22 November 2018

The Oman Update - Official Gazette 1268

Royal Decree no. 32/2018 granting Omani citizenship.
Oman Real Estate and Construction

Royal Decrees

Royal Decree no. 28/2018 amending the Law of State Flag, Emblem and National Anthem.
Royal Decree no. 29/2018 issuing the Law on prohibition of non-Omani ownership of land and real estate in certain places.
Royal Decree no. 30/2018 issuing the Regulations for calculation of guarantee for real estate development projects.
Royal Decree no. 31/2018 appointing the Secretary General for Military Affairs at the Royal Office.
Royal Decree no. 32/2018 granting Omani citizenship.

Royal Orders Granting Medals

Diwan of Royal Court

Royal Protocol

Order granting medal
Order granting medal

Ministerial Decisions

Ministry of Housing

Ministerial Decision no. 92/2018, issued on 13 November 2018, on Rules for Investment in Government Land Allocated for Private Institutions of Higher Education.

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Decision no. 238/2018, issued on 7 November 2018, fixing the return on obtainment of a commercial loan or credit.

Official Announcements

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Notice on registration of industrial models.
Notice on applications for accepted patents.
Notices publishing trademark registration applications.
Notice on trademarks with ownership transfer endorsed on records.
Notice on renewal of protection period of registered trademarks.

Tender Board

Notice on Tender no. 12/2018 on the project for designing, execution, operation and maintenance of Diba-Lima-Khasab Road in the governorate of Musandam.

Central Bank of Oman

Notice on total value of currency in circulation in the Sultanate at the end of October 2018.

