Queensland Government bulletin – 28 June 2017

Holding Redlich


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Update on Queensland government issues.
Australia Government, Public Sector

In the media

Major reforms to overhaul bail system pass Parliament
The Andrews Labor Government's legislation to toughen Victoria's bail system and give a higher priority to community safety passed Parliament this week (23 June 2017). More...

Ministers avoid charges after apologising for slamming courts
Three ministers avoid charges after apologising for comments about "weak" terrorism sentencing in Victoria, as the state's appeals court increases the jail terms given to two would-be terrorists (23 June 2017). More...

QLS disappointment over conduct of high-profile criminal solicitor Tim Meehan
Queensland's peak solicitor group has voiced its disappointment over the conduct of high profile criminal solicitor Tim Meehan after his plea of guilty on Thursday 21 June to a string of serious criminal offences (22 June 2017). More... (CCC) More...

Labor to establish Parliamentary Budget Office
The Andrews Labor Government has delivered on its commitment to establish an independent, credible and permanent Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) (22 June 2017). More...

Children's eSafety Commissioner to look after all ages
The Children's eSafety Commissioner will be renamed just the eSafety Commissioner, to "enhance online safety for all Australians" (22 June 2017). More...

Proposed appointment of Privacy Commissioner
Attorney General Mark Speakman today announced the proposed appointment of Samantha Gavel as NSW Privacy Commissioner after an independent recruitment process led by the NSW Public Service Commissioner (21 June 2017). More...

Pisasale protests innocence after being granted bail on extortion charge
Former Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale defends his legacy and says he will fight charges of extortion and two other offences, as he is granted bail by a Brisbane court despite police objections (21 June 2017). More...

Abortion laws making it harder for women to escape domestic violence, expert warns
Pregnant women in violent relationships are being further victimised by laws that criminalise abortion in some parts of Australia, doctors and health experts say (21 June 2017). More...

"Carly's Law" Bill Passes Both Houses of Federal Parliament The Federal Government's Criminal Code Amendment (Protecting Minors Online) Bill 2017 has passed both houses of Parliament and is awaiting assent. The Bill was described by the Government as "an evolved version of Carly's Law", designed to criminalise acts preparatory to the commission of child sexual offences (19 June 2017). More...

Former obstetrician found not guilty of manslaughter
Graeme Reeves admitted his failures led to the death of 28-year-old Sydney mother Kerry Ann McAllister from a severe infection, but is found not guilty of manslaughter (16 June 2017). More...

National Firearms Amnesty starts on 1 July
The National Firearms Amnesty will commence on 1 July, giving Australians an opportunity to hand in unregistered and unwanted firearms and improve community safety. While there have been state-based amnesties since then, it is again time that we give every Australian the chance to dispose of firearms without fear of being prosecuted (16 June 2017). More...

Elder Abuse—A National Legal Response
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is delighted to be launching its Report, Elder Abuse—A National Legal Response (ALRC Report 131), on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2017. The ALRC was asked to consider Commonwealth laws and legal frameworks and how they might better protect older persons from misuse or abuse, and safeguard their autonomy (15 June 2017). More...

LCA: Recommendations in new elder abuse report should trigger decisive Government action
A new incident response scheme for aged care should be introduced, and many of the other key recommendations of the Australian Law Reform Commission's (ALRC's) vitally important report pursued, according to the Law Council of Australia (15 June 2017). More...

Building the national response to elder abuse
Today, on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the Attorney-General welcomes the launch the Australian Law Reform Commission's (ALRC) report on elder abuse – a significant step in the Turnbull Government's efforts to safeguard and protect older people from abuse (14 June 2017). More...

Government delivers for native title stakeholders
The Senate has today passed the Native Title Amendment Bill (Indigenous Land Use Agreement) Bill, restoring certainty to the native title system (14 June 2017). More...

Political attacks on the courts a very worrying trend
The Law Council, speaking on behalf of the Australian legal profession, is calling for an end to political attacks on the judiciary, especially in cases where they might be perceived to interfere with matters currently before the courts (13 June 2017). More...

