2021 has been BKL's first full year as a member of AGN International's global network of accounting businesses.

We were proud to see not one but two colleagues succeed in AGN's first ever Women of Impact Awards, with Myfanwy Neville and Wendy Harpur both among the finalists and Wendy winning!

Other colleagues including Daniel Shear and Jon Wedge have contributed their expertise to AGN's Global Business Voice publications, such as September 2021's cryptocurrencies report and December 2021's mergers and acquisitions survey.

We chaired and took part in a variety of virtual panels at AGN Global e-Connected in May, from women & inclusion and Brexit to corporate finance.

While BKL's plan to attend the AGN World Congress in Miami in November was scuppered by travel restrictions, we were able to take opportunities to safely meet fellow members at other points in the year. This included hosting fellow UK members at our office in September and travelling to Amsterdam for a regional meeting in October.

We look forward to the good times and non-virtual connections still to come as members of AGN.