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Corporate and Company Law
GRATA International
В настоящее время все большую популярность приобретает перенос или редомициляци&
Unicase Law Firm
Can a Kazakh LLP's Debts to Shareholders be Converted into Equity?" - This question has been on the minds of many recently, as businesses seek innovative solutions...
Unicase Law Firm
Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) is an innovative financial hub that plays an important role in the development of the economy of Kazakhstan...
GRATA International
Известно, что в Казахстане бизнес зачастую работает посредством совместных предп
Unicase Law Firm
Establishing a legal entity in Central Asia requires an understanding of the specifics of each country's legal framework.
Tukulov & Kassilgov Litigation
The Karachaganak field (also known as Karachaganak) is one of the largest oil and gas fields in the world, located in the western part of Kazakhstan.
Unicase Law Firm
Unicase team provides full support during the registration of the company in Kazakhstan through preparation of necessary documents, assistance with the governmental agencies on the process of registration...
GRATA International
За последний год значительно возрос интерес иностранных инвесторов к Международ&
GRATA International
Over the past year, there has been a significant increase in the interest of foreign investors in the Astana International Financial Centre ("AIFC"). In addition to registering new companies...
GRATA International
За последний год значительно...
Unicase Law Firm
Over the past 27 years, the Republic of Kazakhstan ("RK") has been involved in more than 19 arbitration proceedings related to the breach of its obligations...
GRATA International
Let us to introduce you the 'Doing Business in the Republic of Kazakhstan' publication developed by GRATA International.
GRATA International
Перед Вами издание «Ведение бизнеса в Республике Казахстан», подготовленное GRATA International.
Unicase Law Firm
The topic of options in transactions with partnership interests and their enforceability is becoming more and more relevant due to the growth of foreign investments in the country.
Unicase Law Firm
Тема опционов при заключении сделок с долями товариществ и их исполнимости станов
Unicase Law Firm
В настоящее время договорные отношения компаний часто связаны со спором, а иногда
Unicase Law Firm
As of September 2022, 52 countries had approved their low-carbon development strategies. European Union and the United States of America set carbon neutral targets by 2050 and China by 2060.
GRATA International
В 2022 году продолжился процесс внесения важных изменений в финансовое законодатель
GRATA International
Ержан Есимханов, партнер GRATA International, в интервью Forbes Kazakhstan рассказал о работе фирмы, вопросах, связа
GRATA International
Одним из эффективных инструментов управления товариществом с ограниченной отве&#
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