ASIO Intelligence Sharing Remains Strong
Information-sharing by intelligence agencies has been standard practice through the Joint Counter-Terrorism Teams (JCTT) in each jurisdiction. JCTTs comprise representatives of ASIO, the AFP, and state police in each jurisdiction. How widely intelligence provided by ASIO to JCTTs is shared by state law enforcement agencies is a matter for each state (12 June 2017). More...

Landmark aged care report outlines urgent reform agenda items
A landmark review has called for new laws requiring aged care providers to report any allegations or suspicion of abuse or neglect to an independent body. The Australian Law Reform Commission also wants improved screening of aged care workers and the regulated use of restrictive practices. They are among several recommendations in a report, tabled in parliament on Wednesday 14 June 2017, following an inquiry into the abuse of older Australians (14 June 2017). More...

New police powers to respond to terrorism events
A new Bill has been introduced to Parliament by the Palaszczuk Government to enhance the capacity of police to rapidly and effectively respond to terrorist and other critical incidents (14 June 2017). More...

Beware of dodgy legal advice: QLS
Queensland Law Society president Christine Smyth has issued a warning for people to avoid taking legal advice and representation from unqualified fraudsters posing as lawyers. Ms Smyth said there was growing concern in the profession people may be duped into taking "cheap'' or "free" advice via the internet or from lay advocates holding themselves out as qualified legal practitioners (14 June 2017). More....

State Budget boosts new justice initiatives
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Yvette D'Ath, says today's State Budget will fund more job-creating capital works at courts across the State; increase staff in the Director of Public Prosecutions criminal confiscations unit; continue the roll-out of Domestic Violence (13 June 2017). More... (QLS) More...

QLS announces trial to raise awareness of widespread hidden elder abuse
Queensland's peak legal body has launched a trial designed to raise public awareness of physical, emotional and financial abuse being suffered in silence by society's vulnerable elderly community (14 June 2017). More...

Palaszczuk Government delivers resources to target drug driving
Police will be able to super charge their efforts in removing drug drivers from Queensland roads as part of a series of community safety measures announced in today's State Budget (13 June 2017). More...

Stamping out the scourge of DV one specialist court at a time: QLS
Queensland Law Society has praised the state government's budget commitment to fund the Southport specialist domestic violence court permanently, and roll out two new specialist courts in Townsville and Beenleigh (13 June 2017). More...

In practice and courts

New guide for pro bono lawyers
The Australian Pro Bono Centre has launched 'Client management and self-care – a guide for pro bono lawyers', which can be used to help train lawyers involved in pro bono work and by people across the legal assistance sector.

Accountability and the Law 2017 Conference
The conference will be held on 17 August in Canberra by the Australia Institute.

NDIS costs: Productivity Commission costs position paper, including NIIS comment
Released by the Productivity Commission's NDIS Costs position paper, this it sets out preliminary conclusions and seeks feedback by 12 July 2017.

AAT Bulletin
The AAT Bulletin is a weekly publication containing a list of recent AAT decisions and information relating to appeals against AAT decisions:
Issue No. 25/2017, 20 June 2017
Issue No. 24/2017, 13 June 2017

OAIC: Notifiable Data Breaches draft resources
Draft resources on the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme have been published to assist organisations in understanding their compliance obligations from 22 February 2018. The OAIC is still in the process of developing resources about a number of other topics relating to the NDB scheme. These will be published on our website. Any comments on the draft resources are open until 14 July 2017.

OAIC: Privacy business resource 21: Australian businesses and the EU General Data Protection Regulation
From 25 May 2018 Australian businesses of any size may need to comply with the GDPR if they have an establishment in the European Union (EU), or if they monitor the behaviours of individuals in the EU. The GDPR includes requirements that resemble those in the Privacy Act 1988, and additional measures that similarly aim to foster transparent information handling practices and business accountability around data handling. More...

OAIC: Data + Privacy Asia Pacific Conference 2017
Privacy and data protection regulators from across the Asia Pacific region will join Australian industry leaders and data experts for the Data + Privacy Asia Pacific Conference in Sydney on 12 July this year.