Commercial Announcements

  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Gulf Rains Commercial Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Pioneering Spectrum Middle East Communications (Free Zone Company) LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Tamlik Trading and Contracting LLC 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Ghuwail International Sands LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Salwat Geometry Engineering Consultancy LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of ELF and Partner LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Khalid Bin Hamdan Bin Ramadan Al Baloshi Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Madhri Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Wasil Lights Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Ghubairah Scenes Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Northern Al Dima Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Sada Al Dhahir Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Shawamikh Al Sahraa Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Anwar Al Mazaree' Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Water Services Engineering LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Duqm Pioneering Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Dahab Al Raid Centre LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Said Ahmed Al Shanfari and Sons-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Samahram Trading Stores Limited LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Lamar Garments LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Said and Abdullah Sons of Khalfan Al Majeezi Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Kauniya Arabian Trading and Restaurant Management LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Mubadalah Investment LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Asmaki LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of International Sea Empire-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Ali and Abdullah Sons of Rashid Al Hadidi Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Miyah Shafi Mohammad Al Zadjali Sons and Partner-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Aghsan Bidbid Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Shams Al Taqaddum Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Bayaq Turnkey Projects LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Ghusoon Izki Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Rawdhat Al Arab LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Afaq Seema' Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Marhoon Al Mahrazi and Said Al Majeezi-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Sarooj Advanced Company-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Orchid United LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Gulf Fleet LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Ashras Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Crystal Currency Iron Trading LLC 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Crystal Aluminum LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Nibras Al Sahraa Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Shihab Al Batina Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Dar Al Wafi Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Tibyan Modern Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Sharaa' Al Qarha Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Gulf Golden Oceans-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Sahra Adventures LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Mahir International LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Buhairy Trading Group LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Ahmed and Laila Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Bread House LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Salih Bin Salim Al Habsi and Brothers Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Haisam Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Gulf General Investments LLC 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Jalabiyat Al Sharjah LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Farashat Hawwaa' LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Rabee' Lubnan Bakery and Confectionery LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Ubell Incense LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Fins United Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Roonan Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Safety Steps LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Modern Quryat House LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Fohood Al Ula Integrated Trading and Services LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Hamdhi Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Arabian Material Testing LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Tatweer Travel and Tours LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Usool International Investment LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Arabian Technical Works and Services LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Sohar Diamond Flyovers Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Hikmah Heights LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Sheedi and Al Zadjali Trading-General Partnership 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Afaq Modern Plains Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Simaa' Gardens Trading-Limited Partnership 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Qabtan General Enterprises-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of International Brokerage House LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Oman Vehicle Leasing LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Qurum Arabian Trading Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Bentoot Engineering Services LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Beezar Trading and Contracting LLC 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Samahram Real Estate International LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Nukhbah Modern Medical Centre LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Ahlia Marine Trading and Products LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Sanaa' Garments LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of United Pipe Services LLC 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Amal Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Industrial Works Umbrella LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Bareeq Al Noor General Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Meeraj United LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Khalid Bin Amor Bin Labkhit Fadhil and Son Trading-Limited Partnership 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Vocational Administrator LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Ahd Al Khaleej Al Mutamayyizah LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Ali Bin Faraj Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Bint Al Awadhi Trading-Limited Partnership 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Medical and Pharmaceutical Services LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Mij'ali United LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Baseeri Modern Enterprises-Limited Partnership 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Mandasa Al Haditha Trading and Contracting-Limited Partnership 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Mutrah Market Gateway Lights LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Humaid Salim Al Habsi and Nasser Al Ma'wali Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Humaid Bin Salim Al Habsi and Sons Trading and Contracting-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Dhari Al Shan Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Zamayim Beauty LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Danat Sahm Turnkey Projects-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Umq Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Jassim United Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Yahya Bin Ahmed Bin Hilal Al Kiyumi and Partner Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Khor Rusul Heights Oasis Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Badr Bin Mohammad Bin Amor Al Quraini and Partner Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Faisal Al Qareeni and Partner Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Jaizah LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Seeraa' Hospital Tools and Equipment LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Lamar Advertising Projects and Works Agency LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Qusoor Furnishing LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Oman Equipment Leasing and Maintenance LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Oman United Equipment LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Marketing International LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Zamayim Oilfields LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Aa'raf International LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of United International Travel Services LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Emperor Motorbikes LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Najma Automobile Alignment Services LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Samahram Leasing International LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Barka Golden Flyovers LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Fayafi Maskan Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Seeb Purple Flowers LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Al Jafnain Mountains Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Arabian Gulf Axis Trading and Contracting LLC 
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Muscat Dagger Trading LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Abha Trading Glory-General Partnership
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Jumayyil and Majid Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on commencement of liquidation of Tycoon Limited LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of DSME Oman LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Fancy and Al Sulaimi Group Trading and Major Projects LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Asriyah Automobile Service LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Youth Centre Automobile Service LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Musallam Bin Ajham Al Katheeri Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Diyar International LLC 
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Rakizah Al Badiyah Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Wudooh Al Arabiyah Trading and Contracting-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Transparency United Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Fourth Stone Technical Engineering Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Khamilah Clinic and Pharmacy LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Istimrar Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Safaqah Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abu Firas Al Hosni Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abha Al Khadraa' Trading-General Partnership 
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Spectrum Technical Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Southern Riyadh Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Hamoud and Abdullah Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Qutoof Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Fazari and Al Mas'oodi Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Hilal and Rashid Sons of Saif Bin Rashid Al Miqbali Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Tareef National Sands Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Modern Al Badiyah Lights Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Hail Generations Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Gulf United Front LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Fasail Modern Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Bahja Al E'maar Trading and Services LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al 'Abir Deluxe Enterprises-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Tafawwuq High Energy and Construction Contracting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Tha'lab Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Ghadeer Al Seeb Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Loyan Marketing and Services LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of International Silver Land Services-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Thimar Al Khair Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Dhahboon Lights Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Bin Al Shaikh Al Afif Trading and Contracting-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Building Services and Investment LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Fawaris Al Khabourah Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Shu'lat Majz Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of 'Ahin Deluxe Plains Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Mansoor Bin Abdullah Bin Zaid Al Nuaimi and Son Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Salim Bin Salam Bin Mabrook and Partners Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abu Saqr Al Sheedi Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Ghadeer Sohar Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Mazoon Al Dhahirah Trading and Contracting-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Fursan Al Bawadi Trading and Contracting-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Sultan Bin Rashid Bin Khamis Al Miqbali Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Bahjat Al Najah Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Sohar Organic Fertilizers Factory LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Najd Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Ibrahim Bin Yusuf Bin Said Al Baloshi and Partner Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of City Health Club-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Bairaq Red Deluxe Trading and Contracting Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Asalat Al Sharq Lady Abayah Sale and Stitching-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Tariq Al Shibli and Partner Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Sohar Al Zahiya Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Silver Cup Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Khabourah Chains Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Hikmah Internet and Computer Services Centre-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Tamayyuz Modern Rays Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Seeb Modern Waves-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Surooh Maskan Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Golden Space Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Khatw Gardens Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Ibrahim Bin Sulaiman Al Waily and Partner Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Ghuyoom Sinaw Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Falak Oman LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Ahlia Engineering Services Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Ahlia Oil Services Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Biharah Turnkey Projects LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Oman Specialized Pipes Industry LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Khutoot Al Said LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Green Fodder LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Nawras Lines Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Hamad Bin Said Al Essai and Partner Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Said Bin Misabah Bin Ali Al Miqbali and Sons Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Saham Golden Candles-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Sahil Flower Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Khalid and Sami Sons of Abdullah Bin Sulaiman Al Baloshi Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abdullah Bin Abdurrahman Bin Abdullah Al Farsi-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Rawai'e Al Muheet Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abu Hussain Al Ghafeeli and Partner Enterprises LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Hamad Bin Abdullah Bin Ghabish Al Sadi and Partner Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Alam Al Kaun Investment LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Noor Modern Cleaning Services LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Construction Secrets Contracting-Limited Partnership  
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Soham Deluxe Lights Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Furat Breeze Trading-General Partnership 
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Said Bin Khamis Bin Sulaiman and Sons Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Violet Star-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Hoor Al Ain Trading-General Partnership 
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Manarat Al Sadd Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Bayan Power LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Bayan Lighting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Marjan Majan LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abu Zakariah Al Abri Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Empty Quarter Plains Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Ruboo' Al Uluww Trading-Limited Partnership 
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Gulf Pioneering Glimpses Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Bukhat / Jumah Bin Salim Bin Bukhat and Son-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Wadi Aahin Breeze Trading and Contracting-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Awtar Garments-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Meena Logistics Jewel LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Salim Bin Hassan Al Farsi and Partner Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abul Jood International LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Bakhit Bin Saif Bin Salim Al Dhaw'ani Heirs and Partners Trading-Limited Partnership 
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Bairaq Al Shamal Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Shahin Al Shamal Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Muscat Silver Gateway Trading LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Farsi and Al Ma'mari Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Seventh Group LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Said and Rashid Sons of Humaid Bin Mohammad Al Shibli Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Abu Qusayy Al Ajmi Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Batinah Deluxe Pearl-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Jalil Al Ajmi and Partner Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Sanad Al Jabri and Sons Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Said Bin Humaid Bin Abdullah Al Hosny and Sons Trading-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Bashiq Construction LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Darwish Modern Enterprises-Limited Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Rawasi Al Thabitah Trading and Contracting LLC
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Ruqay Diamond Company Trading-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Hamad Al Mahrooqi and Ali Al Mij'ali Trading and Contracting-General Partnership
  • Notice on completion of liquidation of Al Rasheeq Trading-Limited Partnership

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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