Edward "Teddy" Eynon was featured in the National Journal article, "Washington Insiders." Full text can be found in the November 23, 2015, issue, but a synopsis is below.

Fox Rothschild's Teddy Eynon, chair of the government-strategies practice group, has assisted in building the firm's lobbying strength. Fox currently has three full-time lobbyists and eight lawyers who support in "buttonholing legislators and their staffs," and plans on reaching six full-time lobbyists by the end of the year.

Eynon says the firm's selling point is that it is midsized which offers clients a lower overhead fee and stronger direct relationships.

Having lobbyists within Fox Rothschild offers clients an advantage, he says: If a client asks a question, "I say, 'Do you want your lawyer's answer or your lobbyist's answer?'

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