The Canadian Securities Administrators released a staff notice today communicating their concern regarding firms that carry out brokerage activities registering as exempt market dealers. The notice describes such firms as being primarily U.S.-based broker-dealers that are members of FINRA.
According to CSA staff, the EMD category of registration was not intended for firms that conduct brokerage activities (trading securities listed on an exchange in foreign or Canadian markets), and the notice states that permitting such activity would result in differing levels of regulatory oversight between EMDs and those firms subject to IIROC requirements and supervision.
In light of their concerns, the CSA will instead "consider" registering these broker-dealers in the restricted dealer category with terms and conditions, including a requirement that such broker-dealers only deal with permitted clients. Such registrations would also be temporary while the CSA engage in a consultation process to ensure that "appropriate regulatory requirements" apply to all firms undertaking brokerage activities. According to the notice, the consultations will "likely" result in changes to the registration rules.
For more information, see CSA Staff Notice 31-327.
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