than not, able to resolve all kinds of family law disputes through mediation rather than court proceedings.

The collaborative and flexible nature of the mediation process is one of the key reasons as to why it is successful. People are able to find a solution together that works for each person. That's also why we prefer this to court proceedings – it means there are more satisfied people with outcomes that truly suit their unique circumstances.

Is there a cost for mediation?

The cost of mediation can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the duration of the mediation sessions, and the mediator's fees.

Generally, mediation dispute resolution services are more cost-effective than traditional court proceedings, making it an attractive option for many families. Some key things for you to know are:

  1. Private Mediators – Hiring a private mediator typically involves paying an hourly or session-based fee. The costs can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the mediator's experience and the complexity of the issues being mediated. It's important to discuss the mediation cost upfront to avoid any surprises.
  2. Family Relationship Centres and Legal Aid – In Australia, Family Relationship Centres offer free or low-cost mediation services, particularly for separating couples dealing with child custody and parenting arrangements. Legal aid commissions also provide mediation services at a reduced cost or for free for eligible parties. These services aim to make mediation accessible to those who may not afford private mediation.
  3. Modest Fees and Sliding Scales: Some mediation services operate on a sliding scale, where the fee is based on the parties' income levels. This approach ensures that mediation remains affordable for a broader range of families. Additionally, certain mediators may charge a modest fee for their services, making it a more economical option compared to court litigation.
  4. Cost of Formalising Agreements: While the mediation process itself may be cost-effective, parties should also consider the potential costs of formalising agreements. For example, converting a mediated agreement into consent orders involves additional legal fees. However, this is still typically less expensive than going through a full court process.

Overall, the cost of mediation is generally lower than the expenses associated with court proceedings. By choosing mediation, families can save on legal costs and reach resolutions in a more timely and less adversarial manner.

Common types of disputes mediation can help resolve

Mediation is a versatile and effective method for resolving a wide range of disputes. Here are some common disputes mediation can help to resolve:

  • Family Law Disputes: Includes divorce, child custody, parenting arrangements, and spousal maintenance. Mediation helps resolve disputes by creating workable solutions that prioritise children's best interests and reduce conflict.
  • Property and Financial Settlements: Provides a structured environment to negotiate the division of assets and liabilities, leading to fair and equitable agreements.
  • Elder Care and Estate Disputes: Addresses disagreements regarding elder care arrangements or estate distribution in a respectful and confidential setting.

Mediation offers a supportive and flexible environment that encourages cooperation and mutual understanding, leading to more satisfactory and lasting resolutions.

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