AHRC: OPCAT submissions
The Human Rights Commissioner has released a consultation paper and a call for submissions on Australia's implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). The Federal Government intends to ratify OPCAT by December 2017. Parties wishing to respond to the OPCAT consultation paper should do so by 21 July 2017.

ANAO: Performance audit in-progress
Due to table: July 2017, the audit objective is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of entities' implementation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. More...

AIJA Court Media Officers' Conference
The Conference will be held Thursday 31 August and Friday 1 September 2017 in Sydney.

COAT National Registrars & Executive Officers Conference
Save the date! 20 October 2017 in Adelaide.

Commonwealth Consultations October 2017 - Closing date for comments to the FCA on the General Practice Notes. More...


District Court of Queensland, 2 of 2017: Management of controlled items in court precincts
This Practice Direction applies to proceedings in the civil, criminal and appellate jurisdictions, and repeals and replaces Practice Direction 9 of 2014 (16 June 2017).

CCC serves Brisbane policeman with a notice to appear in court for misusing database
A 31-year-old serving male Sergeant from the Brisbane Police Prosecution Corps was today served with a notice to appear in court for the alleged unauthorised use of a Queensland Police Service (QPS) QPRIME database (13 June 2017). More...

CCC Corruption prevention advisory: Ethics, integrity and elected officials (State government election candidates and Members of Parliament)
This advisory details the major ethical and legal obligations of candidates for state government elections and Members of Parliament. It covers ethical and legal obligations, whilst standing for election and in office; strategies to manage risks; and further information and resources (June 2017). More...

Ethics, integrity and elected officials
State government election candidates and Members of Parliament (June 2017). More...

CCC to hold further hearings relating to Operation Belcarra
The hearings are scheduled to be held at the CCC from 13-15 June 2017. An updated witness list and information about Operation Belcarra is available on the CCC's website. More...

Queensland Courts: District Court Practice Direction 1 of 2017
Practitioners are advised that the District Court of Queensland has released a new practice direction for outlines of argument filed in the Applications List. It requires that a written outline be provided to the Court in all contested and ex parte hearings and sets out the practical requirements of doing so (14 June 2017). More...

Published – articles, papers, reports

Chronology of same-sex marriage bills introduced into the federal parliament: a quick guide
Parliamentary Library Research Publication: 15 June 2017. More...

Composition of Australian parliaments by party and gender: a quick guide
Parliamentary Library Research Publication: 16 June 2017. More...

Uluru Statement: a quick guide
Parliamentary Library Research Publication: 19 June 2017
A constitutional convention bringing together over 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders met last month at the foot of Uluru in Central Australia on the lands of the A?angu people. The majority resolved, in the 'Uluru Statement from the Heart', to call for the establishment of a 'First Nations Voice' in the Australian Constitution and a 'Makarrata Commission' to supervise a process of 'agreement-making' and 'truth-telling'. More...

Foreign political donations
e-brief 02/2017 June 2017: Chris Angus
This e-brief discusses current restrictions on political donations in NSW and other Australian jurisdictions in the light of recent media reports on donations from foreign and foreign-linked donors. It then outlines the means by which donors could bypass these restrictions, before briefly detailing the constitutional limitations to reform as a result of the implied freedom of political communication. More...

Report into allegations of conflict of interest of an officer at the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board
Victorian Ombudsman: 19 June 2017
Public sector leaders must ensure they create an environment in which conflict of interest policies are embedded in their organisational culture: this case is yet another reminder of why this matters. The revamp of fire services in Victoria is an opportunity to ensure best practice. More...

Guideline: Family violence services and accommodation - complying with the Equal Opportunity Act 2010
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission: 19 June 2017
This guideline is specifically targeted toward specialist family violence services and mainstream or universal services that provide crisis response and recovery services and accommodation, including men's behaviour change programs. More...

