Stikeman Elliott is a global leader in Canadian business law and the first call for businesses working in and with Canada. We provide clients with the highest quality counsel, strategic advice, and creative solutions. Stikeman Elliott consistently ranks as a top law firm in our primary practice areas.
As we discussed in April 2010, the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada proposed amendments to UMIR last year that would, among other things, replace the definition of "Market Maker Obligations" with a definition of "Marketplace Trading Obligations" and make various other changes to odd lot and marketplace trading obligations.
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As we discussed in April 2010, the Investment
Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada proposed
amendments to UMIR last year that
would, among other things, replace the definition of "Market
Maker Obligations" with a definition of "Marketplace
Trading Obligations" and make various other changes
to odd lot and marketplace trading obligations. The OSC and a
number of other Canadian securities regulators have now approved
the amendments, which become effective today. For more information,
see IIROC Notice
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.