Many of us log 40, 50, 60 or even more hours at work each week, so it's only natural to want to relax and take our minds off work when we've left for the day. But it's important to beware of the impacts your behavior outside of work can have on your job. Here are five common offenses that can result in a pink slip to employees who are not careful:

  • Harassment and discrimination: Many people believe company discrimination and harassment policies only apply within the workplace. Not so. A company policy on harassment and discrimination applies to employee conduct outside the office, too. Post-work happy hours are an example of where most discrimination and harassment violations occur. And with the advent of social media, employees should be hyper vigilant about what they post online. Posts on social media actually can get an employee into an equal amount of trouble, even if the posts were intended to be a joke.
  • Keep your guard up: Sharing trade secrets is prohibited no matter what place or time the information is discussed, and this action usually will lead to termination if violated. Confidential company information should remain just that — confidential.
  • False statements: This is a good general rule in life, but it also pertains to statements made about your place of employment, employer, colleagues and customers. Avoid making any statements that are simply not true. Again, joking comments are not exempt and can be seen as damaging misinformation.
  • Working for the competition: This should be obvious — working for a competitor is grounds for being fired. When in doubt, check with your employer. Freelancing can be fine, as long as there's no conflict of interest.
  • Unapproved overtime: There are often not only budget reasons, but legal implications, for employing hourly workers. Your employer could get in big trouble if hourly employees are working more than the approved amount of time. Hourly employees who do not get approval to work beyond their normal hours run the risk of being terminated, especially if their supervisor specifically instructed them not to work any additional time.

So, just remember that punching out of work doesn't necessarily mean your actions don't impact your place of employment. Keep in mind that your activities outside of work — including happy hours, meetings or even just a quiet dinner at home — can land you in the hot seat if you're not careful. Employers also should take note to make clear policies and procedures that impact the lives of employees outside of the workplace.

Originally published by Orlando Business Journal.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.