The determinants of trial duration: a preliminary study
Wai-Yin Wan, Don Weatherburn; NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research: 19 June 2017
To conduct an exploratory analysis of the factors influencing trial duration in the NSW District Criminal Court. More...

OAICnet 15 June 2017
In this issue: Program announced for Data + Privacy Asia Pacific; Meet the international speakers; Virginia Trioli to MC Data + Privacy Asia Pacific.

Australian Bureau of Statistics
14/06/2017 In Focus: Crime and Justice Statistics, Stalking - June 2017 (cat no. 4524.0).

Elder abuse - a national legal response: final report
Australian Law Reform Commission: 14 June 2017
The ALRC was asked to consider Commonwealth laws and legal frameworks and how they might better protect older persons from misuse or abuse, and safeguard their autonomy. More...

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs: position paper
Productivity Commission: 09 June 2017 This position paper outlines the Commission's early thinking on NDIS costs. The purpose of this position paper is to seek feedback on the Commission's preliminary conclusions, and on any additional issues that should be considered before the public release of the final study report. More...


Air New Zealand Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission; PT Garuda Indonesia Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2017] HCA 21
Appeal dismissed with costs. Statutory interpretation – Inconsistency – Where s 13(b) of Air Navigation Act 1920 (Cth) required airlines to comply with "agreement or arrangement" – Where Australia-Indonesia Air Services Agreement "agreement or arrangement" within meaning of ss 12(2) and 13(b) of Air Navigation Act – Where Australia-Indonesia Air Services Agreement required agreement between international airlines on minimum tariffs – Where ss 45 and 45A of Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) prohibited arriving at understandings concerning prices with competitors – Whether ss 12 and 13 of Air Navigation Act inconsistent with ss 45 and 45A of Trade Practices Act such that latter did not apply to contravening conduct.

HFNB; Secretary, Department of Immigration and Border Protection and (Freedom of information) [2017] AATA 870
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION – Establishing date of birth of irregular maritime arrival – absence of credible documentary or other evidence from Respondent – assessment of Departmental interviewers preferred – proposed date of birth must be 'correct' and not 'closer to correct' or 'more likely to be correct' – decision under review set aside and substituted. Freedom of Information Act 1982 ss 48, 50, 57A, 61; Migration Act 1958 s 487Z(1).

Besser; Secretary, Department of Employment and (Freedom of information) [2017] AATA 835
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION — request for access to documents relating to investigations of providers funded under employment services program — documents contain material identifying employment services providers — whether disclosure would unreasonably affect employment services providers adversely in respect of their lawful business, commercial or financial affairs — whether access would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest — decision under review varied. Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, ss 30(1A), 35(3), Freedom of Information Act 1982, ss 3, 3A, 4(1), 11A(5), 11B(3), 15, 22, 27, 31B, 47G, 54L, 61(1)(a), 64(1A), 93A.

Murray v Australian Community Pharmacy Authority [2017] FCA 705
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – judicial review of the Australian Community Pharmacy Authority's recommendation to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing that approval be granted under s 90 of the National Health Act 1953 (Cth) (Act) to supply pharmaceutical benefits at premises – judicial review of delegate's decision to grant the approval under s 90 of the Act – whether application was in respect of whole or part of premises. Held – application dismissed with costs.

Sunraysia Harvesting Contractors Pty Ltd (Trustee) v Commissioner of Taxation [2017] FCA 694
TAXATION – income tax – assessable income – amended assessments –ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – Administrative Appeals Tribunal – appeal – scope – appeal raising question of fact– appeal dismissed. EVIDENCE – burden of proof – party's failure to call evidence of tax adviser involved in alleged sham arrangements. Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) s 44.

