Some interesting links we found across the web this week:

The Hacking Law That Can't Hack It
For 30 years and counting, courts have struggled with the vagaries of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, a federal law adapting analog concepts of criminality to a digital world. For the uninitiated, or those passionate about tech policy, this CFAA profile from Slate is a great weekend read. 

Blockchain FinTech Startups in New York – What Will Be the Next Bitcoin?
We've often mentioned in this space that fintech is all the rage in New York, and many early-stage founders here are helped by the rise of distributed ledgers via the blockchain. Bitcoin is only the beginning of this technology's uses, and investors are already looking beyond bitcoin for the next big thing. A few thoughts on the possibilities from the Huffington Post

Overtime Could Cost You More Than Ever in 2017: Here's Why
Startups favor freelancers over employees, but why? Wage laws play a huge part! If you have employees, mark your calendar for December 1, when new overtime laws go into effect—and check out this breakdown of the law from Inc. (Bonus: great thoughts on hiring and employee motivation.)

What It's Like to Be a Woman in Venture Capital
The gender gap is an ongoing problem in tech, but solving it starts with leaders like Ann Crady Weiss, who somehow finds time to be a CEO and VC simultaneously. We love this interview with her from The Atlantic.

30 Questions Investors Ask During Fundraising
Speaking of VCs, here's a great save for your next big pitch meeting. Don't forget to call your lawyer for help with numbers 24 and 26!

Links compiled by Jared Brenner.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.