Managing Your MDL for Maximum Impact explores the decision-making process that affects the mechanisms driving if, when, where and how multidistrict litigations are formed. All of the articles in this report provide key takeaways from the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation's (JPML) practice that will help practitioners better leverage the processes surrounding MDL proceedings, including petition scrutiny, re-petitioning, venue location and MDL judge selection.                       

As MDLs continue to cut across all types of industries, the factors that the JPML applies in evaluating an MDL petition in one sector are indicative of the factors it applies to other petitions before it. Companies in any sector can employ the strategies discussed when formulating their own plans for JPML practice and MDL proceedings.

We invite you to explore the articles in depth and welcome the opportunity to help you navigate the MDL process.

» Download the report.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.