Kenneth Rosenberg was featured in the New Jersey Law Journal's article, "Vacancies, Backlogs Growing, but Christie Not Sole Factor." Full text can be found in the August 15, 2014, issue, but a synopsis is below.

Currently, there is the lowest number of judges sitting on the New Jersey trial court in 14 years, which has resulted in a perpetuated expansion of case backlogs under Gov. Chris Christie; however, lawyers, legislators and court administrators insist that the fault does not solely lie on the governor's shoulders.

Kenneth Rosenberg, Essex County Bar President, explains that it has become more difficult to obtain trial dates in Essex County, though judges are more likely to grant adjournments.

He also commented that under normal circumstances, clients can have a hard time understanding why their cases are taking so long, but now, with the judge shortage, "it's that much longer."

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