29 September 2010

DBR Reg Sci - Volume 10 Issue 2 (April - September 2010)

Publication of the Pharmaceutical Practice Group of DBR’s Government & Regulatory Affairs Department Focusing on Regulatory Science News for the Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Medical Device Industries.
United States Food, Drugs, Healthcare, Life Sciences

Publication of the Pharmaceutical Practice Group of DBR's Government & Regulatory Affairs Department Focusing on Regulatory Science News for the Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Medical Device Industries.



  • Documents recently released by USP:


  • In April 2010, Health Canada submitted a proposal before the Canadian Parliament to help cover the ballooning cost of regulating devices and drugs.
  • The EMA and FDA are seeking potential candidate companies for a joint GMP inspection pilot programme for manufacturers of medicinal products. Companies that have submitted in parallel two equivalent marketing authorisation applications for the same medicinal product to both the EMA and the FDA can request to participate in the pilot programme for joint pre-approval inspection should such an inspection be considered necessary by both agencies.
    • The overall objective is to see whether greater international collaboration can help to distribute inspection capacity allowing more manufacturing sites to be monitored and reducing unnecessary duplication.
    • Companies can also participate in the pilot exercise by hosting a single join re-inspection (routine surveillance) where both the EMA and the FDA have separately planned routine surveillance inspections (reinspections) to take place within a similar time period at a manufacturing site of a medicinal product authorised in the USA and centrally authorised in the European Union.
    • Companies that wish to participate should contact either and/or



FDA announced the availability of the following guidances:

  • On 9 August, FDA published on its website a list ( of questions and answers about good manufacturing practices for the holding and distribution of drug products. The online document provides information about human-drug recalls, including details about the FDA's authority and manufacturers' responsibilities.
  • On 6 August, FDA published a Question and Answer guidance to emphasize the authoritative legal actions the Agency will take as part of its aggressive stance against noncompliance.
  • On 3 August final guidance Label Comprehension Studies for Nonprescription Drug Products ( The guidance provides recommendations on the design of label comprehension studies that can be used to assess the extent to which consumers understand the information conveyed by proposed nonprescription drug product labeling. This guidance finalizes the draft guidance published on May 1, 2009.
  • On 3 August Residual Drug in Transdermal and Related Drug Delivery Systems ( The draft guidance provides recommendations to developers and manufacturers of transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS), transmucosal drug delivery systems (TMDS), and topical patch products regarding use of an appropriate scientific approach during product design and development—as well as during manufacturing and product lifecycle management—to ensure that the amount of residual drug substance at the end of the labeled use period is minimized. The draft guidance is applicable to INDs, NDAs, ANDAs, and supplemental new drug applications (sNDAs) for TDDS, TMDS, and topical patch products. Submit comments to FDA Docket FDA- 2010-D-0246 by 1 November 2010 (
  • On 25 June 2010 CMC Postapproval Manufacturing Changes Reportable in Annual Reports ( The draft guidance provides recommendations to holders of NDAs and ANDAs regarding the types of changes that may be reported in annual reports. Specifically, the draft guidance describes CMC postapproval manufacturing changes that the FDA has determined will likely present minimal potential to have adverse effects on product quality and, therefore, may be reported by applicants in an annual report. (The draft guidance excludes positron emission tomography (PET) drug products.) Submit comments to FDA Docket FDA-2010-D-0283 by 22 September 2010 (
  • On 17 June 2010 CDER Data Standards Plan Version 1.0 (draft plan) ( The draft plan identifies key objectives for a data standards program at CDER, processes to be developed to ensure successful use of those standardized data and a set of recommended projects to begin in calendar year 2010. Submit comments to FDA Docket FDA-2010-N-0279 by 15 September 2010 (
  • On 11 June 2010 Bioequivalence Recommendations for Specific Products ( The guidance describes a new process for making available recommendations on how to design product-specific bioequivalence (BE) studies to support abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs). Under this process, applicants planning to carry out such studies in support of their ANDAs are able to access BE study guidance on the FDA web site. The FDA believes that making the information available on the Internet will streamline the guidance process and will provide a meaningful opportunity for the public to consider and comment on product-specific BE study recommendations.
  • On 5 May, FDA announced the availability of a publication containing modifications that the Agency is making to the list of standards for use in premarket reviews ( The revised list of FDA recognized consensus standards will assist manufacturers who elect to declare conformity with consensus standards to meet certain requirements for medical devices.
  • On 22 April Guidance for the Public, FDA Advisory Committee Members, and FDA Staff: Public Availability of Advisory Committee Members' Financial Interest Information and Waivers ( The draft guidance expands transparency, and consequently increase Agency credibility, regarding financial conflicts of interest for members of the scientific advisory panels convened to provide expert advice to the Agency on significant scientific, technical, and policy matters. Commissioner Hamburg's Letter:
  • On 1 April, FDA issued a direct final rule (, effective 16 August 2010, this August, requiring device manufacturers to include additional data in Premarket Approval (PMA) applications on pediatric patients who suffer from the disease or condition that the device is intended to treat, diagnose, or cure, even if the device is intended for adult use. The provisions require PMA applications, Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) applications and PMA supplements for new intended uses to include readily available information on any pediatric subpopulations that suffer from the disease or condition treated by the sponsor's device as well as information on the number of pediatric patients who might be treated with the device.
  • On 29 March FDA issued finalized guidance Standards for Securing the Drug Supply Chain-Standardized Numerical Identification for Prescription Drug Packages (


