25 April 2019

A Revelation Of The Wisdom And Mystery Behind The Death, Burial And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ And Our Victory

Perchstone & Graeys


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That was My Father's Wisdom!
Nigeria Strategy

That was My Father's Wisdom! That was the Father's Wisdom, that beat the enemy hands down! That was the Father's Wisdom; My death, burial and resurrection was the Father's Wisdom! Had the prince of this World known, they would not have crucified Me! This is the greatest event on Earth; My Death, Burial And Resurrection! I spoiled principalities! I made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them! I took the keys from the devil! I didn't die for nothing! I Am Not A Martyr! I Died A Victorious Death! I died a victorious death! I died in victory and it was for your sake! It was for your sake! I went all the way! All the way! I was so willing! In My mind-eye I saw you and I endured the pain! I endured the shame; it was for you! It was for your sake! It wasn't easy but it was worth it! I was tempted but again without sin! I endured rejection! I endured deprivation! I endured denial of both Associates! I carried the weight of the World upon My shoulders! It wasn't easy! I carried it! I was made sin and abomination for your sake! Let the World know this that I paid for their sins, took their place in darkness when they did not even know Me! When they did not even know Me! I went all the way! All the way for the sake of humanity! For the sake of humanity! To prepare, to produce a new race! A new race! A new race! A separate people! That is the new creation!

I dealt with sin, once and for all! I paid the full Price! I am an over-payment! All the punishments for your sins were upon Me! I absorbed the fiery judgment of God against sin! I absorbed it, the fiery judgment! The fiery judgment of God! I absorbed it! I absorbed the Justice of God! The Justice of the Father, I absorbed it! The fiery judgment of God! Without restrictions, just willingly! (Sobs) I absorbed it! It was traumatic but it was worth it! And I died! I laid down My life and I went to Hades and beat the devil hands down, and I arose in victory! As a receipt! As a testament! As a testimony of My Victory! That death has no power over Me again! Sons take this seriously! This is the totality of the Gospel! To Tell The World That I Came To Show The World Who The Father Is! I Came As A Perfect Representation Of The Father!

The Father Has Been So Misrepresented By The World and Even By The Church! No Wonder I Say That He That Has Seen Me, Has Seen The Father! Men Have Thought All Over The World That The Father Is Responsible For The Evils In The World! But I Am Not! I Am A Loving God! The Son Came As A Representation To Show Who The Father Looks Like! To Prove To The World That The Father Is Love! Please Take Advantage Of This And Teach The Nations Of My Love! My death cannot be in vain (sobs...) Worship Me! I have been glorified for you, you need to have the heart for Me, so you can go far for Me! You need to be desperate for Me, for you to live for Me! If I could die for you, is it too big to ask for you to live for Me? I paid the debt! I left My Heavenly Glory because in My estimation you are worth it! I Paid The Price! I Paid The Full, Final And Over Payment To Purchase You! So, You Can't Live For Yourself Because You Are Not Your Own! You Are Paid For! You Are Bought With A Precious Blood! Please Don't Live For Yourself! Please Don't Live For Yourself! Live For Me! Please Live For My Kingdom And Your Life Will Become Profitable! Life ceases to be a burden when you live for the purpose for which you have been destined. Separate yourself and inquire from Me and know your part in this Assignment! I know your heart! I know your passion that you may take it! But remember, please remember that this is a new dispensation. It's a new Order. It's a new Order.

The World Is Hurting! The World Is Hurting Because They Don't Know Me! The World Is Hurting! Don't Mind Them, The World Is Hurting! Don't Mind The World With The Accolades And Things They Go Around With; The World Is Hurting! I Tell You From The Perspective I View The World From, Everything Lies Bare Before Me And I Tell You, The World Is Hurting, And You Are My Change Agents! You Are My Messengers To Heal The Broken Hearts Of This World! I Am All That The World Needs! I Am The Solution And I Mean The Only Solution To The Problem Of Humanity! All That Was Written In The Scriptures Were All Around Me! Though The Sacrifices, All Were Make-Shift Waiting For The Substance, Which Is Me! Please Don't Take Me For Granted. Please Don't Take Me For Granted.

