Mondaq Blog

Lawyers on LinkedIn: A Guide for Lawyers Who Don’t Like LinkedIn

Lawyers on LinkedIn: A Guide for Lawyers Who Don’t Like LinkedIn

The truth is, most lawyers, most professionals of all stripes, aren’t very good on LinkedIn. After all, who has time to live on social media when you have billable hours to tend to? Here’s the good news: You don’t have to be a LinkedIn influencer or even a frequent poster for LinkedIn to be a potent business development tool.

Strengthening Client Relationships: The Power of Q4 Meetings

Strengthening Client Relationships: The Power of Q4 Meetings

To grow a legal practice, lawyers need to be continually thinking of ways to better serve their clients. So, what do clients want? One great way to add value, particularly for business clients, is having an “off the clock” fourth-quarter meeting with clients to discuss their needs and your services for the coming year.

Four Ways To Incorporate Philanthropy Into Your Marketing Strategy

Four Ways To Incorporate Philanthropy Into Your Marketing Strategy

Today’s consumers increasingly seek more than just quality products and services; they want to support companies that make a positive impact, by thoughtfully integrating corporate philanthropy into your marketing efforts, your business can do well by doing good.

Ask, Don’t Tell: The Power of Questions in Winning New Business

Ask, Don’t Tell: The Power of Questions in Winning New Business

Many lawyers feel compelled to pounce on a new business opportunity by immediately presenting the case for the firm. But crafting good follow-up questions and prompting a conversation is the better path to winning new business.

2024 Canadian In-house Counsel Celebration | The Finalists

2024 Canadian In-house Counsel Celebration | The Finalists

Celebrating Excellence in Canadian In-House Counsel.

Marketing to the Bar: 5 Steps

Marketing to the Bar: 5 Steps

A lawyer’s marketing and business development efforts are more effective when spent in industry or business-related organizations than bar association groups.

Build Authority: Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts For Personal Branding

Build Authority: Top 5 ChatGPT Prompts For Personal Branding

Build a personal brand that defines your industry and puts you at the centre of everyone’s conversations. You’re not here to simply participate. The stage is set, and your audience is waiting.

Attorneys Live Streaming on LinkedIn Live: Most Law Firms Are Missing Out

Attorneys Live Streaming on LinkedIn Live: Most Law Firms Are Missing Out

Live streaming can build an attorney’s reputation and credibility much faster than traditional webinars or other online events — especially on LinkedIn Live.

Should My Law Firm Be on TikTok? 4 Questions to Ask Before Adopting Any Social Media Platform

Should My Law Firm Be on TikTok? 4 Questions to Ask Before Adopting Any Social Media Platform

The world of social media will continue to evolve rapidly, but staying true to your target audience and goals will help you approach each new platform with a consistent, strong presence for your law firm.

2024 Global In-House Counsel Report

2024 Global In-House Counsel Report

In-House Counsel Worldwide & Mondaq’s 2024 Global In-House Counsel Report seeks to reveal the challenges, issues and priorities facing global in-house legal teams worldwide.