Mentink v Minister for Justice (No 2) [2017] FCA 681
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – application for judicial review of Minister's decision on a referral under s 154 of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (Cth) raising an ACLEI corruption issue against staff members of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity – whether Minister failed to take into account relevant considerations – whether Minister's decision affected by an error of law – whether the Minister was limited to considering the information referred under s 154 when making decision – meaning of "raises" in s 154 of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (Cth) – consideration of the effect of a superfluous decision under s 156(2) where no corruption issue raised by referral under s 154 – whether discretion under s 156(2)(c) to take no further action only applies once an investigation is on foot – whether failure of Minister to provide reasons amounted to a failure to afford natural justice or procedural fairness – whether Minister has the power to revoke decisions under s 156(4) of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (Cth) – whether Minister's decision was unreasonable – whether Minister was affected by bias or conflict of interest – whether Minister's decision was affected by fraud or bad faith.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission v McCormack [2017] FCA 672
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – Appeal from Administrative Appeals Tribunal – where respondent contravened a "financial services law" within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) – where respondent involved in contravention of a "financial services law" by another person – where delegate of the applicant made a decision under s 920A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) banning the respondent from providing financial services for five years – where Tribunal found contraventions of relevant law occurred but declined to impose banning order – whether Tribunal applied incorrect test, failed to take into account relevant considerations, failed to constructively exercise jurisdiction or failed to accord the applicant procedural fairness – whether Tribunal's decision manifestly unreasonable, illogical and irrational. Appeal allowed.

Giddings v Australian Information Commissioner [2017] FCA 677
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – application for judicial review of a decision of a delegate of the Australian Information Commissioner under s 54W(a)(ii) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) to refuse to continue to review a decision – whether decision-maker took an irrelevant consideration into account. PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – where delegate named personally as the respondent – whether appropriate to instead name the delegator as the respondent – consideration of the effect of s 34AB(1)(c) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) on the naming of the respondent. PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – applications for closed court, non-publication and suppression orders – whether grounds for making such orders.

Frugtniet v Migration Agents Registration Authority [2017] FCA 537
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – appeal from a decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) to affirm the decision of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) to cancel the applicant's registration as a migration agent – whether Tribunal erred in having regard to matters previously considered by MARA – whether Tribunal took into account irrelevant considerations – whether Tribunal erred in rejecting the application of the privilege against exposure to penalty in proceedings in the Tribunal – meaning of "immigration assistance"– meaning of "deceive" in cl 2.9A of Sch 2 of the Migration Agents Regulations 1998 (Cth) – no estoppel – s 91 of the Evidence Act 1995 (Cth) inapplicable.

Casenote: Hughes v The Queen [2017] HCA 20: Character Evidence
The High Court has today (14 June 2017) by majority, dismissed an appeal from a decision of the Court of Criminal Appeal of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in the case of Hughes v The Queen [2017] HCA 20. The case revolved around whether tendency evidence was inadmissible.

'LP' and The Westin Sydney (Privacy) [2017] AICmr 53
Privacy — Australian Privacy Principles — Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) — APP 3 — Whether collection of personal information was by lawful and fair means – Recording of phone call without participants' knowledge – APP 12 – Access to personal information – Whether three days was an unreasonable period within which to provide access to a call recording.

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission v Katterns [2017] FCA 641
STATUTES – interpretation – amending acts – test to be applied under s 14 of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth) – whether accrued right for application to be determined applying statutory test applicable prior to amendments of Act.
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – appeal from Administrative Appeals Tribunal – where Tribunal decision set aside Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission decision to deny applicant compensation under s 14 of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth) – whether were was evidence before the Tribunal capable of supporting finding of fact – where parties led neither medical evidence nor other evidence to support the kind of intuitive reasoning outlined in EMI (Australia) Ltd v Bes (1970) 2 NSWR 238 – whether the AAT failed to comply with the obligations to give reasons for its decision, in s 44 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) – whether procedural unfairness to Commission – matter remitted to Tribunal.
WORKERS' COMPENSATION – claim for compensation for an injury – former member of Defence Force – disease suffered by an employee – osteoarthritis of the right hip – pre-exciting compensable injury – whether condition aggravated by the reserve military service of the applicant.