My Name Is Jesus! The Bright And Morning Star! He Who Was And He That Is To Come! I Say I Hold The Keys Of David And I Am Holding It For Your Favor! Because I Live You Will Not Be Consumed! Because I Live, You Will Not Fail! Because I Live, Your Life Will Take On A New Meaning For You, Because I Live! I Represent You In The Godhead, Please Represent Me On Earth! Please, In Love, In Love, Treat Men In Love, Treat Men With Love! I Feel Like Baring My Heart To You: We Want The Whole World To Know That I Am The Solution To The Challenge Of Humanity! No Method Can Solve The Problem Of Man Because The Challenge Of Man Is Not External, It's The Nature. I Am The Only One That Can Change The Nature! I Can Reconstitute The Nature Of Man! That Is What Happens At New Birth! I Reconstitute And I Recreate! That Is Why, When A Man Is Born Again, He Is Called A New Creation Because A Recreation Occurs! Be Not Envious Of The Wicked Because You Know Their End. Rather Pray For Them! Rather Minister To Them!

I Want The Whole World To Know! I Want The Whole World To Know That I Am Alive! That I Am Alive! Oh, That I Am Alive! It's A Proof Of The Defeat Of The Devil! It Is A Proof That The Righteous Justice Of The Father Has Been Met! That The Righteous Demand Of The Eternal Court Of Justice Has Been Met In Full! Thus, You Are Discharged And Acquitted! My Resurrection Is A Receipt Of Your Discharge And Acquittal! Showing That The Full Demands Of The Eternal Court Of Justice Has Been Met! Never Again Will The Enemy Have The Final Say In Your Life, Because You Have Been Discharged And Acquitted! The Eternal Demand Of Justice Has Been Met! Oh Yes, It Has Been Met! Once A Man Accepts This, He Walks Into It! He Walks Into It Vitally! He Walks Into Freedom! The Price Has Been Fully Paid And The Eternal Judge Has Declared You Acquitted (Laughter)! All You Need Is To Walk Into Victory! Walk Into Freedom With No Track Record Of The Past! With No Record Of Sin! With No Record Of The Past! You Are Discharged And Acquitted Of The Charge In Your Account! That Is Why I Said That I Took The Full Dosage Of The Judgment! It Is An Insult To Go Through What I Have Gone Through Again! It Is Against The Law Of Double Jeopardy! Refuse to pay twice for the goods! Refuse to pay twice! What has been paid has been paid for! All I say is to receive! Receive it and walk in the light of it! Walk in the light of it! Walk in the light of it! Oh, It Is A Full Bundle! It's A Full Bundle! The Bundle Of Salvation! It's A Full Bundle! A Full Package! That When A Man Receives And Walk In The Reality Of It, He Becomes An Amazement To His World! He Becomes An Amazement Even To Angels! Oh, The Price Has Been Paid! I Say Paid In Full! The Price Has Been Paid! That Is The Essence Of My Death, My Burial And My Resurrection! That Is The Essence!

Oh, That The World Will Know This! Oh, That The World Will Know This! Oh, That The World Will Know This, That I Am Not The Founder Of Christianity! No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Christianity Is Not A Religion! I Am Not The Founder! No, I Am Not! I Am Not! I Am The Son Of God! I Am The Son Of God! I Did Not Die For Christians! I Died For The World! I Am Not The God Of Christians; I Am The God Of The Whole Universe! Eternity Knows! Even The Devil Knows! Even Mohammed Knows! They Know That I Am God! I Am God! I Am God All By Myself! Oh Yes, That Is The Grace Of The Lord Jesus! That Is What It Means. That Is What St. Paul Meant When He Said The Grace! It Is Overwhelming! It Can Convert A Man! It Can Turn A Man! It's My Goodness That Draw Men To Repentance, When They Know What I Have Done To Them! When They Know What I Have Done For Them, They Will Appreciate It And Live For Me Effortlessly! My Love Draws Men! My Love Compels Men! Please tell them! You are My Messenger in this world! You are My Ambassador! All the other things that accompany Salvation, they are cheaply delivered when you understand this! Never Forget This, That You Have Been Discharged And Acquitted! Never Forget This; THAT I HAVE PAID THE PRICE IN FULL! NOTHING TO BE ADDED! DON'T ADD ANYTHING TO IT! JUST RECEIVE IT AND WALK IN THE LIGHT OF IT! I Have Given You The Key To A Victorious Life! I Have Given You The Key To An Effective Life! I Have Given You The Key To Walk In My Light And Enjoy The Benefit Of The Best Of My Experience!

