11 November 2019

Foreign Investment Represents 90% Of The Value Of Merge & Acquisitions Transactions In Portugal

According to data provided by a survey conducted by the Mergermarket M&A Follow-Up Financial Information Agency during 2019 to date, most of the investment in this sector has been made by foreign capital, with most of it American.
Portugal Government, Public Sector

According to data provided by a survey conducted by the Mergermarket M&A Follow-Up Financial Information Agency during 2019 to date, most of the investment in this sector has been made by foreign capital, with most of it American. According to this publication, "Two of the largest deals with US investors include the acquisition by Oaktree Capital Management LP of André Jordan Group for € 500 million and the purchase by Certares LP of a percentage of Mystic Invest Holdging, worth EUR 250 million ".

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