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Andersen in Egypt
Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, have become essential tools in the digital age, offering both businesses and individual users a means to secure their internet connection and protect...
TMT Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Egypt, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Youssry Saleh & Partners
Foreign investors enjoy the right to full ownership of companies established in the SCZone, fostering unfettered control over business operations.
Andersen in Egypt
لقد أدى تزايد العولمة والتوسع التكنولوجي إلى عصر تستكشف فيه الشركات باستمرار الأس
Andersen in Egypt
The surge in globalization and technological expansion has ushered in an era where businesses are continually exploring optimal methods to bolster efficiency while curbing expenses.
Andersen in Egypt
شهدت التجارة الإلكترونية في مصر نموًا ملحوظًا في السنوات الأخيرة، مما أدى إلى تحول 
Andersen in Egypt
E-commerce in Egypt has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, transforming the landscape of business operations and consumer behaviors.
Soliman Hashish & Partners
On August 13, 2023, the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt issued Law No. 163 of 2023, (the "Law"), establishing the Egyptian Authority for Intellectual Property (the "EAIP")...
Andersen in Egypt
Earlier on, the obtainment of separate approvals from multiple government bodies was required in order to establish projects and obtain the necessary licenses.
Andersen in Egypt
...فى السابق، كانت هناك حاجة الى الحصول على موافقات منفصلة من
Youssry Saleh & Partners
E-commerce can be defined as a system of buying and selling goods, services, and products using Internet and transferring money and data to carry out these transactions.
Andersen in Egypt
يعد التحول الرقمى احد اهم الركائز الاساسية لكل دولة تتطلع...
Andersen in Egypt
Digital transformation is an undeniable goal at the forefront of every developing market's agenda, as it aims to enhance, update, and develop all sectors and facilitate doing business.
Youssry Saleh & Partners
Egypt shows enormous interest in introducing digital transformation to the national economy aiming at realizing rapid development and enhancing the Egyptian society.
Andersen in Egypt
. لم نكن نعلم أنه سيغير عالمنا كما لم يحدث من قبل، وقد تطورت شبكة الإنترنت اليوم إلى شب 
Andersen in Egypt
Almost forty years ago, we welcomed the internet with open arms.
Andersen in Egypt
To top off a year of innovative and advanced legal instruments, the Anti-Cyber and Information Technology Crimes Law (Law No. 175 of the year 2018) has been ratified and published in the official Gazette.
Youssry Saleh & Partners
Where the internet users in Egypt represent 48.7 % of the total populations which is equal to 101,168,745
Youssry Saleh & Partners
In recent years, the shape and form of global marketplace has been evolving and moving from traditional face-to-face, physical trading practices by means of paper documents.
Andersen in Egypt
To start off, the law strictly prohibits any sort of activity that promotes terrorist support.
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