It was a wonderful moment that precious day! It was a wonderful moment! The whole Heaven was on stand-still! Angels were amazed, they didn't understand the mystery! Even the devil did not understand! It was a mighty Gulf! It was an amazing moment! I wish you will understand this. I hope you will understand this! It's an amazing time for the Church of Christ! It is an amazing time for the Church because the Revelation of the Cross is coming to the Church! Men will understand what happened in the Cross, what happened in the Grave and what happened when I arose! Read about it! Study about it! I Am The Centre Of The Bible! Everything Revolves Round Me! Because I Am The Pride Of Israel! (Laughter) I Am The Redeemer! The Kinsman Redeemer And I Am Coming Soon With My Reward In My Hands To Give To Everyone According As His Labor Has Been! I Am Coming Soon! I Am Coming Soon! Tell Men About My First Coming And Get Them Ready For My Second Coming! I Came The First Time To Deal With Sin! I Am Coming For The Second Time To Take My People Home! Get Ready And Get Others Ready Says The Son Of God!


What do think that the men of old knew? What do you think that the men of old knew? That made them go through all kinds of persecutions. What do you think that Peter knew? What do you think that John knew that made them happy to be counted worthy to suffer for Me? Men of old knew this! This revelation will put springs on your feet! If you understand this, you will not need motivation to preach the Gospel! You will not need motivation to preach the Gospel! You will not! It will be effortless because you know what it means! You know! You know! You know! Align Yourself! Align Yourself! Keep Your Eye On The Finished Work! Don't Trust In Your Abilities, Trust In Me! Trust Me In Everything! Trust Me For Your Finances! Trust Me For Your Health! Trust Me For Your Emotional Needs! I Care About Those Things! Talk To Me Like A Friend. Talk To Me Like A Confidant. Talk To Me Like A Father, I Will Never Cast You Away. I Know Your Yearnings. I Know Your Longings. I Hear The Unsaid Words. I Hear The Longings Of Your Heart. I Know Your Thoughts From Afar. I Just Want To Tell You That I Care About You. I Just Want To Tell You That I Love You. My Love Is Unconditional. You Are Engraved In My Heart (Sobs).

Be not afraid! Be not dismayed! I am able to keep you from falling! I will present you faultless without blemish! I will protect you from anything that defiles! I will keep you unspotted from the World! Unspotted from the World! Undefiled, I will keep you! I will keep you. I will preserve you. I will uphold you with My righteous hand. I will energize you from within (laughter). I have begun a good work in you, I will finish it. This Mustard Seed That Has Begun Here, Don't Be Selfish About It. Request For More Details And Be A Blessing To Humanity Through It. Teach Men! Teach Men! Analyze These Visions! Analyze These Revelations And Teach Men! Let No Man That Comes Here, Return Without A Change Of Heart! Teach Men In Love. Teach Men! Reveal Me To Men! Instruct Men In The Ways Of Righteousness. I Will Be With You. I Will Be With You. Your Family Is Preserved. Don't Be Anxious About Anything. Before The Need Arises, The Supply Will Be Waiting! (Triumphant Laughter) Tap Into Heaven's Budget (Laughter)! Tap Into My Budget! Tap Into My Provisions! That Is Why You Are A Christian (Laughter)! There Is Provision For You! There Is Provision For You! You Can Draw From That Account Now!

All Your Needs Are Met! All Your Needs Are Met! I Have Gone Ahead Of You! I Have Gone Ahead Of You! I Have Gone Ahead Of You, Fear Not! Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Bold! Be Courageous! You Are The Son Of A Lion! You Are The Son Of A Lion (Laughter). Yes, You Are The Son Of A Lion! Be Outspoken! Speak Out For The Gospel! Speak Out For Truth! Speak Out For The Advancement Of The Gospel! Speak Out For The Betterment Of Humanity! Speak Out, Let The World Hear Your Voice Says The Son Of God!

Received by Chisom Azubuike and Ikenna Okafor on Good Friday, April 19, 2019 at 5:50am And 6:33am in Igbo-Efon, Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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