On March 16, 2015, the FCA published its guidance consultation on risks to customers from performance management at firms. This report is aimed at trade associations as well as all financial firms that deal with retail customers directly. The report discusses performance management practices and acknowledges that poorly executed performance management can lead to mis-selling for various reasons, including pressure to meet individual targets and corporate objectives. The report recommends that firms manage these risks, and identifies poor practices that can create undue pressure on staff. The guidance recommends that controls should be put in place to mitigate the increased risk of mis-selling adequately. Comments on the consultation may be submitted until May 15, 2015.

The guidance consultation is available at: http://www.fca.org.uk/static/documents/guidance-consultations/gc15-01.pdf.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.