Colombian Banana And The European Community

Gomez Pinzon & Asociados


Gomez Pinzon & Asociados
Colombia Employment and HR
The Luxembourg Tribunal of Justice declared the illegality of the Agreement executed between the European Community and Costa Rica, Colombia, Nicaragua and Venezuela

The Agreement was considered as discriminatory for the operators importing banana from Latin- American countries because a more favorable regime is established for the operators importing banana from the European Community or ACP countries (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific).

The Agreement imposed to Latin-American operators (A and C) the obligation to demand exportation certificates before obtaining the license to import banana to the European Community.

Prepared by Monica Restrepo from Gomez Pinzon & Asociados, Bogota, Colombia.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide but specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Carrera 9 No. 73-24 Pisos 1,2,3 y 5
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Telephone : 571- 3107055/ 5066
Facsimile : 571- 3106646/6657
 Click Contact Link 

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