On June 25, 2015, the International Organization of Securities Commissions published proposed recommendations and statements of practice on fees and expenses of investment funds. The recommendations and statements of practice are intended to update the 2004 report on International Regulatory Standards on Fees and Expenses which provided a set of international standards of best practice for collective investment schemes and regulators to consider. The proposed recommendations and statements of practice cover issues such as types of permitted fees and expenses, performance-related fees, disclosure of fees and expenses, transaction costs and hard and soft commissions on transactions. The report is aimed at funds whose shares or units may be sold to retail investors and includes open-ended funds, closed-ended funds whose shares are traded in the securities market, unit investment trusts and contractual models. The proposals are open for comment until September 23, 2015.

The report is available at: http://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD491.pdf.

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