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Retirement, Superannuation & Pensions
K&L Gates
The legal minimum hourly wage has increased to €11.65 gross (from €11.52 in 2023). The amount of the monthly minimum wage in France is now €1,766.92 gross for 35 worked hours per month.
Littler Mendelson
In France, profit-sharing is the new black. After years of statutory value-sharing bonuses (starting in 2018) and the introduction of compulsory profit-sharing schemes in companies with at least 50 employees...
Ius Laboris
France adopted controversial changes to its pension system on 14 April 2023, with most relevant provisions coming into effect from 1 September.
L&E Global
Until now, the severance indemnity paid to employees within a mutual termination agreement was subject to 20% social security contributions (for the indemnity not exceeding...
Soulier Avocats
Since September 1, 2023, a new social regime applies to the mutual termination indemnity.
Soulier Avocats
A compter du 1er septembre 2023, un nouveau régime social s'appliquera à l'indemnité de rupture conventionnelle.
Grant Thornton Société d’Avocats
A compter du 1er septembre 2023, la fraction exonérée des cotisations sociales de l'indemnité de rupture conventionnelle et de l'indemnité de mise à la retraite...
L&E Global
Decrees 2023-435 and 2023-436, in application of the new pension reform law, were published on 3 June 2023. In summary, they set out the rules on the progressive increase of the pension...
Grant Thornton Société d’Avocats
Ce projet d'accord est ouvert à la signature jusqu'au mercredi 22 février 2023.
Factorhy Avocats
Labour and Employment Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of France, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Harvey Law Group
A new pension reform law was enacted on April 14th 2023, which increases the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years old.
Ius Laboris
The part of the proposal that has gotten the most public attention is a gradual increase in the retirement age from 62 to 64. There is much more to the plan, however.
De Gaulle Fleurance & Associes
Avec l'évolution de la situation sanitaire et l'augmentation des cas liés au variant Delta, le Président Emmanuel Macron a annoncé ce 12 juillet 2021, des nouvelles mesures visant à inciter...
August Debouzy
Le décret relatif à l'activité partielle est enfin paru au JO du 25 mars 2020. Il entre en application immédiatement ...
Valmy Avocats AARPI
This international agreement is a double-edged sword as it can help your retirement benefits as much as it can harm them.
Soulier Avocats
These employees must provide proof of their anxiety-related damage, and the employer's failure to comply with its obligation to ensure safety must be established.
Soulier Avocats
La Cour de cassation a étendu le préjudice d'anxiété à toutes les substances nocives ou toxiques dans un arrêt du 11 septembre 2019.
Soulier Avocats
La loi n° 2019-486 du 22 mai 2019 relative à la croissance et à la transformation des entreprises, dite loi Pacte, transforme les seuils d'effectifs et apporte du renouveau sur les dispositifs d'épargne salariale.
Soulier Avocats
Law n°2019-486 dated May 22, 2019 on business growth and transformation, known as the "PACTE" Law, transforms the workforce thresholds and amends the rules governing employee savings schemes in many respects.
August Debouzy
Alors que précédemment seuls étaient indemnisés les salariés exposés à l'amiante dont leur entreprise figurait sur une liste établie...
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