13 January 2023
Mondaq Thought Leadership Award Winner

ASIC provides relief for Authorised Representatives providing insurance claims handling and services

Sophie Grace Pty Ltd


Sophie Grace is a leading Australian firm specialising in both compliance and legal services to participants within the financial services and credit industries. We have serviced Australian and international clients across the financial sector for over a decade. From obtaining the required licences to operate your business to the provision of ongoing compliance support, many businesses have benefited from Sophie Grace’s extensive knowledge in the financial and credit space. We take pride in our ability to offer tailored solutions to a broad range of businesses whilst keeping business practicalities and obligations to regulators at the forefront of our minds when delivering services and advice. Our consultancy services can equip you with assistance and clarity in your business endeavours.
ASIC has granted relief from the requirement to provide a FSG to certain Authorised Representatives.
Australia Finance and Banking

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") has granted relief from the requirement to provide a Financial Services Guide (FSG) to certain Authorised Representatives.

The relief applies to Authorised Representatives who are authorised by an Australian Financial Services Licensee (Licensee) to provide both of the following services on behalf of the licensee:

  • deal in general insurance products and/or bundled consumer credit insurance products; and
  • provide claims handling and settling services.

Where the Authorised Representative is authorised to provide any other services, the relief will not apply.

What do Licensees need to do?

Licensees must ensure that their Authorised Representatives are taking reasonable steps to:

  • provide their clients with information about the availability of the Licensee's dispute resolution system and how the system may be accessed;
  • provide their clients with information in writing regarding who the Authorised Representative acts for when providing the financial services; and
  • disclose in writing any remuneration, commission or other benefits the Authorised Representative (or its associates) may receive in relation to the provision of the financial services.


Section 941B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) requires an Authorised Representative of a Licensee to provide a client with a FSG as soon as practicable after it becomes apparent that a financial service will be provided.

A FSG must not be given to a client unless the Licensee has authorised its distribution.

Further Reading:

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