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Contracts and Commercial Law
Ganado Advocates
In a dispute concerning a conflict of international jurisdiction, the Court of Justice (First Chamber) ruled on the applicability of the Brussels Ia Regulation...
Osborne Clarke
The abolition of the principle of quasi-immunity of auxiliary persons and its impact for directors and employees is one of the key aspects of Belgium's reforms...
Mayer Brown
La Cour administrative d'appel confirme la jurisprudence selon laquelle, en matière de taxe sur les salaires, lorsqu'une société dispose de secteurs distincts d'activité...
Haas Avocats
Le tribunal de commerce de Paris a eu l'occasion de statuer sur cette question de l'acceptation des risques d'une hausse des prix de production lors...
FIVELEX Studio Legale e Tributario
Azione di ripetizione dell'indebito in costanza del rapporto di conto corrente bancario (conto c.d. aperto): l'azione di ripetizione dell'indebito ai sensi dell'art.
Arendt & Medernach
Arendt Case Review est une newsletter conçue par Arendt Litigation Group pour vous informer de décisions récentes rendues par les juridictions luxembourgeoises et/ou européennes.
Law Firm Zupancic
Private M&A Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Slovenia, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
On January 1, 2025, various changes to the CPC will come into force. In various newsletters, we will address selected changes that are particularly...
Monfrini Bitton Klein
La présente Newsletter de Monfrini Bitton Klein vise à offrir, de manière hebdomadaire, un tour d'horizon de la jurispru-dence rendue par le Tribunal fédéral dans les principaux domaines d'activité de l'Etude, ...
ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law
Dominance Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Turkey, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Miran Legal
Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nda şirket türleri, adi şirketler ve ticaret şirketleri olmak üzere iki ana başlık altında düzenlenmektedir.
Miran Legal
In the Turkish Commercial Code, company types are regulated under two main headings: ordinary companies and commercial companies.
Gun + Partners
With the amendment made to the Communiqué on the Decree numbered 32 Regarding the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency (the "Communiqué"), effective as of April 21, 2022...
Gun + Partners
Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Karara İlişkin Tebliğ'de ("Tebliğ") 21 Nisan 2022 tarihinden itibaren geçerli olmak üzere yapılan değişiklikle birlikte...
Bates Wells
Ethics washing, a term not too dissimilar from greenwashing, is used to describe the practice of when organisations share false or misleading information about themselves...
Gowling WLG
Welcome back to The Space for the final episode in our Leadership and Law series.
This short guide to DAABs in construction is an elaboration upon a presentation made by the author at the Riyadh International Disputes Week 2024.
Bates Wells
Ethics washing, greenwashing, bluewashing, pinkwashing, ethical laundering, eco washing...the list of terms continues to grow, and with it grows the risk of charities coming...
Gatehouse Chambers
Dispute Resolution analysis: An application by the former administrators of a company for an increase in their remuneration has been dismissed, despite the Court concluding...
Dixcart Group Limited
The financial services sector has been one of the pillars of the Maltese economy for over 30 years and has allowed Malta to establish itself as a reputable international financial centre.
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