From the end of July this year, the office of SIAE (the Italian Society for Editors and Authors) designated to carry out the registration of software products by the Legislative Decree 29/12/92 no. 518, which modified Law 22/04/41 no. 633 on Copyright, enacting the terms and formalities for the protection of computer programs, finally became operational. It will now be possible to deposit copies of new products in magnetic or optical form at such office which, fortunately, shall be managed by means of instruments of information technology.

The deposit of a product obviously does not give rise to copyright rights which exist automatically upon the creation of the product, but it can be of considerable assistance in providing proof in that respect, above all in possible disputed involving prior creation or prior art issues.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.