FEBRUARY 09, 2023
2:00 PM — 3:00 PM



There has been big news out of the Sunshine State. The Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use has set the due date for applications for 22 more Medical Marijuana Treatment Center licenses. The applications will be due no earlier than April 24, 2023 and no later than April 28, 2023 at 5:00 PM. Among many other criteria, the license application requires the applicant entity to have been registered to do business in the state of Florida for the previous five consecutive years; site control for all properties for vertically integrated operations; detailed technical narratives addressing numerous regulatory, operational, and personnel criteria with limited page counts; appointment of a Florida Medical Director; certified financial statements, budgets and proof of capital, and more.

Foley Hoag's national application team has written and won hundreds of competitive cannabis applications, including in Florida. We will walk potential applicants through the application process, and provide guidance on this webinar.