22 April 2015

Financial Industry Week In Review - March 30, 2015



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On March 26, the CFPB announced that it is considering stronger consumer protections relating to payday loans, vehicle title loans, deposit advance products, and certain high-cost installment loans and open-end loans
United States Finance and Banking

CFPB Considers Stronger Consumer Protections for Payday Loans and Similar Debt

On March 26, the CFPB announced that it is considering stronger consumer protections relating to payday loans, vehicle title loans, deposit advance products, and certain high-cost installment loans and open-end loans. The proposals under consideration would require lenders to take steps to make sure consumers can repay their loans and would also restrict lenders from attempting to collect payment from consumers' bank accounts in ways that tend to rack up excessive fees. Release. Fact Sheet.

SEC Adopts Rules to Facilitate Smaller Companies' Access to Capital

On March 25, the SEC adopted final rules updating and expanding Regulation A, which provides an exemption from registration for smaller issuers of securities, to implement Title IV of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act. The updated exemption (referred to as Regulation A+) will enable smaller companies to offer and sell up to $50 million of securities in a 12-month period, subject to eligibility, disclosure and reporting requirements. Release. Final Rule.

SEC Proposes Rule to Require Broker-Dealers Active in Off-Exchange Market to Become Members of National Securities Association

On March 25, the SEC proposed to narrow Rule 15b9-1 under the Securities Exchange Act, which exempts certain brokers or dealers from membership in a registered national securities association, in an effort to enhance regulatory oversight of active proprietary trading firms, such as high frequency traders. Release. Proposed Rule.

CFTC Issues Advisory on Reporting Obligations Pursuant to the Ownership and Control Final Rule

On March 23, CFTC Division of Market Oversight and Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight issued a staff advisory to remind certain reporting parties (including futures commission merchants, clearing members, foreign brokers, swap dealers and certain reporting markets) of their obligation to obtain information on a timely basis from their customers or counterparties in order to comply with the ownership and control reports final rule (OCR Final Rule). Release. Staff Advisory. OCR Final Rule.

Rating Agency Developments

On March 25, S&P released its updated criteria for rating government-related entities. Report.

On March 25, Fitch released its updated criteria for rating commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) in Asia-Pacific (APAC), including Japan, Australia and Singapore. Report.

On March 25, DBRS released its criteria for rating Canadian federal, provincial and municipal government STRIPS (Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities). Report.

On March 23, S&P clarified its criteria as to what conditions must be met to raise an issue credit rating from 'D' (default), or an issuer credit rating from 'D' or 'SD' (selective default). Report.

On March 23, DBRS released its criteria for evaluating and incorporating external and internal support into its ratings of banks and financial institutions. Report.

On March 20, Fitch released its updated criteria for analyzing large loans in U.S. CMBS transactions. Report.

Investment Management

SEC Approves Consolidated FINRA Rules 2040 (Payments to Unregistered Persons, Including Foreign Finders)

FINRA Rule 2040 governs the payment of transaction-based compensation by member firms to unregistered persons.

Rule 2040(a) – General.

Rule 2040(a) directs persons to look to SEC rules to determine whether the activities in question require registration as a broker-dealer under SEA Section 15(a). The provision also prohibits payments to appropriately registered associated persons unless such payments comply with applicable federal securities laws, FINRA rules, and SEA rules and regulations.

Rule 2040(c) – Foreign Finders.

Rule 2040(c) replaces NASD Rule 1060(b) and NYSE Interpretation 345(a)(i)/03, and provides that a member firm and persons associated with a member firm may pay transaction related compensation to non-registered foreign finders where the finders' sole involvement is the initial referral to the member firm of non-U.S. customers, and the member firm complies with all the conditions set forth in the rule.

Based solely on its activities in compliance with Rule 2040(c), a foreign finder would not be considered an associated person of the member firm. However, unless otherwise permitted by the federal securities laws or FINRA rules, a person who receives commissions or other transaction-based compensation in connection with securities transactions generally has to be a registered broker-dealer or an appropriately registered associated person of a broker-dealer who is supervised by a broker-dealer. Member firms that engage foreign finders would be required to have reasonable procedures that appropriately address the limited scope of activities permissible under such arrangements. Regulatory Notice.

RMBS and Other Securities Litigation

UBS and Capital Ventures Settle RMBS Dispute

On March 26, Capital Ventures International and several UBS affiliates filed a stipulation of dismissal after reaching a settlement disposing of all claims in the action. The terms of the settlement are undisclosed. Capital Ventures had sued UBS for alleged violations of the Massachusetts Uniform Securities Act in connection with $131 million in RMBS that Capital Ventures allegedly purchased from UBS. Stipulation.

Court Dismisses FDIC's Amended Complaint for Untimeliness

On March 24, Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York granted Defendants' motion to dismiss an action filed by the FDIC, as receiver for two failed banks, related to RMBS certificates that the banks purchased. The court held the FDIC's federal Securities Act claims to be untimely because they were filed outside of the statute of repose period provided by Section 13 of the Securities Act. The court further held that the "Extender Provision" of FIRREA does not preempt the statute of repose set forth in Section 13. The court held that the Extender Provision was indistinguishable from a similar provision in CERCLA that the Supreme Court recently held, in CTS Corp. v. Waldburger, did not preempt statutes of repose. Order.

