Since the implementation of the amended "China Trademark Law" on November 1, 2019, trademark examination authorities have taken more efforts to crack down on bad faith trademark applications.

The action of trademark hoarding by filing a huge number of trademarks with no real intention of use or reasonable ground has been regulated. It is reported that:

Zhuhai Yunfeifan Trading Co., Ltd. applied for 5110 trademarks in a single day, of which 5109 were rejected.

Zhuhai Dianyu Trading Co., Ltd. applied for 5061 applications in a single day, of which 5054 were rejected.

The trademarks filed by the above companies are basically arbitrary combinations of two or three Chinese characters, and they are not related to each other. They are not deliberate imitation or plagiarism of the prior trademarks of others. These applications are for the purpose of hoarding trademark and assignment for profit, which obviously lacks the intention of use, exceeds the needs of normal business activities, and disrupts the market order of fair competition and the order of trademark registration management. The trademark examination authorities have cracked down on the above-mentioned hoarding actions at the same time.

The trademark examination authorities also severely crack down on other types of bad faith trademark applications, such as free-riding on another's goodwill, registering another's famous trademarks in unfair means, rushing to register public resources, applying for the registration of the names of celebrities and other prior rights of others, to create a fair and trustworthy market competition environment for the public. (By Chuan Wang)