The company has in place a progressive discipline policy, which is designed to assist individuals to effectively perform their responsibilities as an employee and if necessary, improve their performance to meet the company’s expectations.

Progressive discipline involves the following steps:

  1. Level 1 - Verbal warning: A verbal warning is given when minor corrective action is required or when no previous disciplinary action has been taken.
  2. Level 2 -Written warning: A written warning is appropriate where more serious disciplinary action is required or because of a poor response to a previous disciplinary action.
  3. Level 3 - Suspension with or without pay/full and final warning: This is considered when the nature of the offence is so serious that a lower level of discipline is not appropriate. There is repeated unacceptable conduct or there has been a poor response to previous disciplinary action.
  4. Level 4 - Termination with just cause: This level will be implemented when conduct is so serious as to constitute a fundamental breach of the employment relationship, or there has been repeated unacceptable behaviour after a final warning and/or suspension.

Depending on the seriousness of the conduct, the past performance of the employee and the employee’s response to prior disciplinary action, disciplinary measures may begin at any step of the disciplinary process, including termination for cause.