Comparative Guides

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4. Results: Answers
Legal framework
What is the statutory or other source of trademark rights?

Answer ... The main source of rights for patents, designs, trademarks and indications of origin is Decision 486, which is the common statute for the Andean countries – that is, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. This statute sets forth the general provisions that govern trademark activity. In addition to this statute, the Trade Mark Law 1918 is valid in all respects that do not counter the provisions of Decision 486.

For more information about this answer please contact: Juan Ignacio from Bolet & Terrero
How do trademark rights arise (ie, through use or registration)?

Answer ... Trademark rights in Bolivia arise only through registration on a first come, first served basis. Use will be to no avail, as rights arise through a formal registration process which ends with the issuance of a registration certificate.

For more information about this answer please contact: Juan Ignacio from Bolet & Terrero
What is the statutory or other source of the trademark registration scheme?

Answer ... The main sources governing trademark registration are:

  • Andean Decision 486;
  • Decree 20791, effective 10 May 1985, adopting the international classification system;
  • Administrative Procedure Law 2341 and its bylaws; and
  • the bylaws of the National Intellectual Property Service.

For more information about this answer please contact: Juan Ignacio from Bolet & Terrero
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