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4. Results: Answers
Maintenance and removal of registrations
What is the length of the initial term of registration and what is the length of renewal terms?

Answer ... The term of protection lasts for 10 years, which starts to run from the day after the trademark application is filed. This term may be renewed for further 10-year periods from the date of expiry of the registration period.

For more information about this answer please contact: Marina A. Perraki from Tsibanoulis & Partners
What, if anything, must be submitted to the trademark office to maintain or renew a registration?

Answer ... Renewal of a trademark application is subject only to payment of the relative official fee.

For more information about this answer please contact: Marina A. Perraki from Tsibanoulis & Partners
What are the grounds for cancelling a trademark registration?
A trademark registration may be cancelled on the grounds of non-genuine use for five years or on any of the relative or absolute grounds for refusal set out in the Greek Trademark Law. These indicatively include the following:

  • The trademark has become generic;
  • The trademark infringes third-party rights; or
  • The trademark has become misleading to the public, especially regarding the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services.

For more information about this answer please contact: Marina A. Perraki from Tsibanoulis & Partners
Under what circumstances may the trademark office cancel a registration on its own initiative?

Answer ... The Trademark Office may not cancel a registration on its own initiative.

For more information about this answer please contact: Marina A. Perraki from Tsibanoulis & Partners
What is the procedure by which a third party may seek cancellation of a trademark registration?

Answer ... Generally, any natural or legal person with a sufficient relative interest may file a cancellation or revocation action before the Administrative Trademark Committee based on absolute and/or relative grounds for refusal, or on the grounds of non-use. Chambers and consumer unions are also entitled to file a cancellation notice on certain grounds.

The cancellation or revocation action must be submitted in writing and becomes pending upon payment of the applicable official fee. An action based on registration that was contrary to good faith (or in bad faith) may be filed throughout the term of the trademark’s protection. If the cancellation notice is filed by a previous trademark owner on the grounds of invalidity due to non-use and the owner of the later trademark so requests, the owner of the previous trademark must demonstrate genuine use of the latter trademark for five years preceding the date of filing the notice for cancellation on the grounds of invalidity. The Administrative Trademark Committee will issue its decision based on all evidence gathered.

For more information about this answer please contact: Marina A. Perraki from Tsibanoulis & Partners
What is the procedure for appealing a decision cancelling a registration?

Answer ... The decision of the Administrative Trademark Committee is subject to an appeal before the Administrative Court of First Instance, which must be filed within 60 days, starting from the day after official notification of the decision in question. The deadline is 90 days if the party is seated abroad.

For more information about this answer please contact: Marina A. Perraki from Tsibanoulis & Partners