RBS Motion to Dismiss RMBS Fraud Claim Granted in Part

On March 20, U.S. District Judge Paul G. Gardephe of the Southern District of New York granted in part and denied in part Defendants' motion to dismiss a complaint filed by several HSH Nordbank affiliates against several RBS affiliates relating to Plaintiffs' investment in RMBS issued or underwritten by RBS. The court held that Plaintiffs sufficiently alleged fraudulent intent in connection with alleged misstatements concerning the underlying loans' compliance with underwriting guidelines, but failed to do so in connection with alleged misstatements concerning the loans' LTV and CLTV ratios, and owner occupancy rates, as well as the RMBS certificates' credit ratings and the validity of the assignment of the mortgages to the RMBS trusts. The court thus allowed Plaintiffs' fraud and aiding and abetting fraud claims to proceed as to alleged misstatements concerning compliance with underwriting guidelines only. The court separately dismissed Plaintiffs' claims for negligent misrepresentation and fraudulent concealment due to the absence of privity, as well as Plaintiffs' claim for rescission based on mutual mistake. Order.

Appellate Court Affirms in Part Denial of Moody's Motion to Dismiss Fraud Claims

On March 20, the Appellate Division, Fourth Department, of the Supreme Court of New York affirmed in part and reversed in part the lower court's denial of Defendant Moody Investor Services, Inc.'s motions to dismiss two actions filed against it arising out of credit ratings Moody's assigned to CDO certificates. The court held that Plaintiffs' fraud claims were sufficiently pled because, although Moody's credit ratings were statements of opinion, not fact, Plaintiffs adequately alleged that Moody's did not believe its opinions when it issued the ratings. The court held that the trial court erred, however, in denying Moody's motion to dismiss Plaintiffs' negligent misrepresentation claims because Plaintiffs failed to plead that a special or privity-like relationship existed between Plaintiffs and Moody's and failed to adequately allege that Moody's knew the CDOs would be marketed to Plaintiffs. Opinion.

NCUA Sues HSBC For Alleged Breaches of Duties as Trustee for 37 RMBS Trusts

On March 20, the National Credit Union Administration Board, acting as liquidating agent for five failed credit unions, filed suit against HSBC USA in the Eastern District Court of Virginia. NCUA alleged that HSBC breached its duties as trustee for 37 RMBS trusts from which the credit unions had purchased $2.37 billion in certificates. In particular, NCUA alleges that HSBC failed to enforce loan originators' repurchase obligations in connection with alleged breaches of representations and warranties about the loans in the trusts, failed to prudently address servicer or master servicer defaults, and failed to ensure proper conveyance of the loan files to the trusts. NCUA asserts claims for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, negligent misrepresentation, breach of the covenant of good faith, violation of the Streit Act, and violation of the Trust Indenture Act. Complaint.

European Financial Industry Developments

European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Adopted its Report on Securities Financing Transactions

March 24, 2015 - the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) adopted its report on securities financing transactions (SFTs). This document reflects ECON's final position on measures to monitor the build-up of risk related to SFTs, disclosure of information on such transactions to investors, and contractual transparency requirements for re-hypothecation activities. Special attention is given to the exemption of title transfer collateral arrangements (such as the ISDA credit support documentation) from the transparency requirements in Art. 15.1a. This exemption is helpful as different political groups (eg, Socialists and Greens) and the European Commission (EC) previously supported wording that failed to adequately reflect the difference between title transfer and security interest arrangements. The Council of the European Union, European Parliament and EC will now attempt to reach an agreement before September.

Implementation of Non-Cleared Derivatives Margin Rules Deferred

March 18, 2015 - The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and IOSCO have extended the implementation date for the Non-Cleared Derivatives Margin Rules, originally scheduled to start from December 1, 2015. Firms will now have until September 1, 2016 to prepare for the imposition of stricter rules for trading over-the-counter derivatives.

Council of EU Publishes Delegated Regulations on Own Funds Requirements

March 11, 2015 – Commission Delegated Regulation (Delegated regulation to CRD) amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 241/2014, which sets out the regulatory technical standards on Own Funds requirements for institutions under the Capital Requirements Regulation (Regulation (EU) 575/2013), has been published in the Official Journal of the EU. The new Regulation, which will come into force 20 days after its date of publication, explains what intermediate entities mean for the purpose of deducting holdings in financial sector entities held indirectly through intermediate entities (such as holdings in mutual funds or investment funds). The new Delegated Regulation also sets out several criteria that need to be fulfilled for indices to be considered as broad market indices, and elaborates on the calculation of minority interests.

March 24, 2015 - Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/488 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 241/2014 as regards Own Funds requirements for firms based on fixed overheads has been published in the official Journal of the EU. This amending Regulation establishes the methodology for calculating fixed overheads for firms and inserts a new chapter in Delegated Regulation (EU) No 241/2014. The Regulation enters into force on April 13, 2015. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/488 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 241/2014 as regards own funds requirements for firms based on fixed overheads

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II and Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation

March 10, 2015 - the FCA published an updated timetable relating to the implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II") and Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation ("MiFIR"). The timetable sets out the key dates for the implementation and transposition of the Directive and Regulation into domestic law. The deadline for transposing MiFID II into domestic law is July 3, 2016. MiFID II and MiFIR enter into force on January 3, 2017. The FCA aims to publish its main consultation paper on the implementation of MiFID II and MiFIR in December 2015. The final rules are to be published in June 2016. The FCA's timetable is available on its dedicated webpage here.

ECON Publishes Report on Proposed Regulation on Money Market Funds

March 4, 2015 - The European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) published its report on the proposed Regulation on Money Market Funds (MMF Regulation). The legislative proposal will be considered by the European Parliament at its plenary session to be held between April 27 and 30, 2015.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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