In the Northern Territory, the government is paying millions of tax-payer dollars to private security firms.

What's wrong with security firms working as police in NT?

Well, these security officers are patrolling the streets, acting as police. The legal issue is they are not employed by the state. Some of the public are concerned about these officers. However, others in the Northern Territory say their presence makes them feel safer.

Officially, these security officers do not have police power. They are supposed to be just a visible security presence. Council documents describe is as "quasi law and order". Lord Mayor Kon Vatskallis stated:

"They don't administer any by-laws." Adding:

"They can't, legally; the only thing they do is they detect a problem."

However, many believe the guards are doing more.

The issue is that they are not employed by the state. Therefore, they are not accountable. For instance, if a police officer abuses their power, there are procedures for reporting these actions. There are no such avenues for reporting private officers. Many say that they are not helping. In fact, some people say that they are escalating violence.

Furthermore, the public does not have access to the contracts between the government and the security officers. As a result, the public is unaware of their powers. Therefore, if a security officer ordered you to do something you didn't want to do, you don't know if you can refuse.

Security officers also only receive two weeks' worth of training. Some officers describe themselves as cheaper police.

Assault by security officers in NT

Back in January, there was an incident involving the security guards and members of the public in the CBD in Darwin. A fight broke out. A guard pushed a woman which resulted in a complaint. However, ABC reported that they dismissed the complaint as apparently the officer used necessary force.

For example, in Darwin's northern suburbs, guards from the Public Order Response Unit, patrol the streets with dogs. In addition, in Darwin's CBD, the "blue shirts" from a security called Territory Protective Services stand in for the police.

This arrangement began in 2019 to deal with the rising crime in Darwin. However, the strategy has stuck.

Why are there private security firms working as police in NT?

Firstly, the Northern Territory has the highest crime rate in Australia. In 2022, police recorded 10,000 assaults. It is the only jurisdiction in Australia that has private security firms performing police duties.

This week, Four Corners published an in-depth investigation on the topic. In it, they spoke to lots of different people in Darwin on the officer's powers. Many said that they were in contact often with Aboriginal people. For example, moving rough sleepers out of the city and pouring their alcohol drinks out.

Natalie Hunter, founder of the Territory's Aboriginal Legal Aid (NAAJA), spoke about her concerns. She said:

"Over the past year and a half, I would say I found security completely under-skilled, unqualified when dealing with families ... just how they're treating Aboriginal people."

Many believe the process of moving on homeless people is unfair. Further, legal experts suggest that these security firms have no legal power to force people out of an area.

These security firms also have other clients, including shopping centres and nightclubs. Worryingly, some of these company's officers have allegations of a number of physical assaults against them.

There has been multiple issues over the past few years involving guards and customers of these private clubs. For example, officers pinned a man to the ground outside of a nightclub. In addition, officers punched a woman in a shopping centre after she threw a thong at a security guard. Therefore, when some people see these security guards patrolling the streets, they get scared.