Goodchild v Legal Services Commissioner [2017] QSC 117
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – JUDICIAL REVIEW – REVIEWABLE DECISIONS AND CONDUCT – DECISIONS TO WHICH JUDICIAL REVIEW LEGISLATION APPLIES – DECISIONS UNDER AN ENACTMENT – PARTICULAR CASES – where the applicant was convicted on a charge of murder at trial – where the applicant lodged complaints with the respondent in respect of two lawyers and a law practice employee involved in his defence more than five years after the conduct complained of occurred – where the respondent notified the applicant of the respondent's decisions to dismiss two of the complaints and to take no further action in respect of the third complaint – where the applicant applied for judicial review of the three decisions of the respondent under s 20 of the Judicial Review Act 1991 (Qld) – where the respondent brought three applications to summarily dismiss the origination applications for judicial review under s 48 of the Judicial Review Act 1991 (Qld) – whether the originating applications should be dismissed because the decisions which the applicant seeks to review are not decisions to which the Judicial Review Act 1991 (Qld) applies.

Bond v State of Queensland and Anor (No. 2) [2017] QCAT 185
HUMAN RIGHTS – ANTI – DISCRIMINATION – DIRECT DISCRIMINATION – VICTIMISATION – REJECTED COMPLAINT – where subsequent complaint had been rejected by the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland – where applicant seeks leave to amend her current complaint to add in the allegations made in the rejected complaint – whether added complaint was part of original complaint – whether the Tribunal has power to amend a complaint to add in allegations rejected by the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland.

Whalley v Queensland Building and Construction Commission (No 2) [2017] QCAT 188
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS – QUEENSLAND CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL - COSTS – Where a decision was set aside – Where it was found that the decision-maker did not afford natural justice – Where the internal review decision-making process was flawed – Whether the applicant was entitled to recover costs – Where it was held in the interest of justice that the applicant should recover costs – Where the difference between solicitor and own client costs, and party and party costs was considered – Where costs were reduced for possible double-charging for perusal where two firms of solicitors were engaged.

Turnbull v McCreath [2017] QCAT 190
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS – QUEENSLAND CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL – PROFESSIONS AND TRADES – LICENSING OR REGULATION OF OTHER PROFESSION OR TRADES – DEALERS – OTHER DEALERS – REAL ESTATE AGENT – CLAIM AGAINST THE FUND – Where US properties purchased – where unlicensed QLD agent acted for interstate buyer – where some meetings in NSW – where claim made against fund for deposit not repaid and rental monies not paid – whether Tribunal has jurisdiction.



Productivity Commission Amendment (Addressing Inequality) Bill 2017
Introduced and read a first time 14 June 2017 Second reading moved 14 June 2017; Second reading debate 22 June 2017 - The purpose of the Productivity Commission Amendment (Addressing Inequality) Bill 2017 is to improve the quality of information and analysis available about economic inequality in Australia, and to ensure that proper consideration is given to inequality in the public debate about economic policy.

Enhancing Online Safety for Children Amendment Bill 2017
Amends the Enhancing Online Safety for Children Act 2015 to: amend the short title of the Act to the Enhancing Online Safety Act 2015; change the title of the Children's e-Safety Commissioner to the e-Safety Commissioner; expand the role and function of the commissioner to cover Australians more generally rather than only Australian children; permit the commissioner to disclose a broader class of information to specified Commonwealth authorities; and make consequential amendments. Also makes consequential amendments to five other Acts. Senate: Introduced and read a first time 14 June 2017; Second reading moved 14 June 2017; Second reading debate 15 June 2017.


Bills Updated

Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 Introduced on 14/06/2017 Stage reached: Referred to Committee on 14/06/2017.

Subordinate legislation as made

No 91 Liquor (Licence Conditions) Amendment Regulation 2017- Liquor Act 1992 – 16 June 2017 - The objective of the Regulation is to amend the Liquor Regulation 2002 by the insertion of s 3FA - Prescribed conditions of licence for regulated premises.

No 93 Proclamation commencing remaining provisions Corrective Services (Parole Board) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017, commencement date 03 July 2017 – 16 June 2017.

No 98 Adoption (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2017 - Adoption Act 2009 – 23 June 2017.

No 99 Disability Services Regulation 2017 - Disability Services Act 2006 – 23 June 2017.

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