EMA Released for Public Consultation:

EMA Released for Information:



  • ISO has developed a final draft revision of its standard Clinical Investigation of Medical Devices for Human Subjects – Good Clinical Practice, available at: which includes more detailed requirements for risk management and device malfunction reporting, as well as an expanded definition for adverse events.
  • On 20 May 2010 Medical Device ISO 13485:2003 Voluntary Audit Report Submission Program ( The guidance document describes how FDA's CDRH and CBER are implementing the following provision of the law:

    "(F) For the purpose of setting risk-based inspectional priorities, the Secretary shall accept voluntary submissions of reports of audits assessing conformance with appropriate quality system standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and identified by the Secretary in public notice. If the owner or operator of an establishment elects to submit audit reports under this subparagraph, the owner or operator shall submit all such audit reports with respect to the establishment during the preceding 2-year periods."


  • Earlier this year, GHTF issued a final guidance Clinical Investigations ( The primary purpose of the guidance is to provide guidance in relation to: 1) when a clinical investigation should be undertaken for a medical device to demonstrate compliance with the relevant Essential; and 2) the general principles of clinical investigation involving medical devices.


Health Canada

World Health Organization

  • On 14 June, the World Health Organization released its first-ever guidance The WHO Model Formulary for Children ( on how to use more than 240 essential medicines for children under 13. For the first time medical practitioners worldwide have access to standardized information on the recommended use, dosage, adverse effects, and contraindications of these medicines for use in children. A number of individual countries have developed their own formularies over the years, but until now there was no single comprehensive guide to using medicines in children for all countries.


  • During the week of September 13, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on an amendment to the food safety bill (S. 510), which bans the use of the chemical bisphenol-A, or BPA, a component of some plastics, in children's products nationwide. Despite of more than 10 years of extensive research, government health officials still cannot decide whether BPA is safe. Government recently funded 10 grants under the economic Recovery Act to study BPA, and researchers are hoping to generate a definitive answer to this perplexing question. (
  • On 3 August Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) introduced S. 3690, the Drug Safety and Accountability Act of 2010, which is designed to improve regulatory oversight of drug-manufacturing facilities and improve related quality standards and monitoring. (
  • On 14 July, Edolphus Towns (D-New York) Chair of the Committee on Government and Reform, introduced a House bill (HR 5740), granting FDA mandatory recall powers for adulterated or misbranded drugs, as well as drugs posing a threat to public health. (
  • On 20 September, Representatives John D. Dingell, Henry A. Waxman, Frank Pallone, and Bart Stupak released a discussion draft of legislation ( to provide FDA with the authorities and funding it needs to regulate what is now a global marketplace for drugs. The discussion draft builds on H.R. 759, the Food and Drug Globalization Act, which was introduced by Dingell, Pallone and Stupak last year.


Information from Recent Meetings

Upcoming FDA Public Hearings/Meetings

Other Upcoming Meetings


FDA Guidances

US Approvals and Related Information

Other Regulatory Information

FDA People

Beyond FDA


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