17 November 2013

Turkey’s Strategic Importance In World Energy Corridor

Middle East and Asian countries which have %63 of fossil fuel reserves of total in the World, dominate the world politics the same today as it was yesterday.
Turkey Energy and Natural Resources

Middle East and Asian countries which have %63 of fossil fuel reserves of total in the World, dominate the world politics the same today as it was yesterday.

Controlling the fossil resources is underlying reason for the process of Middle East and Asia, which is called democratization since 2000.

After the September 11 Attacks, the political process management of USA has began with Afghanistan and proceeded with Iraq under the title of "preventive measures" . In 2004, Statement of Condoleezza Rice the Secretary of State " It is required to change the borders of 22 states which were drawn after 2nd World War" , was an official declaration respecting these states would be reconstructed and there would be a range of attempts to these states.

Afterwards, the statement of Former President Bush at G8 Summit regarding Greater Middle East Initiative has shown that these attempts were planned.

Breaking down and changing the regime of Saddam as a result of intervention to Iraq was the first sign of the plan. After the intervention, all states, USA and England in particular, have shared all energy resources of Iraq.

After reconstructing Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Lİnyan and other states, Iran was the most important problem. However, Iran was not alone in the region. Syria, the backyard of Iran should be reconstructed first.

Yet, Syria was an important supporter to Iran within the Arab countries. Intervention to Iran would be easy as a result of the process fitting Syria as a cornerstone to the plan under the name of democratization.

Finally, Arab League's decision regarding to embargoing to Syria and Iran parliement's decision in response to decision taken by England about suspending diplomatic relationships with Iran, are the beginning of the end.

In respect of Turkey's declaration promoted Arab League's decision, Turkey has taken the position. The matter is how Rusia and China will have attitude. Rusia has sent war ships to Syria ostensibly. However, the basic problem of Rusia is missile defence shields of Nato planned to set up in Turkey. By its official declaration regarding to this topic, it is expressed in no uncertain terms that Rusia will consider this as a threat and deploy its defence system hereunder, if any resolution is proposed for missile shield. According to the declaration, Rusia has a clear attitude that it would never allow for changing the power balances in the region. It is expected that Rusia will permit to this intervention to Iran restrictly, should Rusia have a gurantee that there will be no problem with its strategic position or in the stage of energy share process.

Then, Rusia and USA have common position in the settlement of Global capital.

But, China's situation is different. China has maximum energy consumption in addition to plans about transfering global capital to here and to create a new superpower. China has a problem in supplying energy and tended towards Africa due to the power wars in the middle East. Political operations in North Africa may be interpreted as these operations have been made to have energy resources.

Iraq intends to be impartial in this chaos due to its new reconstruction process. Iraq's impartiality to the embargoing decision of Arab League to Syria will make Iran's attack to Syria more difficult and prevent gonig to the war with Iran. Because Iraq has Access demand of energy in contrast with its energy resources. Largest energy companies of the World (including Turkey) invest in Iraq. ABD, Turkey, England and European countries shall endeavour to prevent Iraq from a probable war and protect their investments. This proves that Iraq will have a strategic situation perspectively.

Turkey is the key country of these geopolitic and strategic plans. In opinion, Turkey is expected to be coordinator country in new world order. Yet, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has declared in 2010 that he was the Co-chair of Greater Middle East Initiative. Turkey is a model for Islamic countries which have energy resources in particular, on the ground that its close relationship with eastern countries, democratic and secular construction despite its Islamic nature, its role as terminal for energy transportation as well as its agricultural and water resources.

Recent economic crisis in the World and EU, energy supply which is required for demand, production as well as finance required to avoid economic crisis in European Union will assist to see this perspective clearly.

Economic distress in Euro zone of Europe is planned to be exceeded by a confidential bilateral agreement between France and Germany nowadays. Possibility of the economis crisis in Greece rebound on other EU countries, may cause to end of Euro zone. Therefore, England which was the center of global capital at one time, has had serious problems as a result of the operations regarding settlement of global capital and show a maximum effort to be a point guard again. Thus, England has been out of Euro area and started to get benefits. England concentrate to foreign investments in the field of energy, supply its financial needs with these investments and reserve place in these operations in order to be among the point guards.

European investors will have to guarantee their foreign investments in order to prevent probable economic crisis and protect existing investments. Likewise, European economists says that these days in all probability it will take at least 2 or 3 years to counteract the impact of European crisis.

In the present case European investors will have to transfer their existing investments from Europe to the east necessarily. Notwithstanding Europe has directed to renewable energy resources in order to reduce dependency of fossil fuel, installed capacity is not on a level to meet the needs of fossil fuel resources. And so, dependency to Rusia still continues especially. They have to produce in order to avoid economic crisis, they need low priced and sustainable energy resources.

Turkey, in the strategy paper with respect to Energy Policy published in 2009, has emphasized the importance of energy and energy resources. Number of investors in energy market has increasely continued arrestingly in past two years.

European investors have the intention to invest in renewable energy. Considering the geopolitical developments and Turkey's position and importance in reconstructing of region Mentioned above , "Turkey is the liberation of European Union", which includes the truths above arrogance, will be understood clearly.

Turkey needs foreign investors in energy market due to the current deficit, while trying not to suffer from the economic crisis and compact political operations. Ever-growing Turkey needs energy investments amount of 10 billion € to meet the requirements in development process. Although these investments could not be made with domestic resources; Turkey endeavours to use energy resources maximum. Turkey shall have an important role for the European investor to avoid from probable crisis and take place in the region of which future was designed already.

Turkey will contain the overtones of Middle East and North Africa, when the future of these countries were drawn in the future. Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his novel called "The Grand Chessboard" , stated that it is very significant to understand Turkey's role and to take Turkey's part in the region in which Turkey is a regional playmarker already and take position in Turkey's process of being global playmarker.

It is considered that the energy investment in Turkey and investments intended to make with Turkey in the region will be significant geopolitically and strategically for Euro Zone countries.

The question is: How far can you see ?

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