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Employee Benefits & Compensation
Taylor Wessing
Het wetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de re-integratieverplichtingen in het tweede ziektejaar bij werknemers van kleine en middelgrote werkgevers is een onderdeel van het in april gepresenteerde arbeidsmarktpakket.
Taylor Wessing
The legislative proposal to amend the reintegration obligations in the second year of illness for employees of small and medium-sized employers is part of the labour market package presented in April 2023.
Loyens & Loeff
De Advocaat-Generaal ("A-G") bij het Europese Hof van Justitie ("HvJ") concludeert in zes zaken dat Nederlandse pensioenfondsen waarschijnlijk...
ACG International
Labour and Employment Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Netherlands, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Ius Laboris
Employers in the Netherlands should be aware that in addition to previously announced (expected) legislative changes, the following rules in the HR field have come into effect as of 1 January 2024.
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart
Under the Netherlands' 30 percent ruling, eligible highly skilled foreign employees can receive 30 percent of their agreed total compensation tax-free to the extent that 30 percent...
Loyens & Loeff
On 24 November 2023, the internet consultation closed on the bill on amending reintegration obligations in the second year of illness for employees of small and medium-sized employers.
Osborne Clarke
The Dutch Supreme Court recently issued a ruling that clarifies that an employee must expressly and specifically consent to the deduction of vacation days from the employee's...
Loyens & Loeff
On 27 October 2023, the Dutch Lower House adopted two amendments to the 2024 Tax Plan to further scale back the so-called '30%-ruling' for foreign employees with specific expertise.
Loyens & Loeff
An employer may, under certain circumstances, be required to notify an employee of a change in regulations that is relevant to the employee's tax position. This was ruled by the Supreme Court on 22 September 2023.
Jeder ausländische Staatsangehörige (Nicht-EU-Bürger) benötigt einen Sponsor, um sich legal in den Niederlanden aufzuhalten und arbeiten zu können.
European Union
Taylor Wessing
15 november 2023 was het European Equal Pay Day. Op deze dag wordt stilgestaan tussen de – nog steeds – bestaande loonkloof tussen mannen en vrouwen.
Taylor Wessing
15 November 2023 was European Equal Pay Day. This day focuses on the - still - existing pay gap between men and women.
Loyens & Loeff
On 30 March 2023, the European Parliament adopted the legislative proposal of the European Commission to strengthen the application...
TMF Group BV
TMF Group BV
ACG International
The Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad der Nederlanden) upheld the two decisions of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal of 21 December 2021...
TMF Group BV
TMF Group的《2023年全球商业复杂性指数》(GBCI 2023)基于与商业复杂性相关的292个不同指标展开分析。我们的分析涵盖三个核心企业管理领域,并最终对每
TMF Group BV
O Índice Global de Complexidade Corporativa 2023 da TMF Group explora 292 diferentes indicadores relacionados à complexidade corporativa.
TMF Group BV
El Índice Global de Complejidad Corporativa 2023 de TMF Group analiza 292 indicadores diferentes relacionados con la complejidad corporativa.
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