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Energy Law
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Die Kraftstoffverordnung 2012 (KVO 2012) unterwirft Personen, die fossile Kraftstoffe für den Straßenverkehr in Verkehr bringen, einer Substitutions- und Treibhausgas...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Der Ministerrat hat sich zu einer Regierungsvorlage zum EGG durchgerungen. Dadurch rückt die Phase eines Investitionsbooms für Biomethananlagen...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Im Entwurf des ElWG ("ElWG-E") sind erstmals Bestimmungen zu geschlossenen Verteilernetzen enthalten (Vgl § 101 ElWG-E).
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Am 12.01.2024 ist der Entwurf des neuen Elektrizitätswirtschaftsgesetzes (ElWG-Entwurf) in Begutachtung gegangen. Das ElWG wird das in die Jahre gekommene ElWOG 2010 ersetzen.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
The world has seen a significant shift towards sustainable energy sources in recent years.
Dorda Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Am 1.1.2023 trat die Delegierte Verordnung 2022/1288 (DelVO) in Kraft. Wie berichtet enthält die DelVO wichtige Präzisierungen der Offenlegungs-VO.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
In response to recent crises in the Single Market, the EU Commission has presented a horizontal mechanism for the first time. Still, no general "emergency clauses"...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
The energy and climate crises are leading to new proposals to accelerate the approval of renewable energy projects. New EU and national energy and environmental packages are on the way.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
A key objective of the draft Directive on common rules for the internal markets in renewable and natural gases and in hydrogen ("D-GD"), published in December 2021...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Since energy security and independence is becoming increasingly crucial, many businesses are currently taking this issue into their own hands.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Am 15.02.2023 wurde der Begutachtungsentwurf zum Bundesgesetz über die Einführung einer Versorgerverpflichtung für Gas aus erneuerbaren Quellen veröffentlicht...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
2022 was a busy year marked by the late effects of the covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The latter has led to the rethinking of energy matters.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Everyone knows that energy prices have soared in all EU Member States in 2022. The European Commission ("EC") has therefore initiated several proposals that would help consumers pay...
Dorda Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Der Weg aus der Abhängigkeit hin zur Europäischen Klimawende: Nach einer längeren Pause nach Erlassung des Erneuerbaren-Ausbaugesetzes schickt die Bundesregierung neue...
European Union
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Am 31.10.2023 wurde die Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie der EU ("Renewable Energy Directive III" bzw "RED III") im Amtsblatt der EU veröffentlicht. Die Richtlinie tritt 20 Tage nach ihrer...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
On 18 April 2023, the EU Parliament approved the provisional political plan to reduce CO2 emissions in the EU agreed on by the Council and the European Parliament on 18 December 2022.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
The term "crisis" is ubiquitous; there is no binding legal definition in international law. Due to many recent crises, the European Union and its member states are grappling with the question...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
The main feature of green bonds is the intention or the commitment to invest the net proceeds of the issue in green projects. Up to date, there is no binding legal framework and therefore...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
One of the fastest-growing trends in the world of debt is sustainability. Climate change will be one of the most important public policy issues in the next decades. Based on public...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Sustainability is expected to soon become a cornerstone of the regulatory environment. The non-financial aspects of an investment will be increasingly emphasised during the decision-making process...
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